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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just been reading your posts and finding them so insightful. Thank you all. My post today concerns my A-Mother, deceased, she died of cancer. She had always maintained that she never knew her mother as a result of her illegitimacy. It was true in one way but not in all and in fact did know her and visited her until her death in 1971. I know she was in pain because of mother's instability but even though she is dead I have come to the decision that I need to forgive her actions as it had serious impacts for me during my formative years. My mother was very unpredictable with alcohol and caused me a lot of pain as a child and I always used her own story to compensate for what she did to me. I feel in many ways because of this search and finding the answers that I can forgive her and stop my own pattern of seeking unpredictable people in order to feel alive in some ways. All my older brothers and sister knew the situation, all are in denial and in some ways it must have been harder for them to listen to someone who was not being entirely truthful personally. She used this set of events to binge every few weeks, it was confusing and very scarey. This is a first for me.
The follow up on my A father's insurance is that he has not contacted me since my big no on it. I am glad I made the decision I did and I have not over explained it to anyone, no is no on this one.
My ex A who lives with me is still drinking but I don't engage and have detached from whether he gets caught drinking and driving but have let him know the consequences for himself, its down to him after that, we have a few laughs and he pays his part financially. While I am lonely, I have given up on my unrealistic expectations, I have a big tendency to follow every unpredictable man around the place, that behaviour is my call.
good for you to move on from your mom like that! it sounds like you are very strong and it is awesome how this program can help strengthen us if we allow it. Best wishes:)
The ex A had a double diagnosis of two serious illnesses. There is no question he used that news to binge.
I certainly have an interest in finding out why I gravitate towards people who are unavailable. I know for me taking things very slowly helps. The qucker I get involved the harder it is for me to let go.
We all have dysfunctional places to be, work and live. I certainly do. Al anon has helped me immeasurably to deal with those issues.
My mother was morose her entire life. I know she lived and died despairing. I spent my entire life feeling sorry for her now I don't. I am still pretty angry with her about some things but there are some areas I have been able to find compassion for her.
I no longer"should" myself that much. I know recovery is a ongoing task that I'll be doing for a very very long time if not lifelong.