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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
So since taking the month of no contact with the abf (wk and a half so far), I have had 2 male friends that I haven't spoken to in awhile actually ask me to go to coffee or something. One of them even suggested dinner. They both acted really complimentary and happy to catch up.
The one actually planned to go for coffee and was going to let me know what time. He never answered back later and actually hasn't texted me for days. This guy is a big drinker so I wasn't really surprised. Coffee or dinner is not really his style.
The other said that he doesn't do much and said that it's hard to meet someone. I agreed. We emailed a bit and now no word for 2 or 3 days.
I am not looking for a relationship, but a friend to do little things with would be fun for me, to get out a bit and such. Neither knew that I have just gotten out of a relationship.
It really doesn't upset me too much as I don't have any real hopes as I haven't had much luck in finding people to do things with.
But now I am wondering, what is wrong with me. I never pressed or was desparate or anything. Just chitchatting and hoping to get together. I don't think I am boring or pushy or anything. I just wonder what happened.
I wasn't the one making any first move or inviting them to do things, but I wasn't shooting them down either. Am I doing something wrong? It made me feel good to get some attention, but now I feel kind of like a jerk for thinking that these guys meant what they said. Any input? This is dumb and too long.
I think that nothing is wrong with you at all. :) Put the responsibility back on the people doing the not-so-nice actions - it is their problem, and their loss if they don't follow through. Good for you for not being pushy or trying to force the situation. We all know that forcing it or taking control doesn't work out well.
Just hang in, stuff will start to fall into place all by itself. :)
I think you may have dodged a bullet in not going out to dinner with a guy who is a big drinker. In fact both of these guys seem to have shown you their true colors -- flaky.
A guy who isn't interested or doesn't have a lot of time won't set up or agree to getting together. If he does set up or agree to it, a together guy follows through. Even if something tips him off that "This isn't a person I want to get to know any further," he doesn't flake on the person. He shows up and is polite but doesn't suggest another get-together, Or if necessary he politely gets in touch before the first get-together and says he can't make it after all. If these guys had done any of those things, maybe (just maybe) it could have been some impression you gave. But since these guys just flaked without warning, the blame is totally on them. That is not a mature way to behave.
The next thing some of these irresponsible guys do is show up again with some big excuse -- or acting all friendly and not even mentioning that they ignored the earlier plans to get together. Then they're very charming and suck us back in. But as the saying is, "When someone tells you who he is, believe him."
I'm increasingly seeing that finding healthy friends is a numbers game. You have to go through a lot of initial chats and getting to know people along the way. Healthy people watch out for those red flags, and when they see them, they politely move on. It's the willingness to move on that's key. Hope you get together with some more reliable folks soon!
Yes, believe him! I have been suckered and flimflammed enough by the A. Move forward, not backward.
I am glad that I didn't end up going with the drinker. That would be going nowhere. He is 40 yrs old with I think 3 dwis and hangs with the younger crowd, def not my style. Nice enough person for coffee, but that's about it.
The other guy? Well, who really cares?
Thanks me too. Thanks for the red flag comment. I give people way too much credit when they don't even earn it.
I think that is what the steps are for, that we learn what our part in the whole mess is. I am looking forward to finding out what my part is... I think we look to get attention and that is what these guys can do, give us a little creature comfort that teases us into thinking they will be there no matter what... Thanks for this share
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
Why does it mean theres something wrong with you? Maybe there's something wrong with them it wouldn't be un heard of, would it? were always so quick to take the blame, sounds like u checked yourself, things just happen sometimes wait, be stilll,don't re-act, thats what i find helos, and alot of times things pan out and i had nothing to do w/ it..
I realized from experience that when I am feeling like I really need company, the best place for me to go is to a meeting. I went to one last weekend. It was a new one and I haven't been to a meeting in over 6 months. It was a womens only and they mentioned in the meeting they would be going out for coffee afterwards. It seems it was something they did often, so my plan is go next weekend and go for coffee too if they mention it again. When my husband was away at rehab, I reconnected with some friends from my past and in a way I regret it. I should have spent that time working on taking care of me. The time passed, my husband returned home, and life went on. I lost touch with those friends once again. I guess it just wasn't meant to be at that moment in my life.
Just my experience... Everything happens for a reason.
When I am confounded, I always ask myself, "what step are you on today?" If I don't know, I go back to step one and do the 1-2-3 waltz on my knees. In my humanness, I cannot discern what the heck is wrong with me. When I am working my program, I am not so concerned about what is wrong with me, rather, I ask God to direct my thinking and actions and teach me how to live. Everything else falls into place as people, places, and things lose their power over me.
I tell my sponsees, when they want to date - that they need very solid boundaries to do so successfully. It is vital that you are also able to focus squarely on you and not day dream or fantasize about this person or anything else. When we day dream, we are escaping our lives and not in reality. It is the disease talking, when you ask yourself 'what is wrong with you' bc nothing is. I would look at your feelings, focus on feeling and allowing yourself to process whatever it is that is telling you negative things about yourself.
