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Hello, one thing I am struggling with as time passes by is my anger & frustration. I can't help but feel so angry towards my wife when she drinks. I'm trying to learn to hide it and trying to keep it under control. But I'm finding it is becoming harder and harder as time goes by. Even if my wife doesn't drink, just her "dry drunk" behavior drives me crazy. Ultimately I'm finding myself not really even liking her anymore, which is upsetting.
I just think there is only so much patience and understanding I can exhibit...while my wife's behavior is totally out of control, selfish, and irresponsible, a danger to herself and our innocent children...meanwhile, I am not doing anything wrong...not saying I'm perfect...but my wife is "allowed" to be completely out of control and I have to keep it together and not even get mad about it.
I know my wife is sick, I understand that. But this is just getting really hard and at some point I'm just going to have to give up... I can't see myself living this life in 10 years, or even 5 years.
Consider yourself human! IMO, Alanon can work miracles within, but it can't make you tolerate what is unacceptable to you. Many, many have chosen not to stay. The program is to help you heal and find serenity whether you are with the A or not.
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Boy, I can totally relate to your post !!!!! Those feelings of anger and frustration would absolutly eat me up inside as I tried and tried to make sense of my unmanagable life. Tried so hard to control My A ( who is my son ) and his behavior and in the end exibiting unacceptable behaviors myself. Yelling, screaming, cring, begging, I did it all and more and nothing changed. Finally started working my program, meetings meetings meetings and little by little realized the only person I could change was ME. UGH! I was finally able to truly see this as a disease, one my son didn't ask for but got it none the less. No person willingly sets out to become A's I mean what rational person would do that? I had to start accepting my son for exactly what he addict. And in that acceptance I could not expect him to act as anything other than what he was weather he was sober or high. The disease consumed him. My only solace besides the program was turing to my HP during times of anger and frustration. I couldn't take it out on my son anymore. He was already sick and in pain and didn't need me adding to it. For me what works is sharing with a fellow member and then getting to a quite place and praying. Praying for HP to take my anger and frustration I was feeling and replace it with peace and compassion. I make up little mantra's as prayers and I say it over and over again in my head until I finally feel the peace in my heart restored. In the beginning I had to do the A LOT almost constantly. And like you i wonder how long will this go on... how do I live through this I can't divorce my son, and I wouldn't want to. So here is where our storiies are a little different. Work your program, pray for peace and acceptance and see where your HP leads you. Prayers to you and your children Blessings
You are coming to alanon to obtain new tools that will guarantee you that life, will not be like this is 2 years or 3 years Please keep venting here.
It is a process and you are on the way. It is normal to feel as you do That is why we too must work out our anger and resentments.
Alanon asks us not to explode in the relationship because it HURTS US. Make a telephone call to alanon people, express your anger, go to a meeting vent, call sponsor it is important to own this stuff. The sooner we stop pretending and become real the better. Your actions at home do not have to be lovey dove but alanon asks they we learn to detach from the behavior, know we are upset so take care of yourselves by using alanon tool , pray, say serenity prayer etc This is so we can get clarity and respond in a manner that expresses how we feel and believe with out saying it mean
There is hope and growth
-- Edited by hotrod on Monday 1st of November 2010 10:26:15 AM
-- Edited by hotrod on Monday 1st of November 2010 10:27:08 AM
Always remember we have choices, we dont have to accept the unacceptable. We get so drawn in by the insanity of it all that the unacceptable becomes the norm.....I lived for too long with my guts stewing and my brain bursting to the detriment of my physical and emotional health.
Thanks all...yes, Ness just got Courage to Change last week. It's amazing and I love it...
I'm not sure why I'm feeling such anger today...I am fairly sure my wife made it throughout the weekend without drinking...I think it's just the realization that even when/if she gets sober, the problems may still be there...the whole "dry drunk" thing really has me thrown.
I know this is a bit meaningless, but I can't tell you how much it would mean just to get an apology. I have posted on here about this before and others explained why that is just a wasted cause...but the complete lack of remorse on my wife's part is just so upsetting...not even just lack of remorse, but there is a sense of blaming me, as if this is all my fault. And I know it isn't, that's not what bothers me. I just want her to genuinely be sorry about what she's done and put me through. Again, I know it is a lost cause, I really do. But I want it! And it makes me really made that I don't get it! Grrr!
I found I often needed to vent, too. I recall one time at a meeting saying "I think you'd have to be a saint to have the ability to turn the other cheek to all the things my exAH has been doing!!!"
I sometimes want to behave badly, too. I've had times where I just wanted to plunk myself down in the middle of the living room and have a screaming tantrum. What gets me is that I hold myself to higher expectations... and that's why I won't just go out and be completely irresponsible. Those higher expectations can be the source of my frustration because I just won't allow myself to behave that way... even though I really, REALLY want to. But I know behaving in that way will not solve anything. It would give me maybe a couple seconds of satisfaction, but then I'd be faced with the negative consequences right after. Not worth it.
I did discover a safe outlet, though, on those days where the rage was really building... some days if I were home alone, I'd just go into the bedroom and beat the living daylights out of a pillow or the mattress... or if the urge came on in the living room, the couch was the safe outlet.
Those private moments of just letting it all out helped, though. It was removing the lid from a pressure cooker and letting all the steam out. I could then allow myself a good cry and then ask God into my life, my troubles.
But YES - I understand all too well.
I did get to a point with my exAH where I really determined the drinking didn't bother me so much - it was everything else he did that bothered me. The drinking is just a symptom of the disease.
