The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Just a general discussion question. What does Miracles In Progress mean to you? How has it helped you start or add to your program of recovery? How often do you use the MIP site? Just reply with your ideas, feelings, thoughts, and give us an idea of how you are benefiting from having MIP as a part of your recovery tool box.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
When I finally figured out that I was totally helpless and powerless with my AH's alcoholism, this is the website that I found first. I have to say that this group has been a big part of taking my life back. I was too sick to get to a meeting (psychologically) but after being here and reading, sharing, and being not isolated anymore by this illness, things began to happen. I also purchased some self help books to understand myself better and to try to figure out WHY I am, the way, I am. The combination of the two and lots of time analyzing myself and studing, I think I am finally getting it. I now attend alanon f2f weekly and it didn't take long to get to run a meeting! I am starting to feel truly happy for the first time in a long time. I truly do feel joy in my heart.
How often do I come here? I am usually here Monday - Friday, sometime during the day, at least once a day. I read the posts and comment when I feel that I can add something useful.
What does MIP mean to me? It means I get to live. It means I get to live a "normal" life whether my AH is drinking or not. This site and the people here, mean so much to me. (I never thought I would say something like that about people I couldn't even pick out of a picture). Thanks to all of you here. Your honestly and insight has been invaluable to me and my recovery. I still have issues that I am dealing with and I WILL deal with them and move on. I am not entirely well yet but I'm getting there!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; It's about learning to dance in the rain.
MIP and the members are a very important part of my Recovery Family. I visit in the Morning as part of my morning program rituals and in the evening before I retire. I have been in alanon for over 30 years but still know I must stay connected to program ODAT.
I attend Face 2 Face meetings and I find that participating in the sharing and listening on this Board helps my recovery. This board lets me interact with members world wide and that is so special
I feel as if I know each poster and love each member as part of this fellowship and treasure this site as important recovery tool .
Thank YOu John and all the members who participate in this wonderful site
MIP is a very important part of my Alanon program. Sometimes this board is the only thing I can find the energy to access. When I am in a funk I will at least come hear for some ESH. I will not always make the effort to leave my house for a F2F meeting.
I, too, feel like I have made so many new friends. People on this site really do care about one another and will do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable and to understand the Alanon program. I really and truly don't know where I would be without this site.
MIP is an important part of my ongoing recovery, and helps me keep grounded.... I visit and/or post pretty much daily. I find it very helpful to read the various responses, and try to offer my E,S&H where applicable, as we truly are all "miracles in progress", and none of us - certainly not me - are "recovered", per se....
I also find myself very protective of the integrity of the site, and take that role very personally....
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Miracle In Progress literally reminds me each time I enter that not only am I a miracle in progress but so is every person I see and meet throughout the day.
MIP was my first consistent exposure to AlAnon. During the worst times of my marriage this place was and still is my lifeline to pull myself out of the muck. MIP is a huge part of my recovery. Although I live in a large community with a fairly decent meeting schedule I have not found a meeting that feels like home. MIP feels like home to me. The people here are kind, persistant, full of experience, willing to share and kick me out of my delusions when needed. There has never been a day I have entered that I did not leave with something to think about, to better myself with or further my recovery. I would not be the person or where I am today without having this "home" to come and go from.
Wow what this site means to me. When I have been at my lowest, when its been the early hours and my A has gone drinking I would come on here and read and post. When I am sick and can not make a F2F, when I ring my sponsor and she is out or another member. I can go on and on. I get the opportunity to connect with some really strong aloners. I also to hear lots of shares from new members which reminds me I am moving forward.
Sometimes there is stuff I feel a little shy about sharing in a F2f yet on here it seems easier. Once I had problems with my computer and could not access the site I was so upset its always there when I need it. All I know is if I feel sad when I come on here someones wise, kind words pick me up.
Geez John, this board, both ACoA and AlAnon, means the world to me! I have been allowed to share and grow and also help others do the same. The synergy that we have here as part of the MIP family is terrific! I can take as much or as little as I need and leave the rest. I know I would not be where I am today, comfortable with myself and truly happy for the first time in years, without this website. Thank you for creating and maintaining it. (((((((((((((((John))))))))))))))
This is the place where lightbulbs have been switched on for me. It's as much a part of my recovery as reading the literature or my f2f meetings.
I started lurking here and reading posts every time my XABF relapsed. I was looking for answers. Specifically, the burning question for me was, "Should I stay or should I go?".
