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Anyone have ESH for someone trying to get schoolwork, writing, or other time-consuming "thinky" task done while dealing with the symptoms of living with an alcoholic? I have been feeling so down recently and finding it hard to work on my thesis. Monday I did great, wrote 9-noon and got lots done. Did laundry, worked out, tried to do it all. Then, still worrying about relationship and not sure I could keep it up. I just got really tired. I got progressively more depressed and anxious (and disappointed in my ability to keep it up) as the week went on and now feel like giving up. But I know I can't. Can HP help? Other techniques? Finishing this degree and going on job market is what will give me a future livelihood and possibility to make choices. It's not all about the A of course - I have always had problems with procrastination, and practically everyone hits a wall when they get to the dissertation stage...I swear, I do want to change. Any ESH greatly appreciated!
-- Edited by Imogen421 on Thursday 11th of November 2010 11:00:00 PM
Well, Im' hardly one to give any advice......I have a really hard time just NOT being depressed and resentful and envious all the time. But I can say this: If I was interested in something and writing about it, I found that what happened around me didn't seem to affect it as much (maybe it affected getting started - but once I started it was like a snowball effect). I also learned to brain storm. Just get ideas down on paper no matter how silly they sounded. If something popped into my head I wrote it down. I could always go back and edit, delete etc if I had to, but I was always amazed at how many of the ideas were actually pretty good when I looked later (and I was ready to discard them when they first came into my head). I also know that taking time out for myself helped. But really the love or interest in what I was writing about got me through. You've come such a long way and obviously are fully capable of doing this. this sounds odd coming from me, but trust yourself. Write what you think, edit, delete, copy paste and trust that it's probably good enough because you have the smarts and abilities to do this!
I totally understand how you feel! Even before I met my A I had issues with procrastination, although living with an A before al-anon made that worse. Actually, right now I should be editing my term paper and not reading on here...
I feel like I'm sort of a perfectionist and that makes it harder for me to get started on things sometimes. I make excuses and do a million other things before I start my main task and by that time I'm tired.
Something that's been sort of working for me lately is just getting started and writing the paper even though it may not be my very best work or it may not be thought out or organized the way I'd like at first. That starts the ball rolling and ideas are easier. It was nice to tell myself I can go back 100 times if I want to and edit it, add to it and reorganize things.
Anyhow, I feel like this was sort of a sign for me to edit my paper one more time and turn the darn thing in already, lol. Thanks!
Accept you and love you right where you are. Everything is a process and we can only effectively focus on one thing at a time. Prioritize your time and/or even make a schedule for yourself. Let go of the expectation of how u think u should be doing (at any given stage in ur life) and accept you and love you where u actually are bc that is reality, not what u wished would be.
Yes, HP can help surrender all u can to god and foprgive you for whatver u think u did wrong (as often as possible) I have found nothing to liberate or free me more in my forty plus years.
I paid a few hundred dollars for a course called - how to make an A+ in college - it said that we learn the most in twenty minute incriments. So you learn just as much in twenty minutes as u can in one hour -bc after that our mind and attention wanes. I used these techniques and I know it works - get a timer or something that will alert u with an alarm every twenty minutes - I used to use a regular old timer but they tick - it can be annoying, I think it actually helped me to focus -- and every 20 mins get up for 1-5 mins and go do something... walk around, get a drink, drink water too (extra when studying or doing emotional work-- take extra special care of you in genral and sleep extra if u can too) touch your toes or wash any of your extremeities - like spalshing water on ur face, next time wash your hands, get a cracker, stretch aagain but this time another way - or go brush your hair - pet your pet -- anything to effect how u feel and will fascilitate changing gears - mentally. It is a fast rejuventaion ( with the stretching, deep breathing, washing of extremeties hand, feet, face, or stimulate ur head/scalp). I would hang over the sofa for a few minutes and get the blood moving to my head (i used to tumble) and flip over and then get back to the studying.
Sounds crazy - I know, so try it and prove me wrong - and I paid to learn that lol so u get it for free!
Meditaing and praying always help me as well. Going to meetings online in the chat room here help me tons too. Whatever we put into ourselves in program, always pays us back. Accept taht u cannot control what ur A does and whatever others do, if we try to control them, we lose us when we focus on other people. You cannot control another adult. You cannot change another adult. You can control and change you, let go of your expectations of others and yourself and focus on what u can and are doing, I would think right now in your life, it ought to be all about YOU and no one else.
Einstein said -" do not listen to the accolades or the criticisms of others, both take you off your course" - therefore, yes everything is a distraction. Sacrificing yourself only builds up the worst resentments in you and others - live your life for YOU. Focsu on what u can change and control and allow others to be who they are, who are we to tell them, when we are so out of control anyway? I mean, really, who are we? HP is there for us anytime we willingly surrender and forgiveness and compassion and divine love emanate out after that. It is worth the risk to experience it. Welcome to the rest of YOUr life! If u let/allow others to stop you in ur tracks - in the end it is only you that u can blame. Be true and brutally honest with YOUrself and the HP you find within. Be kind and considerate to others, honesty is great but it can be a knife too. Be loving and kind and the respect I found followed. Once I began practising loving me and took accountability for myself and began gettting empowered through change -- the resepct grew out of - following my boundaries and lovingly detaching from other's - issues, feelings, attitudes, moods, whims, crises, complaints - and by following through for me and standing up for me and my feelings. I cannot change or help another deal with their feeeling but I can love and support them even when I do not agree with their decision.
I found focusing on my mental health being "healthy" - was the best goal and approach with myself for me in my recovery - if it was healthy and logical I would try it. In fact I really didnt try to love me until another member dared me to try to and said fine, u dont think it will work - try it and prove me wrong. So, im competitive and it worked, got me going and willing to listen and actually - hear the message. lol
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
As an only child with add/adhd - a symptom of it is depression and I could easily say I was depressed and lonely as a teen and young adult - all of my life really bc being so fixated and consumed with my mother's life (& choices) - all that time, I was abandonning myself, sacrificng myself in the name of love for others while sinultaneously using that as an excuse to avoid myself and it developed into a fear of loving the self.
When you are depressed it feels like you are under water and for me it was extremely difficult to do anything at all to help me. I had to force myself in the beginning, honestly. It was a life and death issue for me, try this or die. Thank God program works!
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.