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I genuinely believed that for years while married to my exh, abusive A......For years after we split and to this day I have always said it is better to be alone than to wish you were. For years while married to him I wished sooo many times that I was just alone. Now here I am tonight~lonely. ExABF and I split up 2 mths ago. We talk and email almost daily since the beginning of the year, and both talk of a reconciliation when the time is right, yet agree that time is not now and "our happily ever after is not worth jeopardizing due to impatience" and we need to work seperately right now on our selves and our own individual journeys in order to be stronger, better should we come together again. I'm not projecting. I'm not looking to the future. I am here and in the now, and here in the now-~I'm lonely, just plain lonely. It's not about sex......far from that. I miss my best friend-which is what he became. I'm a VERY affectionate person and so is he and we complimented one another so wonderfully that way-and I miss that sooooo very much right now, that closeness and sharing. And I can chat with a friend, or go to a meeting or what not and that isn't going to change anything. I've been feeling this way all week. I wish I could talk to EXABF about it but can' wanting us to spend time together has caused a lot of problems and hurt in the past 2 mths, and I wont even mention it to him anymore. So what can I do? I hate feeling like this.......the really pathetic part of it all was for 15 yrs I was NEVER lonely, I never spent a lonely day until I met him and that in itself makes me soooo very angry at him. Any ESH would be awesome...........Thanks for letting me share Shellyj123
Put down the magnifying glass and pick up the mirror!
I find it easier to be best friends with my A Hubby when we are seperated. Being seperate takes the pressure off. But it is not reality. It is not a real relationship where 2 people share everything. When things get heated, being seperated, you just leave or have them leave. You can pick and choice your alone time. For me, that is why things work out better between us when we are living under different roofs. I'm able to detach then and that is when I am at my strongest and that is when he loves me the most.
Thanks for you post...
I need to try to figure out a way to detach while living under the same roof. Maybe I'll find myself and be able to love yy bestfriend again.
when you get this sorted out let me know because I am in the same boat.
My therapist says there is something useful about feeling and being in that place where we stand up and cry out: "I am lonely!!", that this teaches us about our needs and feelings and what we do and do not want, etc. I told her it just hurts a lot sometimes and that I cannot understand how its "useful". there is so much I do not understand.
But ultimately, I DO think its better to be alone than to wish I were. In my past marriage (I am now divorced) to an A there was a lot of abuse that was beginning to get physical when I left and that is unacceptable. I would be dead now if I had not left, I am sure of it.
I do think we (as al anoners) are a lonely bunch- we actively work to isolate and set ourselves apart through our behaviors and our own disease, too. We set ourselves up to be this way and I think its the part of the disease that I struggle with the most sometimes.
Its the part I turn over to HP, I have no choice in this- HP has me right where I need to be and I have faith in that. I do not know what his plan is for me. I stay in today and who knows what will happen! Hugs, J.
I've been thinking alot about similar issues. The fact that every day I am with him I think of not being with him ( I blame this on the alcoholism but don't know for sure) and every day we are apart (almost) I would think of being with him?? weird. I was just beginning to not think that way when we got back together. Maybe he acts differently when I detach ?? Maybe I am programmed to always be melodramatic and I'm just keeping needless drama going both ways. But just this morning I was thinking the only person I can control or really figure out is myself. So I have made up my mind to do the steps with my sponsor and discover me and the reason I do things and feel certain ways Then (assuming it works for me the way it appears to have worked for others) I will know if I want to be with him and am just always wanting to "hurt" pine or be "poor me" thus the back and forth OR if I don't want to be with him and just want to punish myself by staying.... or maybe I"ll discover something else... but bottom line I can't "discover" what is wrong with us or him but I can look at me- who knows perhaps God will show me this quickly or not but I can only look inward because the rest is and always will be hidden from me on my own power.
Those times of feeling so intensely lonely were the times I was the most vulnerable, and inevitably shot myself in the foot by once again seeking out a knight in shining armor (always a dysfunctional relationship in the end) because I refused to completely walk through those feelings of loneliness.
There was a little girl inside of me whose needs were never fully met, and I was afraid to meet her, and to nurture her. That loneliness would become too painful and I would short-circuit the process of healing.
I would call my sponsor and he would tell me to put the phone down, hug myself tightly (talk about uncomfortable), and say over and over that I am a child of God and deserving of love, especially from myself!
I finally learned to accept that loneliness, to embrace it, and there were nights I laid in bed and cried, and just felt it! I would tell myself over and over that I was worthy of love, that I did love myself, that I would take care of myself!
It was a long slow process for me. It did not happen until I quit sabotaging and reaching out for a fix elsewhere, for my feel-goods elsewhere just to get out of that loneliness. I can't tell you when it happened. I just noticed one day that the loneliness was gone. I also noticed that I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could depend on myself, that I wouldn't let myself down, that life was going to be okay, one day at a time.
I did some crazy things during that process too, so please don't laugh. I used to love coloring as a child, sitting at the kitchen table during the cold winter months, when it was warm and the oven was on. So I'd get out one of the grandkids' coloring books and color. I even made a tent out of a blanket and two chairs, and colored underneath that! Imagine that, a grown woman coloring under her makeshift tent!
I still do things like that sometimes, nurturing the child within, and it feels good. It allows me to be spontaneous.
There are times I grab my camera and just get in the car to take a drive out in the country. If I see something I like, I stop to snap some pictures, whether it's draft horses out in a field, or baby lambs with their mothers.
I don't know if any of this makes sense, but it is what has worked for me to get past that damnable loneliness. I just had to be willing to ride it out, and do the work.
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." - Woodrow Wilson
My exAH has been out of my life for over a year now. And, I think I must've gotten to a place of acceptance, even enjoyment with being by myself now. I do recall the feelings you describe, of not having someone near and close. In the beginning, it is such a sudden change, and it takes time to adjust, to get over the grief and loss.
Yet, as I began to sleep alone in our bed, where we once snuggled and spooned together, I decided to replace him with lots of pillows. And I CHOSE TO BELIEVE that I was not alone in the first place. Never alone. My HP is closer to me than my breath. So, I think of that often. I focus on my breath, the life in me. To me, the life in me is (a part of) my Higher Power. I only had to trust this and Believe. It feels quite nice now. Bedtime has become a very peaceful time. It's entirely dependent upon my thoughts... what I focus on, gets bigger. If I focus on, "oh, I am so alone and lonely and I am missing out on something," I can become crazy with fear.
I know I have to accept that Reality as it is, is right where I need to be. I suffer when I think it should be something different than it is.
I sometimes still find that I'd love to talk with him about certain things, we shared a similar perspective on things... LOL, after all, we were codependent together! I am trying to trust that the people in my life now, are my new teachers. I am trying not to isolate, trying to show up for meetings, especially. I'm trying to practice willingness in this new path HP has before me. I don't accept too many party invitations yet, but.... grief takes a while to walk through. One day at a time.
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Getting very busy helps. I am about to join a therapy group for example. I am not counting on meeting anyone there but I may. I know I used to rush into relationships. Now I am pretty careful about even friendships. Nevertheless I have them.
I'm not sure in times in my life I was not lonely, numb maybe but I'm always lonely.