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WOW... Is about All I Can say about the Trip... It was Very Short Liived But I Am forever Grateful to My HP for Seeing me thru the Ruff Waters, and Helping me some how Manage to Save My Sister....And Myself....
The Day Started out Pretty Peppy... We got Up, was Excited, but I had known deep down what would happen sooner or later, but just didn't have the heart to share it with my Sister, who has Like NO Selfasteem at all... My Neice Drove us to the Drop off, The Water was Up Higher then Normal, but she still insisted we go... We could look out and see the 1st set of Ripples which were probably around 3-4 foot High waves... (This was a Crick, Not a River, so More Narrow with faster water).. She Ask to Go out front "I was Shocked"... I Agreed...
My Neice Left, And we were Off... First Let me say that my Kayak, I Sit Down inside, Her's You Sit on Top of... So The 1st Set of Ripples Literly Took my Breathe away they were so Intense, to say I Didn't enjoy it, would be a lie, but to also say It didn't have its terrifing moments would also be a lie... but we made that set ok, I was Woo Hoo'n & Thank God at the End of them :) ... We had a Very breif Pause before the Next Set, that Appeared to be about a 1/2 Mile Long... She Turns & Ask if I would Want to Go Out Front??? HP Lead the way and Off We Went... I made it thru a Tougher section and turned to see how she was doing, and all I seen was her Kayak, Floating Upside Down... Panic lasted only a Second, because really there was No Time!
So As I am Praying & Back Peddling for my Life in the Ripples, I Caught a glimpse of her Hand fly up from behind the Kayak, I was tryin to get me in a Spot to Stop Her, the Kayak, and all so that I could get to them before the Crick Got to me...As I was Back Pedding, my Kayak was Filling with Water, Making it Super Tough to Paddle at all, let alone tryin to Save Someone...
But By the Grace of God, I Reached out to the bank and found of All things, A Green Bryer Bush... (Very Sharp jiggers), I wrapped my Hand around its Root, and Prayed that I was Enough to get it done... The Kayak was coming at me pretty good, and there was a Box attached to it, with her Camera & What not in it, and luckily it floated my way and I grabbed hold, Which then gave her something to get ahold of when she was bobbing in the water...
First Understand that I am Not Fit, I'm about 20-30 lbs over weight, and my Sister, out weighs me by about 90lbs...So I am Holding onto a Jaggy Bush Root, trying to keep myself from sinking, my sister Kayak from Floating off, and my Sister From Drowning... And I know that My Prayers were ALL that I had left, and I Used some up that Day... She Floated in the 50 degree Water for about 1/2 a mile.. Before I Could get to her, but when I did, I felt the weight of the world release from my shoulders, and I know I took a Second in my Struggling and just Thanked God above for Putting me Right were I Needed to be... Had I Not Decided to "Go First"... My Sister would most likely still be bobbin in that crick, and both would have been in trouble... I know that ALL Things Happed for a Reason, and this Was ONE of those things!!!
Now the Next Part ... After She Got her Footing & Could get out, I was still Holding on to the bush till she could get stable, then once she was on solid Ground, I Pasted her Her Kayak,.... Mine was full of water all but about 2 inches, So I had her Grab the Butt end of it, till I Could get out, and then I had to Tug for a while to get it but It came Out...
Well... We Both Packed Extra Clothes in Seal Tight Bags, so when we got out, without looking around, my Sister, Strips... Down to her Birthday Suit... Before she can get her Dry clothes out... A TRAIN COMES.... LOL.... Needless to say they got a Sight, I"m sure will burn in their Memorys' for awhile... And they was Kind Enough to Blow the whistle as they Pasted & Wave out the Windows... LMAO.....
So the Fear, didn't last long, HP Came along and Handed me one Hellova Laugh, Just at the Time I Needed it Most..I Laughed till the Tears of All that just Happened Rolled down My Face & back into that Crick bed...Tears of Joy,Tears of Fear, Tears of Victory, Tears of anixity, but Mainly Tears of Gratefullness.... And To Top it Off, When we Rounded the Tree She was Stripping By... We was In Someones BACK YARD!!! lol...It just kept getting better.... 3 Dogs Come Barking One looks completely mangled, and sick, grawing at us, (My sister is NOT A Dog Person) So I Start Talking to them, and catch a Lady out in her yard, give her a yell and ask if we can cross her Yard to get to the Tracks, she agrees.... And we Hike it back to our Drop off Point and get us a Ride...
So Was it Stupid to Do what we did in that High of Water... YEP... But was it something that Had to be done... YEP... I don't know that I can say I would have made the entire Trip without flopping that we will never know, but my Sister Learned something about herself that day, how Lucky she is... Because if it had went any other way, I don't know what would have happened, nor do I want too... But I know I'm Glad that I was at a Place were I was Accepting of My HP, I was Aware of My Surroundings, I was ALIVE like Never Before...
BUT... I'm Safe, She's Safe, and we Still Ended up Turning a Very "Daring" Day into an Unexpected Day, and still managed to come out of it, with a Little More Respect for the Water, & Ourselves... So All was Well that Ended Well.. & I'm Just Grateful to Here... In the NOW....
Thanks for Listening & All the Well Wishes :0) Most Grateful for all Prayers ... They were answered with a Safe return with little Scares... :0)
Love, Hugs & Prayers Always
PS... ((((((((((((((((JERRY))))))))))))))... I Hope you Got Your Chill Brother... I told my Sister Walking the Tracks, I think this was Felt all the way to Hawaii