The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am glad when I have no contact with the exAbf. I always seem to be curious though to know what is going on with him, what he's up to blah blah blah. Then when I hear stuff, I get mad. I do not want to think one thing about him! I do not need to know anything. I cannot bother with what is going on in his life and comparing his "now" seemingly happiness to his rottenness with me. Who cares???? I have my own life.
It is hard or impossible to just get over something. If it is bothering you, then it is bothering you.
I know this whole program thing became easier for me when I could see that my behavior of going back to my compuslion and fixating on another to the point that I then have to know what he is doing, when I already know it is bad or hurtful to me... then to go through that and see how the beahvior once again hurts me - it provides you a comparative choice. You can see how you feel when you go down one path and you can see what it brings you when you go down the other prickly path. The hooks once again get under our skin and we cant shake the obsession.
What worked for me best at any time when I didnt know how or what to do, I surrender it and turn it over in prayer to HP/god. Whatver we willingly hand over/surrender to HP, god takes it. Become willing to let go and if you dont know how to, pray for the willingness to get there.
My therapist said forgiveness is a exercise we practise often. One does it in incriments and layers, u cant expect to rid yourself of a lifetime of forgiveness in a few tries, it can take handing it over many times. The practise of releasing and letting go and handing it over is a very good and healthy one for us. What we cling to - becomes a trap anyway. Resistence creates pain.
Change your focus, focus on YOU and what u think or feel right now. What interests and hobbies do you have? What did u like as a kid? What can you do right now to allow you to feel a little bit better or with more respect about yourself? This was my magic question, what can I do right now to allow me to feel better? and then I would do that thing, no matter what it was, I just didnt judge it, I took it and ran!
As he pops into your head, re direct yourself, say 'oh tricky ego/mind!' and turn him over to his HP bc u are not it and he is not yours. Save yourself and set some booundareis and dont read the stuff - put it into another file and dont look at it or whatver you have to do to control yourself. for me, I would have most likely had to just erase them and not read them. When i set boundaries to change initially, I weeded out all of the users and hangers on and advantage takers and let them all fall away. I quit chasing them and I quit being available to them. I was single until I had good firm boundareis and then when I did date (and I enjoyed drinking a fair amount back then) I was very cautious about who looked and acted and sounded like an A - to me - and I am sure some of them had thier own judgements about me, all people do. I didnt care, if I felt any like - way too much excitement and like it was fireworks - I was told to stay away from anyone that I had that reaction with, bc most likely it was an A. If it looked like a duck, quacked like a duck, looked at anything sideways, it was yes it was nice to meet you and no taking the phone call again.
It took a few months of dating to find a guy that wwas open minded, accepted me as I was and did not criticise or try to change me - he had manners and was always thoughtful. I was cvareful it two years of dating not to ever call him first, suggest any date ever (if he asked what I wanted to do, then I said but I never initiated that conversation) or asked probing questions. Previously I had chased men all of my life and made it conveneient for them to have a really great fun time with me. Who could say no? Well that was exaclty what I was entriely sick of - I wanted a man that wanted me, and I was going to watch and see what they/he did without any of my prompting. Turns out detaching from men and finding my own interests makes me much more captivating and he comes to see what I am into and check up on me all the time lol. I allow him to pursue me which is in his dna anyway.
Boundaries gave me my first taste/glimpse into loving detachment in action and then the self esteem and self respect followed like a shadow.
Take care of YOU whatever that looks like.
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
I know I overreact and I know it will take time. I am finally enforcing the boundary of not accepting unacceptable behavior. I haven't called or emailed. It's been almost 2 weeks, so I have made progress. It's hard not to pry for information from others who know him, but it is better for me not to.
I did receive an email here at work today that he sent last night. He basically says that he is not worthy of having a real relationship and has never been successful in changing and understands why I find it sickening. It really makes me feel a bit sad for him that he doesn't have it in him to want to do anything about himself. I think I will just let him know that if he decides to work on change that I will support him. (It did make me feel good to hear that he still cares lol) That is all I can and all I will do. I have made it this far and I refuse to cave this time. I already know what that leads to.
Patience is correct. It takes a long time to retrain the brain to be in a better place. I have lived it long enough to know.
Thanks again, and I already know that I will keep coming back! (sorry for the big ramble, sometimes feels good to listen to what I am saying lol - ad nauseum of course)
I heard in a meeting once... just dont ever pray for patience, bc then god will give you something to be patient for/about. LOL, no thanks with that one, HP! but reading that it is immaturity to be impatient, that made me want to learn to wait. Us acoa's always insist on rushing everything. By getting into this very moment (not tomorrow or yesterday). We also compare and grade/judge ourselves bc we have to look perfect - so by releasing comparing yourself to what u thought you would be now or not or whatever - let that expectation go (I had to grieve my fantasies) and start over right where I was, with kindness to me and healthy boundaries.
The feeling sorry for each other (ourselves and them) - it feeds the disease and allows you to lose yourself. You can however still love him and still support him - in spite of what he does or does not do. Detach with love from his life choices, our lives are not a personal judgement - our lives are merely a consequence of our actions/choices. It is simple cause and effect.
Saying you will love/support him if he changes, puts a stipulation on the love. No one can know what we will be doing in the future. All we can do is what we can do, right now. As you change and become empowered, you will feel more self confidence, as you stand up for you and love/honor yourself emotionally. Accept him and you -right where you are this minute- and do not try to change another person. Detach with love from that notion and focus on changing and controlling the only one u can ~ YOU.
The control issues run deep and we are so fixated on "helping them". It is enabling them and it allows us to be ignored by our own selves. Define what your own true needs are and then it will be much easier to get them met and look out for you. Be sure to enJOY yourself, too! Get into the process of it and I think that is when it got easier for me. That and seeing/feeling the consequence of my own actions - to take care of me emotionally or not. It feels good to stand up for yourself and honor yourself.
Here's an example, say you are getting into a misunderstanding with a bf and his tone changes and he starts to call you names or lecture you. You cant say,' hey! dont talk to me that way'- what will that do? You cannot make them stop speaking. You would have to say something like, 'I wont be spoken to that way and if it continues, I will leave (or wtvr)' - and then whne and if it happens again, be it five seconds or five years - u get up and move, change something, go somewhere. Once I began to take charge of myself emotionally, and follow thru on the boundaires I established, then I began to feel detachment naturally and self esteem and self respect. Honor and value you first and then others will have more respect for you too. All healthy people use boundaries in their relationships and they are out there. People that will love and accept you just as you are and love you for that. Let it begin with you/me LOL. TC & GB!
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
I didn't realize that was putting a stipulation on the support. I can't be a part of his life at all anymore, so I guess I shouldn't offer anything at all. Maybe just a generic, if you ever need anything sort of thing... Or maybe even no response at all. I have all the time in the world to think about it.
I don't even know if he and I can be friends anymore, but I will respect him as a human being.
Thanks for making me look at things from different sides.