The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Around the 21st of this month my wife and I were cleaning up stuff...lightening the load because we've collected s t u f f from other times and other places and some of the stuff were old photographs (Dang was she a looker back then and Dang we were a handsome couple LOL). Memories are great huh? ...and then that one photo of my ex-sponsors. My first and my third and there is no use trying not to smile because remembering early growth with good sponsors is like watching an old "puppy training" film. I went from happiness to missing them. They gave me all they had plus they hung with a crazy person attempting to re-recognize the difference between his right and left feet and then keep them on the proper sides of his body and in the proper pair of shoes. Tough times with great teachers.
My first sponsor was my first program rule breaker...I was told men on men and women on women and I was oppositional/defiant and going to do it my way because that was my habit and I was looking to stay in control. "Women are easier to get around" my less than Al-Anon experienced alter ego told me and so I asked with justification (not a whole lot of guys in program at that time) and did a couple "cute" antics to seal the deal which earned me more than I had asked for. I tried "poor me's" "pity pot performances" with her even a "I think I'll step in front of this bus" routine while making a crises call to her. Her response was "well if you call me back later I'll know that you decided not to or the bus missed and if you don't then it won't matter will it?" and then she hung up on me. I didn't step in front of the bus (there was one for real) because I still had a few more acts in my bag that I thought she might fall for. I tried showing up at her place for a 4th step gig with a blank piece of paper and a pencil thinking she'd do it for me and got kicked out of her house. Was I a failure? No I was a duck thinking I could soar like an eagle....a newbie...a didn't know and didn't know that I didn't know. She loved me right up to and including turning me over to her HP and another "male" sponsor. I was my own worse enemy and she didn't need another anchor like she had had before.
My third sponsor was the Don'T I speak about at times HP's special model...opposite in nature and character than I was and willing to teach me that was what I needed to be...opposite what I was then.
I looked at the photo and got misty eyed and spirit. I miss them and prayed they were okay where ever they are. I want the best for them. They gave me their best. Like soooo often when I say that prayer my HP...God as I understand God...who feels that I am so special and gets excited about dropping miracles in my path decides "Hey yeah...this one will make him act like he's been tazed" and today, this afternoon when I went to get the mail there was a Christmas Card from my first sponsor...poking around in my neighborhood asking if I was the guy from back then and I was tazed.
She's alive and happy and boy I couldn't wish for more than both of those things for her at the same time. The post date was on or about the day of the picture and I told her that now I have a firm belief in spiritual connections...thanks partially to her sponsorship and all who came after her, that cast of thousands who restored me to sanity in the AFG. How long has it been...18+ years and go figure I am more grateful today than I was back then and still where she help plant (imbed) me and then grow me. Strange how at this morning's "stick" topic meeting (your topic is written on a tongue depressor...LOL don't try to figure it out), my topic was "growth".
HP has whispered in my ear and kissed me lightly on the cheek again and I can hear HP chuckle inside my spirit place and let my eyes tear up and my spirit feel tazed over and over. One thing I've learned in Al-Anon among a million others is that you can literally turn your life over to the fellowship and get it saved.
I wish for this MIP family all the angels upon whose wings I was carried until I could flop around on my own for a while. I'm not the duck who first waddled into the room back then and I'm not the eagle I thought I was...I'm just grateful to be a part of the brood. Thanks for letting me share. ((((hugs))))
Jerry Thanks for sharing another one of your miracles
You certainly made me smile as I remembered my first ,(25 years ago) sponsee.
He was a Male NYC policeman and also could not find any males in program to ask We were having coffee one evening after a meeting and he indicated he was "having a heart attack". He clutched his chest said that he could not breath
I suggested he call 911 and get to the hospital. He declined and we both left for home. He called shortly after that and said that I had to agree to be his sponsor because I was the first person in program that he could not snow!!! We agreed to Guidelines and I was his sponser for several years.
We still connect each Holiday season and relive old Memories
Each one of us in this beautiful program is a miracle
I used to have such resentment at my past sponsors who had their own issues to contend with. I was looking for the mother I never had. Of course since I wasn't aware of my own needs I couldn't go about getting them met! What a gift to let go of all that resentment!
I am so glad you have fond memories of your sponsors and grateful you are able to give back so much to the program.