The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
so i wandered onto this forum after my son had called me from the mental hospital to say terrible tihngs to me.
i jumped right in the chatbox, having an idea of what al-anon is for... i might've been wrong.
i'm all out of ideas on coping with the kid's constant drug and alcohol abuse and needed (still need) to form some new new ones.
he's been using veer since he aged out of the mental health system when he turned eighteen. he'll be 21 in about half a month.
he was institutionalised from the age of 11 on. then when he turned eighteen, the system just tossed him out on the street.
well, myself and my family members tried to let him live with us, but he immediately began taking meth, coke, pot, drinking, and naturally, he stopped his meds because he reported that he "couldn't think clearly" when he took them.
he was dealing drugs, breaking into neighbors' property. he destroyed three desktop computers and one laptop (various family members' property). he ran up immense pay-per-view-porn bills on the family tv, brought illegal drugs and firearms into our homes, made false accusations that various family members had stolen his SSI checks and spent the money shopping for themselves (since i was the first person he accused of this, everyone believed him and disowned me for an entire year...until he made the same accusation about his grandmother, his grandfathr, and his great-grandmother)...needless to say, the Gnu (that's his nickname) burned enough bridges that no one in the family, including me, the Mummie, would allow him in their home.
so he went to leech off different family friends for a year or two. after two arrests and several suicide attempts, he was down to family aquaintenances. next, it was on to old neighbors. finally, he ran out of people that knew him and was now living under a bridge. i found Assisted Living Facilities. he refused to step foot inside them. i found shelters. he stayed one or two nights. i found rehabs, he lit up marijauna cigarettes on the couch in the living area and got kicked out...
until a year ago, everytime he broke a rule and got kicked out of the place he was staying at; i scrambled to find a new victim...i mean, 'roomate' for him. because he cried and asked me to, that's why.
i wouldn't take him in, or inflict him on my other family members, but i would hurry to phone friends of mine or people i knew, to find him a place to stay... the last time, when he had hung himself in a neighbor's home after consuming alcohol and taking 'some pills' (no one knows what the pills were), i told him. "Nope, Mummie is done. you are a grown man, twenty years old. do it yourself. i'm tired.".
this was because my bf had pointed out that at this rate, i'd be doing this crap when i was sixty if i didn't stop. good for me, right?
the family recoiled in shock. general mayhem insued. everyone had an opinion about my parenting skills. their reasoning was that because he is 'mentally ill' i was somehow responsible for making sure he had a roof over his head and took his meds daily. how dare i shirk my duties and throw him to the wolves?
who cares that i was shaking, smoking two packs a day, cried was up to me to find him a victim...i mean, roommate.
i stood my ground.
he found his own rehab. good for him. he got thrown out. he found another rehab. he got arrested and thrown out. he called me to say the rehab had stolen all his clothes and toiletries and wouldn't let him retreive them.
i took the bait and called them. i found out (SURPRISE!) he had lied about that.
i told him, "look, Gnu, i keep getting my hopes up. for nothing. i can't do this." i said, "i don't want you to call me when you need help getting out of trouble. i don't want you calling when you are not sober. stop calling me to say that vodka tates good."
he continued to call.
"Mummie, i've been shot" (he was lying) "Mummie, i signed up for my GED classes." (i don't think he did) "Mummie, i stabbed someone" (who knows if he did?) "Mummie, i went to a job interview." (probley he went there drunk) "Mummie, i joined a gang." (i'll just bet he did...) "Mummie, Mummie, Mummie..."
i'd say, "oh. too bad, Baby. you know i love you...did you learn something?" or, "oh, that's wonderful...i'm so proud of you. you know i love you." i refused to help him.
he continued to call.
"Mummie i need a ride because i took a bus to another city to party with my friends and now i want to go home." "Mummie, sorry to call so late, i just tasered myself in a bar bet...i won a beer, but i think my elbow might be broken now." "Mummie, i've been baker-acted again."
i would not lift a finger.
when i took my daughters out shopping, or to the movies, he called to complain. he said i was 'favoring them'.
i told him, "Gnu, i take them out, because they are not drunk. they are not high. they never call me to yell at me or call me names....tell you what, you stay sober for thirty days, i'll take you out and do stuff with you."
i said this, because i really hate it when he shows up drunk or high. and he'll say that he 'only drank' or 'only smoked weed' a day or two i figure thirty days sober, he won't have an excuse to smell like beer or to act all loopy.
that was a year ago. he hasn't been sober thirty days yet.
he still calls to complain when the girls and i go out somewhere.
he says i love them more. my mother, thinking that she could help him, began the process of purchasing land and a trailer for him. she was his SSI payee again and was carefully doling out his money to him for his neccesities, taking him shopping and never letting him out of her sight.
he pretended to be grateful, then stole her dvd's, $600.00 my daughters had saved from summer jobs to buy their school supplies, my oldest daughter's first diamond ring, and the remainder of his SSI money from my mother's desk, telling my mother that my daughter had stolen it; and went to live with some friends who 'have great parties".
i said to Mum, "i told you so.".
my Mother's friend, a young man named "Bob", said he wanted to take Gnu in and help him learn to 'be a responsible man'. i told Mum to not sacrifice 'Bob' like that. he was nice and didn't deserve what Gnu would do to him. no one listened.
