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Is my qualifier. My abf. My sweet abf who is really a great person inside...he is the one I am obsessed with and addicted to. My sickness is so great that I can't focus on me for one minute. 30 seconds is too long sometimes. I struggle all day. I am so tired from a life time of concentrating on everyone else. I am sick of it. But I keep going back. And I know that I am probably sicker than him now. I can only imagine what he goes through thinking about his D.O.C.
The open aa meeting that I went to last week really opened me up to changing. It was awesome to be able to talk with them during and after the meeting. They were a really helpful bunch.
I work at the front desk of a place where many people come in. I can smell alcohol on some people when they come in the front door. The smell hits me like a ton of bricks. I can see it in their faces and in their eyes that they are alcoholics. One guy that comes in every other week to get his check, I know is either on heroin or oxycontin or some other opiate, I can tell by his eyes and how constricted his pupils are. I am sad that these things are now in my knowledge. But I am glad too because if not, I would not have turned to alanon...
I don't know where I am going with this post, I just needed to be honest and say it. My drug of choice is my bf. I am so tired of constantly feeling like I am worried about him, I so want to be done with my codependency. I want to learn and heal.
I am planning on starting karate where my kids take classes just so I have something to do that is just for me. That and meetings. Thanks....
-- Edited by youfoundme on Wednesday 11th of May 2011 01:39:48 PM
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
What an insightful realization. That's where the healing begins I think. I am so happy to hear that you will be trying new things, and sticking with the meetings.
Very inspiring post. Keep sharing your progress. Great news!!! Yay you!!
Thanks 922 :) I need all the support I can get... I wasn't even sure if I should have posted that realization, but it was calling to me to get it out... thanks :)
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
Awareness is a great start. Our behaviors and "addictions" develop over time. It takes a long time to try and change these "learned" behaviors. Putting the focus back on you sounds great, and learning karate sounds like a fun distraction. Keep us posted.
I can identify with this post. A few years ago I was so obsessed with my A I could do nothing else but think of him, snoop to find out what he was doing, how he was doing and how to try to control the situation. It was exasperating and I couldn't even go a minute without obsessing about him. That lasted for about a year until I went to Al-anon.
Two years into it, I am so different than I used to be. It is hard on him because he felt I showed him he is important with my obsession. He hated it but loved it at the same time. Now that I am no longer obsessed he thinks I don't care anymore. He will get over it working his own program.
The Karate will be great. Congratulations. I didn't even think of things like that until six months ago. :)
Took me a long time to realize I can only control myself. So wonderful to see you doing this for yourself. It only get's better from here.
I've also realized that people, most especially ones whom I'm involved with romantically, are my drug of choice.
I got myself completely thrown off balance when I just very briefly dated an alcoholic not too long ago. It really did seem like I'd been give a dose of some addictive substance because I suffered some serious withdrawals after the relationship ended, and I hadn't even SLEPT with the guy!
Really amazing stuff. I just have to bring the knowledge to my HP, though, and say "so what should I do with this now? Clearly I'm powerless over my reactions, either that, or I need some guidance in how to better handle these things."
Great awareness and you are moving forward with doing something for yourself and kids. I relate with you and I fight my codependency with my A everyday. It is progress not perfection. And I hand him over to my Hp daily. Sounds like you are heading in the right direction, Yeah for you!!!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666