The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Installment #2 of why cats are like addicts. For those of you who have read my post Cats are like addicts and dogs are like codependents, here's another example.
True to cat/addict form: Pipers is outside focusing on one thing: Dinner, not from a can but one she can hunt. We have a gorgeous old crabapple tree out in front. Now she hasn't taken her eyes off of it for the past hour. All of a sudden she takes off like a shot (no pun intended) up the tree.
Goof that she is, hasn't rememberd the time she got stuck up the pine tree in the middle of winter. Mom here is out there with a ladder trying to get her down. Or the time she climbed back down but onto the wrong porch and I had to climb up to the fire escape to get her down. Meanwhile someone saw me climbing and called the police. Good thing I knew the officer. He just looked at me, rolled his eyes and laughed. I turned bright red.
Back to the story. I'm out there just watching her and using up some film. Well as she's climbing higher and higher I find myself trying to control her. Duh..remember step 1? We are powerless over cats & alcoholics?
A part of me is a bit nervous. Not her. She's fixed on getting her fix. I'm fixed on trying to fix a situation that can't be fixed nor controlled. Fast forward 1 hour later. She's still up that tree. I'm still trying to talk her down. Just like when I use to try and talk Tim out of not drinking. Didn't work. It doesn't work with addicts and it certainly doesn't work with cats!
She's now back on the ground, but still focused on that bird. Only now it has flown into a pine tree. I'm here posting instead. There are days I swear she is channeling Tim. They both would test my patience! On the sweet side, they both brought me breakfast in bed. Tim would do that just because. Pipers decided on Tuesday that she would bring me a dead chipmunk and lay it on my chest while I was sleeping. She tried.
Lessons from HP come in all forms. This was today's: Remember Step 1. Say the Serenity Prayer. Let Go Let God. Thanks for the reminders. Much love and blessings to you and your families. Much love to your furry friends. One never knows what they might teach us.
Live strong, Karilynn & Pipers the Pouncing Puma
-- Edited by Karilynn on Thursday 10th of June 2010 02:53:55 PM
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
I love your installments and I love you and Pipers. Can't wait for #3, with your snow melted I bet it will be coming out soon. My Black Labs Ellie and Daisy send Pipers doggie kisses.
Karilynn it is my wish that one day Ellie will be able to catch just one squirrel, at this point she has zero catches in over 500 attempts. Maybe Pipers could give her lessons. Ellie can't catch them but she has the chasing them up a tree down to a science.
(((((((Karilynn))))))))), OMG! That was too funny! I so needed that. I know my girls (my four legged ones) are quite the hunters and it works well with the both of them.
I am so thankful they don't share :)
"We are not punished for our unforgiveness, we are punished by it" Jim Stovall
What a wonderful gift. I've heard of cats doing that! I am sure it is a really huge gesture on their part.
I have my own tussles with my Siamese Ruby who certainly has a mind of her own. She has an incredible sense of urgency when she is hungry that won't let up. I think that is very similar to an alcoholic. When the ex A wanted something it was an absolute emergency that had to be attended to that very second! My roommates have the same issue, everything is terribly important when it is related to them, no one else but them and we are all supposed to jump when they say it!
P.S. I "jump" for Ruby every day when she yells for her food because she absolutely has me wrapped around her paws!
-- Edited by maresie on Thursday 10th of June 2010 06:45:52 PM
Our oldest cat cares about nothing but treats. We were out of treats for a few days and he was showing us how urgent it was for him to have more.
I looked through the door and there he was looking at me from the porch. He tries to get outside sometimes but is usually too slow. This time he must have been determined and somehow got out.
I know it was his way to show us we needed to get some more treats before he goes into detox.
I try to control his scratching on my pretty blue chair and it doesn't work. He could use the scratching post but he does this to upset me.
He's a strange one, nothing like his brother. He does push my buttons.
I have always thought cats were like alcoholics , the come here go away nature of thier relationships with people , they give affection only when they want it , its always on thier terms , sounds familiar huh ? Mostly thier attitude is F you lady I am not in the mood . I have an AA girlfriend who has a cat that she calls alkie , this cat literally bites the hand that feeds her , she hisses and spits if you come near her , I ask my friend why she keeps her she laughs and says she reminds of me when I was drinking .
As always your posts bring a smile to my face. It's funny how we relate everything to poor pipers is a bird or is it a tree addict? LOL..hey Chuck was here today, for about a week my darn bathroom light would not come on, and the plug outside would not work....had an electrician here he said, I so long story short it all came back on was hollaring at him too.....and them boom there they were working fine....