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Hi everyone, I'm new to the boards. I'm actually getting married in a few days so I'm getting ready for the big day but at the same time, dealing with some unfortunate circumstances of my fiance. My fiance and I have been together for over 4 years, engaged for a year. When we first started dating, he was fresh out of college and it may have still been considered "cool" to drink. He was responsible somewhat about his drinking, he never drank during the work week (ie his drinking never interfered with work) and he would binge drink only on the weekend and never two nights in a row. He was/is able to say "wow, I drank a lot last night, I don't feel like drinking at all today". He also will never ever drink and drive (whew!). He doesn't get drunk when around my family, he doesn't drink much in front of either our families, so I know he is able to exercise some control. One thing I noticed about him several months into our relationship is that he treated free alcohol the way I treated a pre-paid food buffet-it's free so therefore, overindulge. I think his essential problem with alcohol is that once he has one drink, he wants more. Many times, he's able to stop his impulses and be responsible, but it is definitely a struggle! It's to the point he really doesn't drink much anymore nor go out where alcohol will be involved because he knows he'll struggle.
We have fought for years about his drinking. Had you asked me before I met my fiance if I would date someone with a drinking problem I would have said absolutely not. However, it's a bit tricky (this is not an excuse, more of a mere confusion on my part when I say this). What has kept me from ever breaking up with him over this problem is that he really doesn't drink a lot. His drinking in general has improved tremendously over the past few years but it's just not quite solved. I definitely notice other people in my family and relative's drinking habits who as far as I know, have no drinking problems, and my fiance drinks way considerably less than them. My fiance's problem is that alcohol changes his personality. He gets dumbed down, his ability to make smart decisions is lacking, he can't talk intelligently/coherently at all (sometimes even after just 2 drinks!). Point is, even a little amount of alcohol affects him. I'm beginning to wonder if he has a bad liver that isn't breaking it down efficiently He embarrasses me in public, he calls on his cell phone everyone he knows in his family and friends and he makes a fool out of himself. I feel bad that he can't even have a beer or two at night to relax without it potentially affecting him. I label him an alcoholic because if I ask him to not overdo it at an event or if we're sitting at home one night whether he says "ok" or not does not predict what realy will happen. He knows I hate it so then he starts hiding it from me and every now and then, I'll find empty beer cans or half drunk liquor bottles.
Last January, as a New Years Resolution, he decided to quit drinking for 3 months to show me he could do it. After 2-3 weeks of mess-ups once a week, he finally quit drinking for 6 weeks. Since then, his drinking (as far as know and I am not naive) he has a drink on average once every 2 weeks and mostly those drinks are because he hides it from me and drinks it in private because he knows how mad it makes me. He's pretty dumb about it and I catch him a lot of the times. He probably gets drunk once every 2-3 months, the last time was for his bachelor party last month and he had my blessing. He's in counseling for his anxiety and on an anti-depressant. His counselor probably doesn't know how much of a problem his drinking is because obviously this is not something my fiance wants to bring up. He's reading literature about anxiety and depression and he acknowledges he has a problem, I even asked him to go to an AA meeting but that may have be pushed off until after the wedding. For the longest time I felt so ashamed that I was in a relationship where this was happening. I make up excuses for him and I, don't answer phone calls when upset, don't make an effort to talk and get together with friends because I'm so heavily involved in this problem and so ashamed, I kind of try my best to strategically hide out so no one finds out. This is hard because I'm a very independent person but lately I feel I'm spending all my free time with him. So when I say the reason he doesn't drink so much it is partly because he is getting better but partly because I don't go anywhere without him, I am always watching and monitoring him. Coming on the boards, I suddenly feel "safe" because I know others know what I'm going through. I'm not sure what to do at this point because like I said, my fiance doesn't drink much anymore, but it's still a problem because I know he is struggling to conquer his impulses. He wants so badly to get help and I know he realizes this is an issue that needs to be fixed. I love this guy and he's a wonderful person, but I just am sick and tired of having to treat him like a 5 year old when he's been drinking because I don't want to be his mother.
Oh WOW!!! Buckles, the engagement is supposed to be HAPPY....that is when they put their "best foot" forward....its the MARRIAGE that they show their true colors...
When I married my 1st A (2 time loser here)...I knew he was a drinker....Had a problem....I thought my "love" and caring would help him....I thought marriage, he would settle down...
well??? the marriage turned into a hell...I was always having to leave b/c of the abuse and he began getting a bit physical with me like pushing me, shoving me over the sink one got BAD!!!
I would leave, he would promise me recovery to get me back and the THIRD time??? I left for good...Oh he tried but I said "NO....NO MORE".........
It was the best thing I ever did....Now??? I am ready to date again, and I have met someone.....BELIEVE me!!! HE is going to be on "probation" for a WHILE.....I see him abusing alcohol or showing the signs and patterns??? I am GONE......He appears ok, but lets SEE!!!!
I would never never never knowingly marry another alkie....not if someone gave me a million bucks......the marriage gets WORSE....the fear....the chaos....the drama....the anxiety.....the having to keep your assets separate so they don't wreck your credit.....the having to hide my keys and wallet.......OH WOW!!! Just thnking of it gives me a sick feeling....
