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Ah told me this morning that he realized that he may in fact have an alcohol problem. He said that he realized he is drinking more and more and is starting to lose control. This came after drinking a lot this weekend which I posted about in another thread. He got really sick after drinking on Saturday and felt bad all day Sunday, and yesterday. He left work early yesterday too. He still felt bad this morning as well. He feels so bad that he is going to the doctor today. He never goes to the doctor for anything, so he must be in a lot of pain. He said his stomach is killing him. He thinks he has an ulcer. I am proud of him for realizing his drinking has gotten worse, but I am trying not to get my hopes up about him saying he is quitting for good. Last time he said that he only lasted a few days. He claims this weekend was a wake up call for him. I hope so. Guess only time will tell. Prayers to my HP will be increasing for him as he goes through this. I pray that he will seek recovery with AA, but I have no expectations of him attending. Although he did tell his friend that he would attend with him since the courts are suggesting he goes to AA in an effort to get custody of his daughter. They want him to do 90 in 90 and Ah said he would go with him if he would go too. So please pray that HP's will be done in Ah's life. He needs lots of prayers right now as he enters recovery and for his physical health.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is wonderful to hear and I am glad you are not getting your hopes up, I will pray for you and him, perhaps with his friend going it would encourage him, it would be good that he has someone to share this with and the support they could give each other, God does work in mysterious ways, and nothing is for nothing, I always believe that everything that happens in life is for a reason, sometimes that reason doesnt become apparent for a long time, but for now its all good and postive,
Prayers are going up. I pray for my abf every day, and I don't get my hopes up anymore. I don't place expectations anymore either. I pray that we all find recovery :)
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. -Buddha
The past has flown away. The coming month and year do not exsist. Ours only is the present's tiny point. -Mahmud Shabistanri
Hopefully he has taken the first step in his recovery. Hopefully also, when he attends AA meetings he will come to realize that Step One......."We admitted we are powerless over Alcohol...that our lives have become unmanageable",......becomes a clear picture of where the disease has taken his life.
I really hope that this leads to a change for your family. I just hope that once his stomach pains go away that he does not suddenly think he's fine after all. If he starts going to AA with his friend, that could lift the veil long-term.