What happens when we admonish ourselves to 'stay strong'?
It puts undue burden on ourselves.
It's understandable that we slip into thinking that we "should be strong".
Here is why it's so important to try not think of ourselves as "strong" or "weak".
What happens when we think in terms of "one must be strong"?
a. Let's first talk about when others tell us to 'be strong'. Or 'keep strong".
People think, when hearing this, that it is good.......after all, who wants to "be weak"? Or who wants to be considered to "be weak"?....
But, almost all of us are going to vacillate--- go back and forth on feelings, actions--- at least 8 times ---or 80 times----- before we 'land' where we want to finally be-----at a place that is good for our own unique situation.
b. Then, what happens after we post for help------and we read a reply that says, "stay strong" from a well-meaning person?
We at first, think, 'oh yes --thanks for the reminder! I'll do that!"
Then----- reality sets in----the anger dies down for the moment----- and we miss them---- we go into whatever we go into, in our heads---- and we DON'T "stay strong" (whatever that means to you).
And then what? We feel shame. We get scared to post that "we reverted"......again.
ESPECIALLY if we have gone back and forth dozens of times-----and we're scared that people are rolling their eyes at us. What then?
Many of us then retreat into silence, and don't post.
We're just too ashamed to let people know that we "were not strong".
Or we post and 'admit that we weren't strong'......and we do it with shame and wonder "what's wrong with us".
c. What do most of us mean when we admonish someone to 'stay strong'?
We almost always say that to someone when they HAVE LEFT a situation...... like, "great! now STAY away!"......or we say it to someone when they 'stood their ground'....... or 'told him off'.
**** But when we "weren't strong"----- we are thinking to ourselves, "I'm not working my program enough! I'm reverting to old thinking!"
The same shaming applies to all that.
When we again stop telling him off-----or we go back home-----or we tell him we love him-----or we call him------or we obsess and don't stop thinking about how awful he is----- or whatever----- we do it with shame.......for, we remember that we were told to "stay strong".
And we weren't "being strong'.
It's not only important to not admonish oneself for "not being strong"....... but also ----Please do not post and tell others to "stay strong"..... OR ANY OTHER VERSION OF THAT.
For goodness sakes, we ALL know that it does not feel good when we return to bad situations or obsessive ----or any non-peaceful------ thinking!
***** We all know that it feels not-good when we revert to old behaviors. THAT feels bad enough. We don't need to feel shame on top of it.
We will ALL work through our particular dilemmas of whether to stay or leave or all the in-between options----- WHEN we are allowed to do so WITHOUT PRESSURES OR PERSUASIONS. Al-Anon is SO wise. It says, "we do not give advice."
And-----the paradox is, we all find our own ways, in our own time, on our own path-----when we ARE allowed to do so without pressures or persuasions---- overt or covert -------- SOONER THAN IF WE HAD HEARD THE WELL-MEANING BUT SHAMING WORDS, 'STAY STRONG'. ........ love to all, Toby