The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
There is such an awesome reading for March 25th in Courage to Change. I am not going to write it all out but I am going to summarize it because I think its super important.
Its about what is mine and what is NOT mine. And how confused we are about that.
What is mine (KEEP MY FOCUS ON ME):
Be loyal to my values (what are my values? Use the Blueprint For Progress workbook)
Please myself first (what pleases me? Really?)
Keep an open mind (what does that really mean and when?)
Detach with love (how can I do this, in this hour, this minute or this day?)
Rid myself of anger and resentment (what am I angry and resentful about? why?)
Express myself instead of stuffing myself (how do I stuff? How do I express? What's my MO in this regard?)
Attend al-anon meetings and keep in touch with al-anon friends (when was the last time I went to a meeting? Called someone on the call list? Called my sponsor?)
Be realistic in my expectations (what are my expectations?)
Make healthy choices (what is a healthy choice? How do I make decisions for myself, what kind of process do I go through?)
Be grateful for my blessings (what is blessing me in this moment, this hour, this day?)
SO, instead of thinking/talking/obsessing on the A in your life turn your attention to the above questions and focus on YOU (ME).
The passage goes on to talk about others but I find the above is more than enough for me chew on this day, I don't need to add any more! If I can keep my mind on the above and NOT the A in my life, I am golden, just for today.
Some of you have C2C, what in the passage has meaning for you on this day?
I just read this about an hour ago. I really liked the passage today as well. I think this will help me get through today the whole passge as I plan to read it a couple mor etimes just to make sure it sticks in my head.
"Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip." Will Rogers
Great post. So good to have such constructive ideas to think about.
Since coming to alanon I have made the simple tools a daily part of my life.
I start my morning with the 3rd step prayer, read the Courage to Change and the ODAT and Make a Daily Gratitude List.
Many times during the day I must pull myself back from focusing on others or projecting into the future. I do that with the Serenity Prayer or a slogan. Let Go and Let God is my favorite or doing an 11th step.
Each evening before I go to sleep I do a 10th step by reviewing the day. I look at all I have accomplished during the day and am grateful. I also look at how I felt during the day, review my part in any unsettling situation, own it and put the day to rest.
Recovery is an ongoing process and I believe that ODAT with alanon I can and do find serenity and even happiness.
I am always amazed that this program has such miracles as this; that I can pick it up after years of not reading it, and it is always exactly what I need to hear at that moment.
My AH is away at rehab which is such a miracle in itself, and while he is away I am relearning how to put the focus back on myself. It has been such a crazy ride the past few years with me trying to control his everything. Having this month to rest and renew my commitment to myself and my own program is truly a blessing. Today's reading is not only a great reminder of that, but also a wonderful gentle nudge about my step work.
Thanks for posting this Jean and being part of that gentle nudge.
Funny you should mention (and add great questions to) today's c2c reading. I've been toying with the idea of the 4th step. I have the workbook and the Paths to Recovery book (which lists several questions) but I haven't yet had the courage to begin. I'm not quite sure how I want to do it. Maybe I'm just a little afraid of it...I don't know. But your post set the gears in my head in motion again, so I think it's my HP telling me that I'm on the right track and I need to do this. Any esh on how to get started or how to you did it would be great!
Thanks for the great post. I think you always hear (or read) what you need to at the time! It's amazing!