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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Here recenty I have been Covering some pretty big miles stones in my life, things have been happening so fast that at times I seem to forget the important stuff, and this week has been a HUGE Reminder of that...
Yesterday My One & Only Child turned 13 and the thought of him growing up and leaving the nest in the next 5-8 years has made me often wonder & ponder on "Whats Next"... Since my Son has been born, I have SOOOO Focused my life around everything & anything that tends to him, so taking care of me, from time to time has been a blessing and tho I didn't know I was allow to "take care of ME" till I got to Al-anon/ACOA... But I have been really trying to figure out.. "What "I" Want" Out of Life... Sadly enough, I think I have hit a Stump... :(
I don't want to be one of those parents that just loose all of ones self raising kids, and since I only have the one, he has been my ROCK that keeps me Keepin on... I often told people He "Was My SunShine after the Rain"... The Rain being the chaos that was brought on by my upbringing, and my own battles with alcohol, and the MANY other addictions I have come to realize I have over the last 2 years in program...
My Addictions I pick up and lay down like most would a book... I looked the other day and SINCE I started this program I have managed to collect an entire Library of Recovery books, Now some I haven't even opened, But I have them. They are takin over my house, I have them everywere, and Daily readers... Well I think I lost count around 8 or so...
Why is it ya think that I would NEED to Keep Buying them when I can't keep up with the ones I have... Its like I am Using them for a security blanket and the more I have the safer I feel having them...
I fear that it wont just end there.. I fear that when Change hits me again in a big way, (Boy leaving home, Lossing another loved one) that it will throw me back into the chaos of it all that i have been reliving OVER & OVER again...
How is it I can Hand it over to God (As I understand him) and yet still carry the burdon of Fear??? I am hoping that with me Calling it out... Speaking yet another of my MANY addictions.. I will slow up or even STOP...
To Some you may think "Book buying" is no big deal but in reality... its not just the books, when I started craftig, I filled my entire basement with craft stuff... Yea.. I used some but now i have tons that I no longer have an interest in..
I have done really well keepin up with my program these last two years, and I am VERY proud of myself for staying with it... Yet I feel the more my "Securty Blanket Builds" the more overwhelmed I will becomes (As Always) and then the interest will be lost...
Does this Make since to ANYONE... I am just in such a place that I really just need to try and understand why I am feeling this way... I know that my son turning into a teenager has started many thoughts for me, but I would love nothing more then to try and get on track, before I pass this insanity on to my son, who already is takin on the clutter bug of it all...And the NEED to have MORE...
Thanks for Listening... Having one of those days I suppose...
Thanks for your honest and insightful share. It is clear that you are working your program and seeing your part in situations that could be changed in a positive fashion.
Remember the 3 As Awareness, Acceptance and Action. It sounds as if you have had the awareness and are working on acceptance.
I found that Acceptance was hard and painful because we are asked to sit and feel the situation before moving on to the action.
Good for you for sharing and for your program and using the tools.
As for the fear I do believe there is a difference between projecting and planning. I did hear a little projecting of "what might/will happen when your son grows up and leaves' I heard fear of feeling. I identify . Planning that the event will happen and when the time arrives you will have grown to the point that you will have healthy responses is wise. With program and all your self help books you will do fine
I too have a 13 (almost 14) year old who is going into 9th grade and I have been learning to let go, little by little as he gets older. One time I let him go to the mall with friends for a couple of hours. He has been to the movies a few times without me and just with friends as well. I think I have a very well adjusted teenager and I hope that what he has learned in his life will help him know what to do with his own future. I try to let him make decisions where its appropriate to and to try and guide him when I feel it is still a bit over his head. Its hard to let go and accept that its his life to live and his choices to make. Just recently he had to decide on a high school. I did my best to give him information on the two schools and he eventually picked the town school rather than the tech school. He was happy with his choice and so I must be too :) Take care! You are doing great!
Great Post Jozie and super great responses from the Ladies. All angels are female to me so therefore I'm not exclusive on my understanding of my HP. I'm gushing huh?
13 year old male?...been there done that and did it badly. There isn't enough money in the world that would entice me to try that again. How'd my Mom do thru it, considering there were two other males plus an alcoholic step-father? I came to realize in this program that she was completely powerless and at often times apalled at what became of us thru our own sick, crazy thoughts and behaviors. How'd she handle it with a HP...I don't know but she didn't go fully insane...all of the time.