I practised focusing on just *me* and my program for several months before I was ready to date again, in a healthier way. I had some solid initial boundaries... I did not want to be with another A again, no matter what. At that time (a few years ago) I was still drinking frequently myself - so if it appeared as if they could not emote emotionally and share themselves emotionally and then (further along) be able to grasp and confortalby share in the intimacy. As a former recovering love addict - I felt I needed that imtimacy. Program taught me to find and discover me inside of myself first, to know myself, to accept and to love, nurutre and support myself in a healthier way. Loving me came after I was kind and gentle to me and I changed my inner dialogue. I began to give me a chance and I began to grow.
I also had to determine what my true needs were versus the wants, fantasies and dreams I lived out. I was told that my needs are non-negotiable and (ultimately) my wants are completely irrelvant. We are entitled and owe it to us, to get our own needs met in an adult and mature way. I am not entitled to sacrifice my needs or compromise me for another, ever. I have my own ethics and standards and if I dont raise them and strive for better within myself, how can I attract that in a mate?
You must focus on YOU and what you love and value about yourself and the stuff you dont appreciate within, forgive it and let it go, then work to be the partner you want to attract. Dont expect things of other people - you take your own positive actions and get busy and enjoy the process/experience of life. Everyone is attracted to kindness and everyone wants to feel good and be accepted. Dont compromise you in the mean time. People pleasing only gets you ppl that want to manipulate and use you, you are worth more than that. You are "worth" whatever you think you are. I wanted dignity and respect but I had to develop that inside of me first.
Then when ppl dont resepct me or they cannot accept my boundary, then I adapt and I do accept what they are telling and showing me. Listen with your eyes. Do you feel good and better about yourself when you are with X person or do they leave you feeling uneasy? I began to learn to identify my reactions and perceptions and I dont want to be around someone I dont feel amazing around. You have to practise feeling amazing on your own first, though. Focus on you, your interests and being dynamic in what you are passionate about and interested in. Get interested in things and you become more interesting, develop yourself and what you like. Do something you always wanted to but were afraid to try. Interesting people are interested, engaged and involved in living. I think this makes us even more attractive to others. Think about it, we like kindness and we are attracted to dynamic and active people. Be kind and gentle to you and dynamic in your own life -then you will see people coming out of the wood work to commuinicate with you, share with you and enjoy living.
So what is wrong with you? Absolutely nothing. The peace and all the happiness in the world is within you, inside of you. What is allowing you to not feel your best? or the magic question for me always has been: What can I do to allow me to feel better right now -emotionally and/or about my immediate situation. Then do that thing, whatever it is - some days for me it was eating unhealthy decadent ice cream, other days it was the complete opposite. Some days I read a book, hugged a tree, wrote a letter, took a nap, did some forgivness work on me and others, work my program and talk to other alanons so I could get more healthy ideas to cope with my life easier. Life has gotten so much easier and better! Today I can accept what others show me and resepct them for who they are and move on to find a healthier person. I want to feel good, accepted and loved by my mate. That only can happen when they are supportive, understanding and human back to me, we both practise detaching from controlling the other. Some days I have to say, that is my job, my work, my program - you can only change & control YOU.
We always have choices.
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
Like everyone else has said, there's nothing wrong with YOU. It's all on them.
If this was me, I'd be grateful that these guys were showing me how unreliable they were so early.
Okay, that's the new improved Al-Anon me talking. The old me would have been wondering, "What did I do/say wrong? What can I do to get this guy to like me again?"
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could... Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. - Emerson
Thank you everyone for your responses. I appreciate them all.
I do not feel so stupid anymore. I think I need attention to carry on. I have always thought that way and if nobody was there, I would fall into a hole of self pity. There are so many things lately that I can see that are changing, things that I've learned, just so many things by being alone. By being away from the A. Gosh it's true. When you are alone and there IS nobody else to focus on, you sure can learn a lot.
This post here. I am better off not constantly talking with these people. Then I am taking the focus off of me and drowning myself in them. I am actually very happy at this point hearing nothing. I am learning patience. Do you believe it? Me? I don't need to be sitting around obsessing anymore and wondering about everyone else. I just got away from that. Just because you get used to something doesn't mean you like it.
Some statements that I have been making lately, some to myself and some outloud, just make me cry. I am starting to "get" it. I do believe that there are many more "aha" moments to come. It's what I do with them...
Thank you all for being here to support me and for giving me true "light bulb" moments.
I plan on taking a very long break from even considering members of the opposite gender - I've read that you should have 6 months to a year at least in between relationships. Plus, I'm really enjoying the peace and quiet of having my life back to myself again and there are a lot of things I didn't do over the last three years that I want to go back to doing.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I am having a hard time, but I decided until i get stable within myself and my thinking the opposite sex is a no no for me even chatting online. I am focusing on avoiding relationships until I am through the steps and given myself enough time to get over my divorce that isn't final until July. I know even for a long time after that I am in no shape to pick out a healthy mate until i feel much healthier. I am worth the time and energy and will be better for it. I hand it over to HP that when it's time someone will wow me down the road like none ever have!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
You are right. And like everyone says, when you are healthy yourself, then that is the kind of people you attract. Thanks flop. I always appreciate your support.