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Hi all, I came here over a year ago but didnt post anything or chat, I just came to read. Today I am here because I just need reasuring that I am not being selfish - I have been married for just over 15 years and have 4 children - 14,12,8 and 4 all from my AH
He is in total denial that he has a drinking problem although over the years he has;
1. told me he would stop drinking - loads of times 2. smashed cases of beer in front of me in desperation of proof he was quitting 3. poured water into open beer bottles and told me that the beer store had tricked him and he would take them back 4. hidden beer from me 5. tells me he HAS quit and then he just drinks on the way home so I cant tell (he thinks) 6. he falls asleep on the couch when we have company 7. he gets drunk when I am having kids parties here 8. he slurs ALL the time when he is drinking and sometimes just stands there and sways - he tries to act like he is sober! He NEVER admits to having had too much to drink EVER 9. He drinks and drives because he believes that he isnt drunk (I especially hate this because I believe morally I should report him) but am scared then that me and the kids will lose the house and everything if he loses his job - but what if he hits someone and kills them? then how much worse would I feel? I hate this etc. etc. etc. etc. 10. he pees on the edge of the driveway next to his truck and tells my son who caught him (14) that he does that at the cottage so whats the difference? and my son should stop acting like a girl when he thinks that it is disgusting to do that!
He does work and goest o his job everyday - but that is all he provides to this family. - he comes home - complains about his day - then goes into the garage and drinks and smokes - he takes his dinner into the bedroom to eat - he never eats with me and the kids - he rarely even says goodnight to the kids - he lives in our house but he doesnt live WITH us.
My 14yr old verbally tells him ALL the time that he hates him and what the drinking does to us all - and of course my husband blames me for that disrespect - even saying things like "you would never let him talk to anyone else that way - so why do you let him talk to me that way" like its my fault?!!
I have given him sooooo many chances over the years to make the right choice but unfortunately this Alcoholism has taken over him and he cant make the choices needed of him himself - he wont get help because he doesnt believe he needs it and I have had enough now - being a single parent but having another adult living in this house is taking its toll on me - The children deserve to be brought up in a place where there is no Alcoholic -
His parents and other family members think I am wrong to take the children away from him by seperating and think that I am wrong to do this - they believe that the children should be with their father - because they all are burying their heads in the sand and as far as I am concerned they are feeding his illness and helping him feel more sorry for himself - none of them trully see what this is doing to our children -
He isnt a very good roll model at all and I believe I am right but he tells me all the time I am selfish and am just thinking of myself and not the children or him - THAT is what I am fighting here.
OMG there is soooo much more I am sick of this so much..
I hear your pain and understand how hard it is to maintain a family and home while living with the disease of alcoholism. You do know that this is a disease that you did not cause, cannot control and cannot cure.
Alanon stresses that we Focus on Ourselves and learn how to take care of ourselves in a positive constructive manner. This is not selfish. Taking care of yourself is not selfish It is a must for all adults.
Al Anon suggest that you make no major changes in your life for the fist 6 months to a year in program. The reason for this is that using the tools of al anon we are able to obtain clarity and vision as to the next right actions in our lives.
Please try attending face to face meetings. Help in finding a meeting can be found at:following link:
I thought I had heard it all (not really), but even #3 made me laugh out loud - sorry, but it is truly comical some of the excuses that active A's will use....
You remind me of me..... I continually went to my (then active) A for my validation, and literally never got it.... Kinda like "going to the hardware store for bread",...
I hope you take this time to work on you, and your need for help/recovery.... One of my favourite sayings:
"he will either drink, or he won't... what are YOU gonna do?"
Take care of you
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
NO you are not selfish. Anything BUT selfish, after all this time. The guy I'm with does a lot of those things you listed.... #3 was silly, yes. But years ago I was with a guy who would tell stories like that and expect to be believed. And I felt mean for doubting him. Almost all the others you listed are things I've dealt with, too. #9 is an emerging problem I'm having. Before this last week I thought my A was responsible in this area, and he's not. I don't know if we have a moral obligation to report or not. I will tell you I pray mine gets caught by the police, BUT I don't financially have anything to lose. We had made plans months ago (before all this came to light) for him to take my sons hunting, and I know I can't allow them to ride with him now, so now must figure something else out.
One thing I know for sure is we have to keep our kids safe. If they get mad (the kids or the A) I guess we have to live with it. The alternative is unthinkable.
