The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm home alone this evening and thought I'd come visit the board. I feel like posting, and realize that this is a very strange post for me. Usually I post when I'm in the middle of some crisis. I come seeking help and support, and you all are there for me. THANK YOU. But tonight, I have no crisis. I feel calm, dare I say it, "serene", and wonder what has happened to me?
I looked through a bunch of my old posts. They all have a familair sound to them. Different content, but same issues over and over again. All of my circumstances are pretty much the same, but I'm different.
I believe I owe this to working my program of recovery long enough that I have finally begun to rebuild myself to a position of subtle strength. The strength is coming from faith and trust in a HP, relief at not have responsibility for controlling others and acceptance that this was never my responsibility, and acceptance of the truth of my situation.
I'm very grateful for this program, the MIP family, my Al-Anon home group, the fact that while sometimes my circumstances are bad, for many others they are horrific and that I've been blessed to be resourceful, optimistic and persistant.
I've come so far in 3 years of this program - imagine what a lifetime of Al-Anon will bring!
Hi Rocky '' resourceful, optimistic and persistant''
Great share, those three words will keep me going today hearing from you reminds me it is about Progress not Perfection and your progress is heart warming to us all.