I kept reading, and the only answer I got was that I would have to figure it out for myself. So then I started looking for the strength to make a tough decision in my own best interests.
Everyone on here kept advising people to attend f2f meetings. So I went. And discovered that it was exactly the way everyone said it would be.
Every time I come here, there is sure to be a post with something that hits me right between the eyes and says, "I'm talking to YOU". So I have a document on my PC full of all the wisdom I've copy/pasted from MIP.
For me, I think I can sometimes process things easier when I read printed words, and I like to be able to copy them and go back to re-read -- it helps them sink in.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could... Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. - Emerson
There is no AlAnon group near me so unfortunately I cannot access f2f meetings. So this site - the information, board and chatroom has been a life-saver to me. I'm in UK s on-line meengs are a problem due to different time zone but I have managed a couple of meetings.
The three Cs were a revelation to me and have so helped me to cope (I can't say recovery because I am not there yet and problems are on-going).
Of course what has really made the difference is the people who I have met here and in the chatroom. People who understand exactly what I'm going through because they have been there themselves. The support I have received has been phenomenal.
I think I vist here at some time almost every day. I read the posts and answer some when I feel I have something to offer.
Thank you John, all those who post here and those I have met in the chatroom, from the bottom of my heart. You are truly amazing.
John, I have made MIP a part of my everyday life and I consider the members here family just as I do the members in my Al-Anon groups. I can honestly say that I receive as much or more ES&H from this board as I do from the two weekly f2f meetings I attend. I say that in no way to take away from my f2f meetings because nothing can replace them. But......there's only "one" MIP and I would challange anyone to find a more loving, caring and understanding group of people that have half the ES&H that can be found here. Another way of saying it is.......there's a lot of "Black Belts" on this board and they are all willing to give back to others what the program has given them, for that I will always be extremely grateful.
I love this program and I love MIP, and I would hate to think about having to have one without the other.
-- Edited by RLC on Monday 7th of June 2010 09:47:54 PM
MIP and Alanon have been my partners in recovery for a long time.
If you follow the program and everything it has to offer you wont be sorry. The end didnt have the storybook ending I wanted, but it has an even better ending then I couldnt imagine.
I wanted the A sober on my terms because I had invested so many years and after all I deserved whatever good that was going to happen.
I am a practicing Buddhist so I dont believe in a God that is outside myself, but Alanon is non denominational and fit in with most of my beliefs, but I can say the most important thing and the most scariest for me was to let go. Since Buddhism is about self empowerment, As a human being we can want and pray for the wrong outcome for our life. It took 26 years for me to let go, as I realized that I was obstructing the A's progress, this took a deep connection to my HP. I almost gave my life to my stubborness of wanting the A to be sober and me still being in the picture. For me, because this is my experience and my life, even though it was scary, the A is sober, I am pretty much recovered. I did pray for a win win situation. After all for me, its hard to go on with your life, when the other person is suffering. So you can still pray for the A, whether your together or not. Isnt that the goal, that the A get sober and we feel at ease again. We are both wiser and no we can never go back, but we can remain friends. Sometimes better than marriage., lol. All I can say is stick around for the miracles, create your own life. Prayer is the most important thing you can do. Its powerful. Thank you, to all of you, Im really grateful to be here and not forget what it use to feel like when I was a scared, confused and baffled member. I hope I dont offend anyone with my direct manner, but to overcome this disease, you have to be vigilent and strong, with much appreciation, luv, Bettina
-- Edited by Bettina on Monday 7th of June 2010 11:26:30 PM
This place is really special to me, it gave me hope back when I had none, it's helped me to find some serenity in my life ,and continues to help me become a better me. I live in a place with no f2f meerings available nearby and I truly don't know what I would have done/would do if I couldn't attend online meetings and come here to my MIP family for support, ESH, or sometimes just to vent. I have no internet at home so am not here as often as I would like, probably 2-3 times a week. Thank ou John and everyone else that makes this place what it is.
Being a night person as well as one who likes the internet forum communication medium, I find MIP to be valuable in that it's always there, any time I want to read a little ESH, or some thought enters my head that I want to float and put into words.
I'm also well aware this is a public forum, it can be read by non-members, so I protect my annonymity within the confines of the forum.
