The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just finished step 5 with my sponsor yesterday and words can't describe how I feel, but I'll try .
I keep thinking, maybe this has worked for some people but it isn't going to work for me. I've always been a very cynical person, the glass is always half-empty. I've been proven wrong ever single step so far. There were some extremly hurtfull things on my list of fears and resentments involving every important person in my life and I thought for sure I would never be able to let them go. But I did.
The 12 steps work! This is the first time in my life I am looking forward to the future. I feel so free from all that stuff I was holding on to. All I have to do is remember a few simle things and live my life by thoes principals.
I need to love the people in my life (and others who I come into contact with) just the way they are right now with no strings attached. I need to trust that my God will guide me and protect and take care of me. I need to know that God will put me where I should be and use me in whatever way I am needed.
That's it. Pretty simple. I know life will go on and more life will happen to me, good and bad, but now I have these tools. I didn't have this before and that's why my life was unmanagable.
Don't wait to do the steps! Get a sponsor and do it!! They really work if you work them!
The 12 steps work! This is the first time in my life I am looking forward to the future. I feel so free from all that stuff I was holding on to. All I have to do is remember a few simle things and live my life by thoes principals.
I need to love the people in my life (and others who I come into contact and that's why my life was unmanagable.
Don't wait to do the steps! Get a sponsor and do it!! They really work if you work them!
Dear Aimee Wow Great share and great work Thanks for sharing this journey!!!
Thanks Aimee for sharing your experiences with the steps. Your post will likely encourage many to follow in your footsteps. No wonder this board is called Miracles in Progress.
I have been attending only meetings so far for the last two months. I have looked over the steps numerous times. By the time I arrived at Al-Anon, I discovered that I've completed steps 1 -3. Now, I'm ready to get a sponsor for step 4. I've only exposed myself to 2 groups, however. I haven't found that someone whom I'm drawn to. Therefore, I'm planning to attend different meetings in the area; I'm fortunate that there are many!
In hindsight, Al-Anon is giving me so much more than individual counseling ever did. Instead of whining about coming into Al-Anon after many, many years of insanity, I'm focusing on gratitude for having final found the program. This board, rather, it's members, led me to the rooms. Thanks for all who did that! Thanks for your patience!
But back to you Aimee,
KUDDOS to YOU! And thanks again for sharing unselfishly!
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
((Aimee)) Thanks for sharing! :) I also never thought in a million years I could be where I am now. Alanon has done more for me, or rather, showed me how to do more for myself, than a million dollars in therapy ever could.