The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm amazed how low I can feel sometimes. Because I really think long and hard about things, I often come up with negative arguments (against myself, my life etc.) that they are hard to contradict, therefore making me depressed. But I find that with some reminders from here, I can also think of equally strong positive arguments. Some things I've struggle with: 1. I'll never get fixed....response: You have to keep doing any activity to stay in shape. Being in shape (mentally, physically etc.) is a constant process, not a destination.
2. I'm getting too old to reap the benefits of getting healthier emotionally: response: if it makes me happier, who cares?
3. I'm too broken to ever be loved: response: my best hope for getting the love I want is to fix myself as much as's the only thing I can control, and will have to help, at least some.........and that may be enough.
4. I beat myself up for bad choices in life (picking the "wrong" wife, or job, or whatever): response: a. I did the best I could at the time, however poorly I may have done's not as if I didnt' try or purposely make the wrong decisions. b. Some of those choices may actually have been good at the time...or at least not so bad. c. each of those "mistakes", still benefitted me in some way...however small and at times not so small. d. some mistakes can still be fixed..... e. I'm conscious not to make the same mistake again (hopefully)......(there's a mark twain quote from the courage to change book: "a man carrying a cat by the tail, learns something he'd never learn any other way"
I need to keep reminding myself of these responses.
I'm seems that depression is a constant companion....I realize this may be a biological thing, and I'm addressing it......some things are getting better, but boy, I'd like to know what it's like to feel happy and satisfied with my life....actually I remember that feeling about 5-8 years ago. Hopefully I can get that back again.