The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
When I met the ex A event hough I was middle aged and had been in therapy for years, I was still in the mode of trying to find someone to make it up to me. I wanted the knight in shining armor, the person who would give me all the love I had missed when I was a child. Most of all I wanted a fall back. I wanted someone I could depend on. I wanted to feel "safe" something I did not get in childhood and a concept and feeling I desperately clung to as a way I could be in the world.
That symbolism the need for someone to transform my childhood into something meaningful was of course how I survived as a child. My adolescence was a time when I dreamed of getting married, escaping my family and living a fantastic existence. During that time the violence in my family escalated, my sister became an alcoholic and our life disintegrated. I had no tools to deal with all those issues. I had no one. Fantasy had to help me out. I have had deep deep shame about my adolescence and now I do not. I did absolutely the best anyone could do and more.
The problem for me is that I didn't ever revise the "assumptive world" I had created to get me through childhood. When I met men, friends, associates, I was working from that view point. I felt lost in the world and needed someone to guide me. Blind with emotion, hate, grief, deprivation, I could not actively "choose" the right partner. Moreover working from an assumptive world that "God" had to somehow make it up to me with this knight in shining armor was my will over everything. How could "God" after all give me my parents, poverty and such hardship, the knight in shining armor had to be around the next corner for me to make it all right.
So when I met men like the ex A my view of them was that I would make them into something they never were in order to align with the world I held as true. Certainly th ex A played the role of knight in shining armor when I first met them. When he dropped that role because of his addiction and problems, due to my "assumptive world" of make it up to me for the rotten childhood, I could not make the change to reality. I held on for dear life because I did indeed feel my life depended on him becoming the knight he once was. So when I lost him to addiction I also lost the world where God was fair and would make it up to me.
I can't say I like the "assumptive world" I have been able to put together as a al anon member. I can't say I relish the nitty gritty of working two sometimes three jobs, bone tired, fed up and wondering what's next, poverty, scrambling for resources, dealing with addicts and more. At the same time its a world based in "reality' acknowledging fully the childhood I had, the relationships I had and my struggles. No one can make it up to me I have to start from today. My sponsors, friends, bosses will not become something that will transform my loss. I have to do that and find meaning in the process. At the same time I can see "meaning" in my life. I know that my struggle and my journey affects others, some people even say it helps them. I know that I am compassionate, sincere and loved. I may not have the love of the knight in shining armor (this fantasy absolutely kept me alive as a child) but I certainly have the love of the members of this program. I have tools, I have goals modest ones and I am no longer in prison with the knight in shining armor.
Wow. Thank you, Maresie. Thank you so much for this.
This really resounded with me, as I've had similar experiences in adolescence and retreated into fantasy. Even when one fantasy world crumbles around me, I just build another one to take its place. It's so sad when we realize our coping mechanisms as children/young adults can harm us as adults.
Thank you again. I can't say it enough. What an amazing, honest, heartbreaking share.
"It's a job that's never started that takes the longest to finish."
~ J. R. R. Tolkien
This share was amazing. Thank you for your insight, your clarity, your acceptance and honesty.
I too invented the fantasy world of Knights in Shinning Armour and a God who owed me for all the hardship I endured.
Thank God I found alanon and the tools.They helped me to live in the reality of this world with the dignity , compassion and understanding that you have expressed so eloquently in this post.
I am proud to be able to share your journey to wholeness
I love this share. I can really, really relate. I used to compare my A to drugs and say that HE was my dealer. He gave me the love, validation, acceptance, attention, affection that I lacked and so desperately needed as a child. And I would DO anything to obtain these drugs - do whatever it took to try to get him to be the man I wanted him to be so he could be there for me. I would change who I was, what was acceptable to me, how I was treated --- anything as long as I still got my "fix". His presence served to emotionally buffer the cruel world. When HE was using or drinking, he could not BE the person I NEEDED him to be FOR ME. On some level I truly believed I would DIE without his attention and affection. That is why my FIRST and instinctive reaction to abandonment is full throttle FEAR and PANIC and I try to bargain and make someone stay with me because somewhere in the synapses of my brain, there is wiring that has lead me to believe that if I am not receive this VALIDATION and LOVE outside of myself than I am WORTHLESS and I do not exist. My life is not worth living unless someone can put the Good Housekeeping stamp of approval on it.
Therein lies MY disease and my reasoning for clinging to relationships. It's selfish almost really. I wanted my A to get clean and sober so that he could be the person I needed him to be to meet my unmet childhood needs and assuage those issues.
I think I said this before on here - but I heard once a slogan that says "If we're hysterical, it's historical" - meaning that most of what we truly get hysterical about is not rooted in TODAY but in something in OUR history that makes us react so violently.
-- Edited by RunnerChick on Thursday 14th of January 2010 05:40:10 PM
I am currently reading each one of your posts - and I have to say I am so blessed by your honesty. Your brokenness. You continued growing.
I still have not figured my story out yet...I didn't have a hard childhood but I know that I learned my behaviors somewhere.
But I finally admitted to my HP(God) last year that I have been mad at him for not allowing me to fall in love with my knight - who will cherish me just as I am.
Now I am trying to walk away from my ex-AB.
But more than that - I am trying to figure me out.