13 year old males?...been there done that as an adolescent behaviorist counselor. Had just as much power and control over them as anyone else...little other than my own personal experiences which were the jewels in our relationships. I knew and I knew that I knew what it was like. "Never forget how it was for you when you were that age" I use to counsel my parents, "because only the names and faces change and if you can remember what it was like for you then you can tell them what it is like now." Your experiences from back then are gold and an anchor post that they can return to for understanding when things get crazy or just fuzzy for them. Still at 13 they start to turn more to their peer group members for security and communications. They get more info out of the house than in the house and peer relationship become more value able that familial relationships and how do we handle that. My mom totally detached from what I was doing and how except to make rational request of me from time to time that might save my life or the life of another. (At 13 I was graduating into full fellowship in alcoholism. It had become a primary focus in my life...Mom would never come close to competing with it...she never had with here father, sister, husbands and then her sons. I would have loved that she had found the Al-Anon fellowship just for her and maybe I would have gotten something sooner. (If onlys are just unfulfilled dreams) I put my Mom thru hell everytime I visited it myself and while she would wish for something different the reality for me was the consequences of my own thoughts and actions (mostly actions because I didn't believe my brain had an on switch or was used for anything other than weight to keep my head from falling off). I had no life until I got to Al-Anon and no brain function until about 2 years later. And here I would be taught by women other than my mother who could tell me what I had done and why and where I had been because of it and they did that by telling me their own stories.
I believe our children need to hear our own stories without fear of judgement of ourselves or them. I have learned that telling them "I understand" after they tell me what is going on with them and then telling my story, that they won't feel lost, lonely, out-of-place, and afraid. You came thru it..they can also. Al-Ateen exists and works because a teenager years ago wanted what his mother was getting from inside the rooms of the Al-Anon Family Groups. Thank God!!
This is long because (I usually am...LOL) and because of gratitude and experience. I will forever stand in awe and appreciation and gratitude that at the age of 37 my HP led me to the doors of Al-Anon and the women of this program so that I could learn to be reparented and get my life back for which I was responsible. Give your ESH back to your sons from time to time while at the same time releasing your grip.
(((((((((((Hotrod)))))))))))) thank you as Always ;) I needed to be Reminded of the (3) A's... I am Getting better with Awareness & Acceptance, its that Dang... ACTION that kills me most of the time, but I now know... It Must be done :) Thank YOu as always ;) Your the Greatest
((((((Maize)))))) Same Boats are often a Great Link to hold each other up, so thanks for sharing your jouneys with your son as well... I too Concider my Son to be "well rounded" but I still feal the worst (Cody in me) when it comes to shippin him out in to the Chaos we all call life, but I have slowly been given him a Little Extra Lead just to allow him his own Self Worth... He is growing to fast for this Momma :)
Hugs back at you... I do at times hold back from tellin my son things at times that I FEAR will give him a differant veiw of Me... However, if he does come out and say... Have you ever, or what if it was you... I do try my best to be COMPLETELY honest but at the same time explaining only what is appreiate for his ears... He is a Good Kid, and hasn't went into the whole "Crazy" puberty of it all yet, but I see the changes coming...
Were I struggle...I had a baby Brother that I had to raise pretty much myself... He was 6 yrs younger then me, and he looked to be for about EVERYTHING... I had to have "THE TALK" with him, and teach him things that a teen should not have to break down for a young man when she is but a young women herself... So in other words... I WINGED That is the ABrother I tell you all about... I guess I fear that my son will end in the same fate as my Abrother... I know I am not that Person anymore, and I know that things with my son is differant, but I guess I still have the CODY in me enough that I still try to wear the guilt of my Abrothers Outcome...
My boy does come to me with some pretty tough questions that "I" don't always have the answers for.. I still try to give him MY experiences and I just try to keep the trauma stuff low... He does no that Alcoholism runs in my family, he knows that he lost his Grandpa to the Disease of Alcoholism, he knows that I have lost MANY Friends to Herion, Crack, Pills, DWI's... I don't hide the bad things, I just don't try to share them unless he brings them up... I want him to see things to look forward too, not just see the gloom...I just fear at times I'm not Balancing the GOOD as much as the bad...
So Mr. Jerry :) Don't be surprized if I Come Knockin on your Al-Anon Door One Day to Help me Understand the Mind of a Young Man :) I am so Grateful for ALL of you here, and the Caring & Sharing that you all have givin MY Lifes Journey...
I'm am goin to keep practicing those (3) A's, and See what HP has in store for me NEXT... One Day at A Time...
Thanks guys... I so Love hearing your Thoughts... All of them :)
When my children were growing up they became my son played baseball and footbal and my daughter softball and volleyball....Never a moment when I was not running from sport to sport...when they were in elementary school I was envolved in PTO and anything I could.
Now my daughter is in college with a daughter of her son just graduated high school and guess what??? They are still
Wouldn't have it any other way.....the thing is now I am going back to school and starting over at the wonderful age of 49.
Take it easy on you......things will work out one day at a time.