The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My former sponsor would have either or both had a good laugh or/and then had a heart attack if he had witnessed me take the "Don't" away from the slogan "Don't React". I did and did it well...I had other choices but flew past that awareness in a mircosecond and then got myself good. "Aha that'll teach me!!"
I use to teach offenders the "3 second rule"...When you are triggered wait 3 seconds before responding and in my other program we talk about finding HP/God in those 3 seconds however I must have been on HP's throne this time and man I don't have any business sitting on that royal bench.
I went immedicately into a 10th step...continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. Pulled out of that and went into prayer and then back to the 10th and then left it alone for awhile to do some McDonald's therapy. "The number 5 large please, Diet with lite ice for here." I found a news paper which someone had left on the table and detached myself from the problem, the 10th, my HP and the others in the restaurant and focused on what was going on in other people's lives. It wasn't all about me for a while and in time the paper was all read, the meal was all done and I needed to get back to HP and the 10th.
I've been stuffing, like before program. Walking on egg shells while refusing not to enable. Enabling is the tap root of the problem and the consequences (one of them) is the resentments because enabling has taken the form of making excuses for my partner, spouse, wife while expecting her to do something other than what she does habitually (habit; defaulting...doing the same thing over and over and over again because that is what is the default is without consideration of change or the need for it.)
I got frustrated and angry and agitated at her and me and I said what I mean't and said it with power. It's never worked before and that frustrated me even more so.
I inventoried deeper and longer just so I could clearly remind myself how this all started in the first default, my habit, my doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. I got close to changing it and relapsed.
So I had a conversation with my HP and told HP "I've lost my spirit again...gave it away." HP knows. We've been here before together and so what I was given back then I was given again. "You need peace." Soul and Spirit quietness...stillness and so that is what I accepted.
I don't feel hurt or resentful or angry anymore. I feel tired. That is what I always feel when I send my spirit away because I don't take the 3second rule to heart and separate the Don't from the react. I'm going to have an adrenalin rush hangover I just know it...and then...maybe not cause HP's still here and I'm being quiet. Will speak with my sponsor and see if he has a couple of tricks I don't have to gain and maintain my peace of mind and serenity.
I'll listen to any and all of your ESH. They are more like pearls than fortune cookie projections.
Jerry.... just serves us as a great reminder that all of us, on this earth at least, are indeed human.... we have good days & bad.... make some good decisions and some not so stellar ones.... Don't beat yourself up too much - keeping you at the "human" level keeps the rest of us (mere mortals) with a fighting chance.... :)
One of my favorite sayings in the world:
"words can be used for two things, and two things only... to break down, or to build up"....
Jerry, you might be disappointed in yourself that tonight, just this once, you used them to "break down", but please believe me, and you can get validation from all members of MIP - you use yours to "build up" about 99-3/4% of the time....
Take care Tom
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
(((Jerry))) god i was almost glad to read this, ok i wasnt almost glad i was glad. :) I read your posts all the time and your replys and gain alot of awareness and insight from you...i am absolutely thrilled to find out your human :)
Being human is not a defect of character, my friend.
We never graduate, we keep getting reminders that we're human and we need Higher power. That's exactly where you went... thanks for showing us how it's done...
.... other than McDonald's!!!! Dang Jerry, that food is gonna kill you!
yep, I posted that because I wanna change that about you, is that bad?
-- Edited by glad lee on Saturday 22nd of January 2011 09:41:42 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Thanks for bringing your 10th step here. Yes, no matter how long we are in program, that "default position beckons at times.
Years ago my niece gave me a refrig magnet that said :"I go from sane to insane in less than 10 seconds" It was so very right on I see that little saying each day and am reminded to turn my will over every moment and trust HP.
We are all works in progress and now that we have new tools we are growing each day Even when I slip I am reminded to pay closer attention to the basics.
I too enjoy a Big Mac
-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 22nd of January 2011 10:36:17 AM
I'm reminded of a non-alanon saying. "What we focus on gets larger".
Something that angers us grows larger and larger as we focus on it. Something that brings us joy brings us more joy as we focus on it.
I often use the count to 10 rule to attempt a refocus and choose differently. You only need 3 seconds? You're goooood.
When I'm angry or upset with something or someone I have to remember if I make a snarky comment or disagree...It's only going to get bigger as I bring even more attention to it.
Sometimes it's really hard to bite my tongue, but in a few minutes it passes and my temp cools off a bit. Now, only if I could remember to refocus every time!!
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Jerry, thank you for sharing your journey with us. I needed to hear this ;) I don't have a ton of E S & H on this, and I know I have a lot to learn. Thanks for showing the way... for those of us still in the depths.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. -Buddha
The past has flown away. The coming month and year do not exsist. Ours only is the present's tiny point. -Mahmud Shabistanri
Being human means having flaws. Having flaws means making mistakes. Having a program means seeing and accepting our flaws and mistakes while working to find ways to live in peace and repeat our mistakes as little as possible. Trust you are right where you are supposed to be even if it feels like a refresher course.
I hope you had one of my favorite soft serve vanilla ice cream cones too! No 3 second rule on that decision for me!
Dear Jerry, I like the multi-pronged approach you used.. working Step 10, using McD therapy, etc. It's all good and you were systematic about things, plus came here to get so many good comments from friends. I support you 100% as you have me, and know you will work through this blip on the radar. It shows you are human, which is inspiring to us all to know that nobody has all the answers.. we never do, we just try our best.
Remember the slogans 'Easy Does It' and 'Progress, not Perfection' and you will get through and again maintain serenity.