So anyway, I don't really have the answers that many here will have, just wanted to let you know, you aren't the only one who lives with this kind of behavior, and they say things will get better if we follow this program. Let's hope so!! <3
I agree with the others. Time to take care of you and your kids now. All of the posts lately have been about this. Read everything you can to help you now. In my experience, before Alanon, I was lost and thought it was to help the alcoholic get better. I know now that alanon is to help me focus on me. I am learning to work the program, concentrating on figuring out how to love me and how to detach with love from my abf.... take care of you!
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. -Buddha
The past has flown away. The coming month and year do not exsist. Ours only is the present's tiny point. -Mahmud Shabistanri
For me, I realized that deciding to end the chaos with my exaH was the least selfish thing I've probably ever done. I am learning a lot about unconditional love right now and allowing myself to love my exaH without getting wrapped up in all the tentacles of the disease.
I too sort of laughed at some of the excuses I was given, though I remember the days when people saying they laughed was infuriating. I didn't think there was ANYTHING funny about my situation in the least. My family was falling apart and I was distraught and enraged and so, so, so sad. One of my favourites (if that makes any sense) was when my exaH told me that the debit transactions at the Beer Store were him buying booze for his Alcoholic Daughter. I've also come to smirk at the "they're not mine" pledge when the snow melted and uncovered about 20 mini vodka bottles behind the shed. I ve come to understand that honesty is not at the top of the character traits of an active alcoholic.
Your in no way selfish, you were just listing the symptoms and actions of an alcoholic. This is the disease of alcoholism.
The trick here is not to so much to spotlight what he is doing, he is doing what all alcoholics are doing, but what are you doing. For you. Our focus needs to be on us.
As far as loosing your home , etc. Don't be fear driven, but do protect your children, in not letting them into the car when he is driving. Making sure you have high limits on your auto policy. That would be the property damage and Bodily injury liability. Being an old and tired claims adjuster, I can tell you as long as you owe payments on your home, that is not considered an asset. the savings you have would be considered an asset . These are good things to consider, my XAH was drunk and struck another party from behind, totaled out the other party's vehicle and they ended up paying the other party 50,000. for his injuries. Were the injuries bogus, probably, but I always made sure I carried higher limits. Always protect your own interests when you can. #3 on your list made me laugh, I have a similar story. We were attending a concert at the Bowl here in L.A., you can pack a picnic. I had purchased these little individual bottles of wine about 6 months prior. I packed them into the picnic basket.
When I went to open them at the concert, I went to taste the wine and got water, I spit it out, because I was laughing so hard. It gave us both a laugh. I know they can make us so angry and frustrated, but lets not forget our sense of humors, it will save us.
Try to attend face to face meetings, learn the tools of Alanon, it will be your saving grace.
Luv, Bettina
-- Edited by Bettina on Tuesday 12th of October 2010 04:21:28 PM
-- Edited by Bettina on Tuesday 12th of October 2010 04:23:06 PM
You are very courageous! You are putting your kids needs/wants ahead of everything else. I see you as very strong and doing the utmost of being unselfish.
I believe when we set our minds to do things like this, going back to college as an adult, starting a new career, whatever, we need to keep in our minds not to let ANYONE stop me.
To step out and make this huge change is an amazing thing. You are telling your kids you care about them. They will always remember how mom got them out of a very bad situation.
When we stay it is telling them the behavior is ok, that they and we have no worth. Kids take it personal. I know how they take it all in and it eats at them. NOTHING takes their hearts away from remembering all that A behavior. They often believe it is their fault.
If they grow up believing that behavior was ok, they will think nothing of putting up with bolony from others.
You are telling them and YOU, you have worth. The A has to get sick enough to hopefully be miserable enough to see for himself he has to get help. You are giving him this chance by leaving!
I hope you will post, you will get LOTS of support here! We care.
Thanks everyone - I alredy knew I wasnt being selfish but it is fantastic for me to hear those words from many going through the same kind of S*** that I am enduring - I am still trying hard to get over the guilt of taking the kids away from him but know that I am not really taking them "away" but giving him and them a chance at an eventual relationship - I hope he sees sense eventually - and makes the right choices for himself - but ultimately - thats his choice - Mine is to move on and show my kids that they are worth more than this life - Thanks so much again - I will stay here looking - reading and talking - it helps - :)