Hi, I can relate to your posts so very much - my Alcoholic is my husband but everything you have said could be me saying it - I have such a hard time with his lack of remorse - I cannot believe at all that he is so naive not to be able to see things as they are - I have enjoed al anon for the few weeks i have been here and although i cannot attend f2f meetings in my area at the mometn the online meetings are very helpful to me - The one thing that I have seen here over and over again is that there are so many people that could be writing their posts as if they were me - Keep reading posts here and have the courage to change the things you can - :)
Aloha Use to be...It's somewhere in our literature and maybe under the subjects of acceptance or patience or the like which says, "I cannot hope to reach manage ability by loosing control of myself." There is much positive support and growth from within our literature. Help like this supported me learning to accept responsibility for my peace of mind and serenity and not hold my sick alcoholic wife hostage for it.
I went crazy trying to understand until I came to understand. Recovery takes willingess, patience, practice and sharing better outcomes. The alcoholic isn't in any part of that. My alcoholic was never in any part of "MY" own recovery even though she was the sole focus of blame when I first arrived. It was habit for me to think and say, "I failed and it's her fault." Not believable unless I came to understand that I gave up control to someone who wasn't qualified; the alcoholic and others.
I had a hard time wth anger and frustration until my sponsor taught me the opposites of both. The opposite of anger is acceptance (of the fact of the situation) and the opposite of frustration is patience and commitment to my recovery. If you don't like the feelings that come from behaving in anger and frustration then behave in acceptance and patience.
Alcoholism for me is not a moral issue...there is no right and wrong as long as the disease is in control. If you are allowing unacceptable behavior I was taught I had to take an inventory of my thoughts, feelings and behaviors and focus on what I could change. I was the one that would benefit.
If you are trying to fortune tell or project into the future days, weeks or even years that is not living in the moment. Another lesson support by One day at at time. This was so crazy for me because partly as a male I'm very analytical and the more I tried to figure out a disease the farther I got away from understanding. What did fix it for me was following up on the suggestion of listening open mindedly and then practicing with trust and hope what others who were getting better were doing. If it worked for them it had to work for me.
Sorry you're loosing it. The thoughts and feelings are soooo toxic and over powering and they will become things of the past and non-issues as you continue to work the program...listen, learn, practice. You're not perfect...another thing to accept.
Grateful for your post. I am big-time struggling with the lack of remorse from the A's in my life. They are so angry and hurting, they hurt (and, man, do they know how to be hurtful!)- I did not know how to get out of the way quickly enough. (something I'm working on)
Bud, you framed the issue just the way I would frame it, and UsedToBe's post really speaks to me...the lack of remorse.
For me, I have a hard time figuring out if my AH's drinking exacerbates his anger issues, or if his anger issues make him more likely to drink (as a way of self-medicating the anger). But I, never in my life, have ever, ever had anyone say the horrible, mean, cruel things to me that he says. So in the end it doesn't really matter what came first or is the cause...the anger or the drinking...the end result is that I get verbally abused (man, it is very surreal to see those words staring me in the face...verbal abuse). I understand this is a disease, but it is so hard for me to come to terms with the reality that he lives in a world where that kind of behavior doesn't warrant an apology or worse, that I've done something to deserve it.
An apology would mean a lot to me, too, UsedToBe. I'm trying to think of it in terms of apologizing to myself. I'm sorry, Stephanie, for continuing to put us last, when I should always be putting us first. I'm sorry, Stephanie, for creating unrealistic expectations for our AH, and setting us up for constant heartbreak. I'm sorry, Stephanie, for forgetting that the only person who is responsible for our own happiness is Stephanie. Attempting to control AH and bend him to our will only creates opportunities for verbal abuse and heartache. I'm sorry to myself for making choices that affect me negatively both emotionally and physically. The only person whose behavior I can control is me. The only person I can rightfully demand an apology from is myself.
If you read Getting them Sober which is offered at the top of this page, you can get an idea of some of the tools al anon can offer you.
Of course you are angry, we all are. Squashing it is something some of us do from time to time. At other times its pretty healthy to express it to people who understand.
I believe the absolute self absorption and the need to take up every inch of space, every breath of air in the room and make chaos everywhere is part of the disease. he we respond to this rather than react to this is so key. If we over react (which is all I knew how to do until now) then we end up exhausted and full of resentment. When we respond, that is we are making full use of the al anon tools, of course it is still annoying, crazymaking and upsetting but we have not allowed the alcoholics behavior to totally take up every minute of our lives.
In al anon we adopt the three C's, we didn't cause it, we can't control it and we can't cure it. Ironically when I really embrace that formula I can find ways to respond to an alcoholic's behavior.
Of course on a long term basis many of us have to find ways to exit and find a more peaceful existence. In reality very few of us can make such a move immediately and with all the loose ends tied up without problems. Al anon can help you to learn not how to live with the alcoholic but how to respond to them without finding yourself completely drained, exhausted and resentful. Is it perfect, far from it but it beats the way I used to live or rather exist.
I think I have responded to you on this point before -- I would like a sincere apology from my now sober AH and acknowledgment of the pain he caused me and our kids. He is 4 months sober, and I am yet to receive it. Yes, we are responsible for our own happiness, and I work on that all the time. But the hurt from his lack of acknowledgment of what occurred is always there.
Thank you for putting this post out ther, Usedtobe... For whatever reason I am having a very angry and resentful day myself, and I don't want to be without him in my life, but I am getting sick and disgusted by him, at the same time.
I loved what Betty (hotrod) said.... blowing up will HURT US. How many times I have experienced this!!! I'd love to tell him off when he comes home today, but what good will it do... I will just feel guilty later.
Keep coming here to vent!! It helps to get it out, so we don't say something mean to our family member!!