Then I messed up and did it AGAIN....He was "dry" SURPRISE on me!!!! Luckily he was sweet to me, but he was a DRUNK!! a "night time" drunk...He was in the navy and was great during work hours....Soon as he got off??? he would leave the base...come home and get plastered....he would talk to the tv.....get jealous of the dogs b/c I wanted their sober company over his drunken was awful.....I loved him, and like I said, he was sweet to me...NEVER abused me, but his screwed up life was a form of abuse....the worrying when he would stop off at a bar b4 coming home....worrying about his getting busted...a wreck....falling off the pier going to the ship like one guy did and he drowned.....he got drunk in the base club...staggered to the ship and "poof" he was gone...fell off the pier into the water and they found him the next day.......Oh yea, REAL fun being married to an alkie, even a sweet one....
I will not advise you, just tell you what I went through with TWO of them....NOW i am wiser....been in recovery to work through MY issues as to WHY I would want one of these people....WHY I thought I did not deserve any better.....WHY I had such low self esteem to marry into MORE pain....Like my upbringing wasn't bad enough.......5 years plus of recovery has made me a new woman......NOW, I don't even care if I remarry....IF I do, it will be b/c he passed "probation" under my watchful eye....i will watch how he handles does he respond to animals and he responds to he takes care of himself....does he love and respect himself......stuff like that...
I deserve to have a happy and trusting life with a man....If there is no such "animal" out there??? I'lll stay by myself......
Please use what you can and dump the rest......In these recovery rooms we only give our experience, not advice.....You gotta choose........what are YOUR needs??....What is the best for YOU???? Can this guy give you JOY and PEACE and ROMANCE and an EQUAL / MUTUAL relationship where BOTH of you are yoked together in harmony.....can he give you this??? can he hold up his end of your life together????? Just some ???s I would ask b4 I hooked up with a guy!!!.
Thanks! I think I might join the chatroom. Rosie, I guess I should mention though that my fiance is not verbally or physically abusive, he's probably the most gentle drunk you'd ever meet except that he's totally out of it and can't put words together and it's not my idea of an engaging and intelligent not. It's also not frequent which is why I'm making the committment to work with him on this. Thanks for your support!
Thanks! I think I might join the chatroom. Rosie, I guess I should mention though that my fiance is not verbally or physically abusive, he's probably the most gentle drunk you'd ever meet except that he's totally out of it and can't put words together and it's not my idea of an engaging and intelligent not. It's also not frequent which is why I'm making the committment to work with him on this. Thanks for your support!
Buckles, he is one LUCKY buggar to have a woman like you *stick it out* with him.....God bless your heart!!!!
I should mention though that my fiance is not verbally or physically abusive, he's probably the most gentle drunk you'd ever meet except that he's totally out of it and can't put words together and it's not my idea of an engaging and intelligent not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I married one of those. Gentle drunks are none the less..drunks. Once married the disease progressed to a point that I was married, but lonely. Alcoholism is a progressive disease. The sneakiness progresses to lying, hiding and manipulation. I too have always been a strong willed, independent person but I found myself in a place I never would have expected to be. I too tried to hide his drinking and felt shame for not seeing it coming. I made excuses not to attend parties, things that I would have loved to go to. I sacrificed my happiness to stay home with a drunk. I thought myself WAY smarter then that!! But there I was. I guess my husband figured that after marriage I wouldn't be so quick in walking out and the drinking escalated... and he was right, I stayed. His drinking got more frequent as time passed until it was daily. To this day he has never been abusive, but I used to spend my time with him tolerating his drunken stupidity. What a life! His drinking progressed (and it always does) to a level that his health was affected to the point of renal failure. He came very close to death. He is sober now. He made the choice of sobriety over death, but not before I spent 20 yrs in a insane hell.
You're right, you do belong here. Also right that there is a problem. Alcoholics come in many forms from daily drinkers to 4x a yr. bingers. All the hiding and covering, policing and trying to be in control will drive you nuts. You will never control his drinking. He is the only one that has that ability. The hardest thing to come to terms with (also our step 1) is that you are powerless over alcohol. I can't help but wish you would have found Alanon a bit sooner, though the important thing is that you did.
Keep coming back, learn all you can. There are Alanon tools that are a necessity in living with and surviving alcoholism.
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Well I am guessing you are a young adult. Sad you and your A have already gone through so much.
Being an addict does not go away,does not have a cure. It gets worse and worse as time goes by.
They hide what they use very well. My husband used to say to people who said, "I am with him all the time!" Are you with him in the bathroom? When he is at work, when he goes into the shop,garage or?
There is no tapering down or not drinking as much. They are A, they are allergic to alcohol, it is poison to them.
The behavior will get worse and worse. As the disease progresses it takes away so many things, jobs, cars, dui's, mental abuse, selfishness and on and on.
If I had known what I know now, I would have NEVER married my Ah and I have loved him for almost all my life and still do.
The disease kills us, puts us in denial.