Gnu stole Bob's wife and ran off with her. he called me to say he and Bob's wife were living with her mother... a few months later Bob's wife told us she took a pregnancy test and was pregnant with the Gnu's child.
Gnu left her, promising he loved her and would send for her as sson as he could.
he called me to say he hated her and didn't want to see her ever again.
poor girl still leaves bulletins on myspace talking about how much she loves my son and misses him and can't wait to join him again.
on chat, everyone says, "Don't answer the phone."
well, first, it's not like he ever calls from the same number.
caller id says, "Payphone" which my daughters have been known to call me from, or various local numbers with some name i don't recognise, which my boyfriend has gotten calls for him like i answer the phone, because it might be one of my girls, or a call for my bf who lives with me.
and second, he could be calling to say when he is coming for thanksgiving dinner (he stayed sober for three weeks this thanksgiving), or whatever. and my mother emails and calls me to complain if i don't tell them what he's up to.
bf suggested that i answer as usual but when the Gnu says something unpleasant to just say, "oh, okay i don't want to hear this. i love you, good-bye."
i did this yesterday when he calls to tell me that i was 'trying to manipulate him into being sober' and he would take as much drugs and drink as much as he liked and how much he hated me and so on (well, since he's been baker-acted this week, i very much doubt he'll be partying). i said, "oh, okay. call me when you feel less grumpy, dear. i love you, good-bye."
and cried this entire morning when i woke up.
Sell 'Crazy' somewhere else...we're all full up here."
and i forgot to post the question after all
what i needed to know is what exactly are we supposed to concentrating on in the meetings, if not solutions to having to deal with the person in our life who is complicating things for us?
i mean, i have for socialising with, and a very understanding boyfriend who listens to me about the Gnu when i am uncertain about things, but i don't want to cry on his shoulder all the time..his life is stressful enough with his job and the economy and his own child and the way he takes time out of his schedule to take me to visit the girls and my Mum, i have burdened him enough with this stuff...and he's the only person i ever talk to about the Gnu's antics. can't talk to my family, either, i'm considered the calm one and the 'Dear Abby' of the family, it'll scare the crap out of everyone if i tell them i don't have the answers to dealing with my own kid!
Sell 'Crazy' somewhere else...we're all full up here."
And the really honest thing you said here is "I don't have the answers". No one else in your family has the answers and most of the others who have tried don't either" Gnu might single handedly be responsible for hundreds if not thousands flocking to the rooms of the Al-Anon Family Goups.
Al-Anon from the get go told me that both the problem and the solutions layed within myself. I thought that was bs and crazy and agreed to be open minded and to keep coming back with an open mind. Now when I look at your situation and I recognize what it was that I did that kept the disease of alcoholism spinning in my family and relationships I also clearly see the journey I started to find my own peace of mind and serenity.
Having said that I have to also mention the very first suggestion I heard in the rooms that open the door to the journey of recovery which I would not surrender today for anything or one. "If you keep and open mind" was the first suggestion and condition to my being there. "Listen and follow the suggestions that you hear." "Read as much literature as you can get your hands on regarding alcoholism/drug addiction and you." "Go to as many meetings as you can in the next 90 days." "Keep coming back."
There is much more than that and that was just the very start. It worked for me and I have witnessed it working for thousands of others so I have no doubt as to what worked for me. You only know what isn't working for you. Maybe rereading the above suggestions and acting on them because it worked for someone else might also help change some things for yourself. There are no guarantees, just lots and lots of smiles and stories about how it worked for others.
Hi Rue.... I don't have much experience with children who are addicts/alcoholics, but I would suggest that many of your answers can be found in good literature. If you check out "Getting Your Child Sober", written by Toby Rice Drews, I think it will give you some really practical, realistic help in how you can cope, and what helps vs. hinders, etc...
I am so glad you have shared all of this with us. It is healing just to get it out.
It sounds to me as though you are already on the right track. Please keep coming back. Post as often as you need and read lots of others. You will find much love and support here and in meetings of Al-Anon. Look for a face2face meeting near you. Go to more than one if you can. There is literature, books and pamphlets, that you can read. As others have said, get to as many meetings as you can in the next 3 months.
We do not have all the answers for you as we are not you, but we all have experience to share. Listening to others experience, strength, and hope is how we each find the solutions that work for us.
Hope that helps.
In recovery,
"When you come to the edge of all you know you must believe in one of two things... there will be earth on which to stand or you will be given wings." ~Unknown