It's not a replacement for F2F meetings, nor would I expect it to be. But it does bridge the gap between meetings. I don't usually come here if I'm having an accute crisis - I have other channels for that. But I may come here to talk about the aftermath or just in general about life changes (like getting married after many years single!), or like I said when some thought pops in my head (Star Trek anyone?).
In my early sobriety I spent a lot of time on line chatting and emailing, back in the days before everybody had a computer and before Al Gore invented the internet... but I never really had a place to talk the program in those days, it was just something to do with what used to be my drinking time. I don't know what it would be like to try and get sober using MIP or online contacts only. For some, it may be the only option, but I don't know if I'd get the same sense of being "at home" here, if I hadn't previously experienced it in person in the rooms of AA. And Alanon (cross posted from the AA forum, I didn't realize the thread was on both)
What a great question to reflect on John and it touches so many parts of my recovery. It points back to a question I had for a former sponsor; What do I do and how do I do it? His response was to find and use what ever worked to gain and maintain my recovery. MIP is as big a tool I have to do that on a daily basis. I am grateful and I am humbled at how much it helps in both balancing my recovery as I read from the efforts of MIP oldtimers and how much it helps me to keep what I have as I have the opportunity to give my recovery away to another. "You can't keep it unless you give it away" is such an old truism of the Al-Anon program for me. MIP also keeps me out of denial when the many newcomers stumble in for help, assurance and support and understanding. Alcoholism is a life threatening disease that has been here forever and will not go away or get better in the near future. That MIP is here as a stumbling block to the disease is both gratifying and hope giving...I am thrilled to participate in the new and ongoing miracles which have happened as a result of a victim of the disease groping out for help and finding the door knob to this room. HP bless you forever John that you imagination and you creativity were not destroyed by the disease so that you could bring it here.
Mahalo for the gift. I am better off today as a result of this miracle.
Just a note...our Fall Assembly which will be held in October in Hilo has a theme which I had nothing to do with..."Celebrating Miracles" kinda, sorta closes the loop for me.
In gratitude....Jerry F a grateful member of the worldwide fellowship of the Al-Anon Family Groups and Miracles in Progress.
This is family. This is recovery. This is the beauty of humans transcending the dehumanizing effects of technology.
This is Al-Anon reaching out to folks around the globe 24/7.
I am so grateful to be a part of this family. I don't post everyday as life is life - but I peek my head in everyday for the loving comfort I need - it is always at my fingertips - I have it on my phone. So I literally take you with me everywhere.
To John, Rose and everyone here . . . I can't thank you enough. I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for your loving hearts, belief in the program and the power of recovery.
Tricia C.
To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
i havent been here for quite a long time...but i have recieved somewhat recent emails making me think about MIP and wondering why i havent been? and why i probably should be checking back in at least on this board...and maybe returning to chatroom meetings... when i first arrived here i was very much on the defensive those that have been around for a long long time might remember that...the whole concept was escaping me...after awhile of reading and some kindness and patience show to me..i finally slowly think it started to sink in...or at least some of it i hope...and it finally struck me that the 12 steps can be as life steps or a guide more or less...and at times i try to think back and fall back to that idea... i hope to muster some guts up and join back in at some point ...i probably need you just as much today as i did way back when...i am thankful i wasnt deleted from the list although i havent been an active member...there is probably no accident in this fact nor fate-but a voice whispering in my ear yet another step i should take. humbly i am ae``
Initially, it was the place I took my first shaky steps to seek help for myself. My first post here signified my bottom fast approaching, I desperately sought help.
As I progressed, it became a place where I learned how others were working their recovery. So many great and experienced people here whom I admire.
It has also been a place of friendship and support. Some of my darkest hours are expressed here. I received much love, comfort and care. I am forever grateful for that.
It is also a place where I try to be of service to others by sharing my ESH when I have relevant ESH to share. I sometimes see posts, where I think, "I've been there!" and I know I should share.
When I began to recognize my situation for what it was, I was desperate for ways to resolve the problems that I found myself coping with - just 'coping'. I perused the internet with words - 'anger', 'disrespect', 'cheating', 'drinking'...etc. I was trying to 'label' the problem into one nice little basket so I could learn to understand it and 'fix it'. The 'why's' of my life were beginning to become overwhelming to me, scary, helpless and hopeless.
Then I MET Al-Anon...
Al-Anon became a friend immediately. Al-Anon knew all those words. Al-Anon understood them, recognized those confusions, acknowledged my pain, and explained "WHY!?".... I held on for dear life.