Hon there is nothing pretty or good about it. It is rare anyone can live with an A.
I know this is hard to read. It is the truth. I have a son with my AH and my son wants nothing to do with him.
I pray for you, it is a tough place to be. LOTS of love,debilyn
Hi, Buckles, glad you are here! I am pretty new to these boards and to Al-Anon as well. Something you wrote made me feel like I could respond with some ESH (experience, strength and hope). Your fiance is on an anti-depressant and some of them will cause the effects of alcohol to be extremely magnified. Most of them have a warning to not take with alcohol for this reason. My alcoholic husband (sober and working a program 11 months, whoohoo!!) found this out the hard way. He had been warned for years not to mix his anti-depressant with alcohol. He was a binge drinker, usually going 6-8 weeks between drunks. The thing is he could drink 2 or 3 beers and be acting like he'd downed a case. Like you described - incoherent, dumbed down, hard to understand and overall acting like he was dead drunk. But also, like your fiance, he was a very gentle drunk.Well, long story long, LOL, he pushed his luck one too many times. For some reason, on June 28th of last year, he started on a binge drinking excursion and his anti-depressant reacted with the alcohol to produce a monster of epic proportions. He blacked out and remembers nothing of that night, but basically ended up at his brother's house (yes, he was drinking and driving) and became abusive to his brother, his SIL and verbally abusive to his nephews who are only 5, 7 and 10. Brother tried to reason with him, ended up TYING him up and calling me to come and get him. Our Higher Power intervened because by the time I got there (don't know what I thought I was gonna do...) the neighbors had called the police about the disturbance (he was screaming and yelling at his brother and his demons in the yard at 1 AM). When I got there, he was handcuffed and in the police car. He spent the rest of the night in jail, woke up to find himself in a restraint chair, covered in vomit and having no recollections of the events of the day or night after 6pm. He was released because he had enough money in his wallet for bail (he was saving for a computer and bought jail time instead) but he had no shoes or shirt. He was still so out of it he couldn't get the phone to dial out and no one would help him so he walked to a friends house and asked for a ride home. He had to walk across town barefoot and no shirt, because somehow he'd lost his shoes and his shirt was destroyed in the skermish with his brother and the policeman. Talk about a humbling experience. But from that experience and the repercussions (and there were many!) he found out he is an alcoholic and he found out alcohol and his antidepressant didn't mix JUST like he'd been told all along. He had to find his rock bottom and that was it. If you can glean nothing else from our story, please ask your fiance to at least check for drug and alcohol interactions with what he is taking. It is likely it won't matter to him if he is an alcoholic and not ready for sobriety, but at least he has the information. All that said, try to get to an Al-Anon meeting. Its the best thing I have ever done for myself. Kathy
I find it very interesting - very - that you have found us just a few days before your wedding. Please believe I mean no offense, but I have to wonder if YOU are questioning whether you actually want to be married to this man. I know you're in the whole vortex of plans spinning down to THE DAY - but the fact that you have taken time OUT of those plans to find us suggests to me that you are wondering whether a broken engagement, even at this late date, might not be better than a broken marriage. It's time for some really clear honesty with YOURSELF. The thing about being honest with HIM is ..... we have a saying here: watch what they DO - not what they say. He SAID he'd quit for 3 months to prove he could - but he hasn't. (Doubtless he has many "excuses" for this - I don't have a problem so I don't need to, I can't believe you're making all this fuss over a couple of drinks, you TOLD me it was okay to drink at my bachelor party, my team a rotten game and lost, my team played an amazing game and won, the sky was too blue and it hurt my eyes....) He may very well even mean it when he says to you that he knows he has a problem and he will cut back - but the disease will fight that tooth and nail, and if you remind him of those words when he's been drinking, you'll get more and more of the alcoholic behaviours - dumbing down, distancing, subtly then not so subtly implying it's your fault. It is a disease that GETS WORSE over time - both the drinking part and the behaving part -, and you've had several wonderful replies from people who've actually experienced that. It GETS WORSE unless and until he is able to admit he is powerless over alcohol, and reach out for help FROM OTHER ALCOHOLICS. We simply can't give the help they need - we're not in the same boat. My A spouse explained it this way to me after he'd been sober a while: "You", he said, "Can have a glass of wine and then leave the bottle on the table. I can't do that. It's not just that I can't do it.... it doesn't even compute." And when we TRY to help, we end up hurting them by doing for them what they MUST do for themselves. And we lose ourselves.
Buckles, your wedding day is supposed to be a day of unqualified joy for both you and your new husband. Nerves, yes, normal. But the idea is you're supposed to be amazed at how you got so lucky. Only you can decide what's right for you - but I hope you'll take the time - I know how short it's getting - to really make that decision honestly, and write it down, so no matter what way you go, you can go back later and remind yourself why it was the best decision you could make for yourself at the time.
Do keep coming back. It really does work when you work it - whether we have an alcoholic in our lives right this minute, or not.
Welcome I don't doubt al anon will help you. I hope you can put the focus back on yourself as hard as that is. I obsessed about an ex A for years and let myself go awol. Taking care of ourselves is so important.