The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
First let me say- What a great business meeting! Thanks so much Shimo and Cindy and everyone else! There ended up being a lengthy discussion about hugging someone during their share. It was great to hear all of the different perspectives being shared. I think that the fact that we share openly with each other, and that we offer different opinions and feelings, is what makes our group so wonderful.
I would like to make a comment on something related, as a reminder to us all, since this was brought up during someone's share. Sometimes, someone brand new to the group comes in during a meeting, or someone mentions a comment, or something, during another's share. It can be distracting to everyone. As someone who occasionally chairs meetings, I just want to let you all know a few things. When this happens, the best thing we can do for the person sharing, is bite our tongues, stay focused on what is being said, and let the meeting chairs handle those situations. Sometimes, people get frustrated and will jump in and say "No Crosstalk", or something of that nature, and they have the best intentions in mind. Just keep in mind that the meeting chairs are handling it, and even if you don't see their actions in the room, we are doing the best we can to minimize distrubances. I will often times get the person in PM who has commented or talked during a share. Most of the time, this person feels badly for having inadvertantly interrupted. But the way I see it, cross-talk is cross-talk, even if you are asking others NOT to cross-talk. When I chair meetings, I try to let the person sharing have the floor and my undivided attention, so I won't post the topics as people come in, or even ask people not to talk, I save those things for private message. Just remember, there is alot that goes on behind the scenes during a meeting that most people are not aware of, such as greeting people as they join and handling cross-talk and disturbances. Plus, most people who interrupt do not have ill intentions, and having more than one person jump in and tell them that they have done something wrong, publicly, when they already know this and feel badly about it, it can be overwhelming to them. Plus, it's confusing and sometimes uncomfortable to everyone in the room when people who are not chairing are giving directions.
I liked what someone said tonight, that the most important person during a share is the person sharing. Such bountiful wisdom wrapped up in a few little words.
Thanks again to everyone for a wonderful meeting tonight!
Cara ("cabecka")
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
I too think it was a great meeting with a huge turnout. Thanks for brinking up the private message and behind the scenes stuff because I never knew that was happening. How could we know if no one tell us? And I am still pretty new myself. Thanks too for your service work here and all the volunteer time you put in here. I know it sure take away from your personal life. You are great! Thanks again! cdb :)
Thank you cabecka are the best. I appreciate your alanon wisdom and your sensible calmness. Glad you are with us and much love and trout to you....SenoraBob. <{{{{{>< teehee!!!
Higher Power doesn't always wrap presents in pretty paper.