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I have been in the same relationship with my boyfriend for over two years now. He's great to me in the sense that I trust him, I know he loves me, and he is supportive of me being my own person. The problem is that he had to take a job in south Florida in January. We haven't seen each other in almost two months now. We had promised each other every other weekend (that's how we always did when we were long distance in the first year we were together), but due to money and issues with his parents (they are elderly) and children, we haven't been able to do this. I am trying very hard to be patient with him, and this situation, but sometimes it is so overwhelming. I feel like his plate is very full with no room for me on it. I've tried talking openly to him about it, and a few weeks ago I ended the relationship because I just didn't feel like he could give me what I needed. Within a week, we were back together. I really thought he didn't love me anymore when I did it, just because he was so distant all the time. And I thought he wouldn't even care if I ended things. I was very wrong and he very much wants to work it out. He said a lot of things to me about what he wanted and how he was so sorry for taking me for granted. Since then I've been practicing detachment. He is not an alcoholic, but he has a lot of personal issues. Not mental, just personal. He has 4 kids, 2 elderly parents, lots of money problems, a demanding job, etc. I don't need to be priority #1, but am I asking too much to just be a priority? Through practicing detachment, I have felt more at peace. I am not trying to control his problems or his obligations, I am trusting that God will put us where we need to be, and I am letting him be him and me be me. I guess today's just a bad day...I feel like I am reverting back and freaking out about the future again. He seems to be coming up with more and more reasons that he cannot visit me, and I cannot visit him. It's frustrating. I am secure enough to handle a relationship where I am not attached to the person 24/7, but going two months at a time sucks. I am trying to be understanding, while working on me. I just don't know if I am asking too much of him, or expecting too much from myself. :(
I can so relate to this. I had a relationship very much like this one. It was very confusing to me because the things he said were just what I wanted to hear -- how the relationship was very important to him, how it was purely external things that kept him from being able to see me so often, and so on. But I was having to fight for each visit, to where it got to the point where I felt I was the only one doing the work of getting us in the same place.
In my case I think he was really blowing hot and cold about the relationship -- he didn't want it enough to go to bat for it, but he also didn't want it to end. He wanted it to kind of drift along without him having to do anything to keep it going, until it became clear to him what he wanted. I found that, as with alcohol abuse, in the end the truth was clear to me no matter how much he wanted me not to notice. If I pulled away he'd come after me, but if I tried to get closer, he'd explain why he just couldn't be available, etc. etc. We did this dance for a while until I noticed that it was no-win for me. The second I stopped pulling awa, he'd retreat. So I had to pull away to get attention? The whole thing was exhausting.
The other thing is that maybe your guy is truly overwhelmed with responsibilities and not trying to be unavailable. But still he's unavailable. Your needs are important too. Unless it's short-term unavailability, maybe this isn't a relationship that can fulfill your needs. Someone once called this "starving on a diet of hope." I would say that your needs are top priority for you -- that's the part I always had trouble with.
Lori as I read this, I thought about your feeling down about your anniversary.
I wonder if your lack of affection/attention from your current boyfriend, makes the date even harder?
Codependant is when we do things for the addict that they can do for themselves. At least that is my experience.
I would miss my sig other too if our relationship was like that! geez I miss my dogs if I am gone all day!
You did the best thing, you brought it up and let him know what you need from him.
Now you are also doing a good thing. You are going to accept him as is and accept you as is.
If this relationship is not what you want, then you may make other decisions. We cannot change anyone else A or not.
Making excuses is to me moot. It is what it is. Also I can tell you from my experience, when I love someone, I make sure they feel the love. Cards, notes, short calls etc.
I worked full time, college full time, but my loved ones were always first.
You are the one who has to feel this out. Do you really want this kind of relationship? Can you accept him as is?
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
You are probably right about the anniversary Deb. It's like I was married for 5 years, and within 6 months I was dating this guy. So the first anniversary apart wasn't so tough, last year everything was good with my relationship and I think it made it easier to just focus on other things. This year I am finding myself really concerned about "spending the rest of my life alone". I am young (32) and I know there's still time. But I just feel like he's 42 now...isn't it time to settle down and make the person you supposedly "love like you've never loved before" a priority?
I think today is just a really bad day for me too given the date and all. I have felt really good about my meeting, my reading, my focus on me, and my recovery up until today. When I get like this, I have the tendency to start looking at everything negatively in my life, whether that's warranted or not.
Do I want this? Not forever. But on the one hand having a long distance relationship helps me focus on myself and detach the way I need to. At least this way I will truly know what decision to make, and hopefully feel at peace with it.
I'm 40 and have been mostly alone for the 5 1/2 years that I have been living here. I have found that adjusting MY expectations of people and relationships and just doing what works for me... if I need some I go get some... I am finding that being single is SOOOOO much less complicated than being in a relationship where I have to constantly wonder what someone esle is thinking, feeling, doing... I used to think I couldn't have sex without love. Now I know that I can. I prefer to have love but usually seeking love and trying to maintain a relationship is to my own detriment. You're certainly not old and you look great. I don't know why you would have to work so hard? I agree with what was said before, what are you getting out of this? How is it working for you? If it were to go on like this forever would you be ok with that? You have to do what is right for you and although you think that this is the only guy for you I guarantee there is another around the way. I know up until I was about 35 I was in a relationship (usually bad bad relationship) non stop from the time I was 15. Now at 40 after having been single for five plus years I have learned that I am truly OK without a man, I can take care of myself and everyone else AND I have learned who I am and gotten to know myself which is something I never really did when I was younger. Do what feels right and is easiest for you.
We are the same age and at times I think I will be alone forever, but it's just my negative stinkin thinking taking over again. I have been alone for quite a few months and the longer I am single and facing being the dreaded word single, the better and stronger I feel. I am a very people pleasing, enabling and codependant. I am forcing myself to take the time to be alone and recover myself before I start my next relationship. My sponsor has helped me to picture myself being a caterpillar and needing to go into my coccoon before I can come out as a butterfly and fly away. I still have dettachment issues with my soon to be ex AH, but I do best not to be with a man to distract myself with and just feel I am not in the right place to pick a great one out of the crowd and not just any man will do anymore. I hope you can calm your mind and be at peace while in your current relationship without questioning it so much, but only you will know if it is healthy.
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666