I was VALIDATED!! WOW! What a feeling! I was uplifted, concerned and cared about, answered, explained to, understood, and listened to instead of dismissed and ignored.
Al-Anon then gave me access to books. Something tangible to relate to - words on a page...meaningful words. Words that described ME and My life. Words that gave me hope and allowed me to recognize that I was not crazy. Words that clearly defined what was happening and expressed that I was not alone...that I didn't have to just 'cope'...that I didn't have to search any further to grasp what was going on, except to be fed more 'good stuff' and 'understandable stuff'. I grasped those books and literature like a life line - reading everything that I found available.
Al-Anon members soon became my friends. This in itself is a miracle. Alone with my daughter, seperated, homeless, without money, without a car, without a family structure or friends for support, in a strange state away from the home where my marriage and circle of friends disipated, isolated.....
Al-Anon has not only given me something tangible to 'grab ahold of and hang on' has given me my life back. It has taught me that I am not nor never will be alone again. It has taught me that others bear the disease just as shaky and confused and angry as I once did. It has shown me that I care, and that others care for me. It has lead me to a place where I can say proudly... "I am WORTH the Journey of understanding, respect, love and conscious acceptance".
Al-Anon has shown me that I am not unique, that I can and have and will be again....humble. Al-Anon paved the road so I didn't have to stumble around in the dark scary places of confusion and isolation.
Al-Anon gave me the respect of not 'throwing me a lifeline' to protect me and save me...I HAD to work for it, work at it - it was not given to me in a pretty wrapped box with a glimmering bow on it. Al-Anon taught me to take pride in find things within that I had seemingly lost or didn't know I held ownership to.
Al-Anon taught me that I have to believe in myself in order to move beyond what I truly thought would destroy me. Al-Anon taught me that I needed to 'trust' when I believed no one would ever be trustworthy .... again. It broke the ignorance bubble that surrounded made me cry, beg, ask, hurt, plead, laugh, understand, accept, acknowledge and believe. It gave me truths, goosebumps, faith, hope, pain, awareness, comfort, acknowledgement, anger, confusion, and a tangible path to a healthier, happier, open-minded existence - where I can find answers and solutions to ALL of ME....every part of ME....the good and the bad of ME....slowly, with patience, understanding and acceptance.
Al-Anon allowed me my feelings - all of them. Slowly I became confidant, found clarity, hyper vigilant in my searching for the WHY'S of my life. Al-Anon paved the path of least resistance with it's open doors and friendly faces and smiles. It gave me hugs, love and comfort...even when I was unclean, uncaring and angry. Al-Anon gave me a reason to wake up each morning and go into slumber with comfort that tomorrow is a new day...with new problems that I can find answers to despite their weights, that I am a good person despite the tapes that replay in my mind...reasons to keep coming back because I am worthy of happiness, serenity, fun, love and self-respect.
Al-Anon gave me that which I was unable to give to myself - BY myself. Strength in numbers, as they say - is worth the weight in gold. It gave me a place to go when I was vulnerable, scared, confused, angry, upset, and feeling lower than dirt....and they welcomed me with open arms - ready to really hear and not pretend.
Al-Anon gave me Promises, Choices, Food for Thought, People to help me when I could not find people to help me, A place where I could 'go' and be welcomed, heard and cared for. Al-Anon expressed to me - that there are answers, that there are questions that made me ask more get 'beyond', move 'forward' 'grow' and 'learn'... continuously.
Al-Anon will forever hold my hand, and guide me when I am at my weakest, when I am at my strongest. It will remind me when I am at my most arrogant, when I am most destitute, when I am too sick to see and understand what is going on. When I feel bigger and stronger than I need to be....Al-Anon will knock me back to where I belong....with love, patience and kindness and awareness.
Al-Anon gave me ME - past, present and future....daily, situationally, and as a whole....and I am forever grateful,humbled and honored.
...He compared his weathered hand to mine and said, ... GROWTH OF THE MIND AND HEART are the best offers you can Grandfather (Keeper of Stories), to me
John........I live in the middle of nowhere......... with internet access. This site popped up one dark dark night when my bottom hit and I was screaming for help. I nearly didnt click on because it sounded a bit kind of....miracles...oh yeah right. I pressed enter and continue to do so one day at a time. Im blessed to have you all in my life.
((((hugs from this miracle in progress)))) Ness xx