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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
went to court today...spoke to the my girl off from her assault charges
i still find her to be a b...and we broke up tonight..or so it goes
my mind was spinning after words...she wanted to try to work things out but i guess i am putting my foot down
i will not let her in my apartment anymore and i really have basically cut off 90 percent of the relationship
i love her but i refuse to go through this stuff anymore...the fights...court...cops..lies..aggravation...seething hatred...sounds like fun huh????!!!
anyway..but my head was spinning tonight...actually met her for dinner and after an hour...well..i just couldn't take it...she looked good because of the relieve of the court case...which...well..lets just say she had some fire fighter friend there for was all a big mistake...sometimes i think this entire relationship was just one big mistake
i am trying to hold strong now...i went to a meeting was as if i had a relapse after seeing her..i mean i was wasted..i was almost catatonic...confused..people were talking to me..i couldn't understand a word they were saying..very lost tonight and in a spastic head mood
like my brain was flipping mind was flipping out trying to get rid of the drug...her
it felt like..i was talking to a fely like i was fighting to stay away from heroine or i was trying to convince myself that i need to stay away from her for my own sake
shes out tonight but like i said she is not welcome in my apartment anymore
i wont put up with it..maybe i am getting stronger..not taking the abuse as i once did and in the process not getting any love from her...but i think the py off is to my advantage
i get to breath again..have fun..not have to baby sit etc etc etc
i am still a meeting maker and just yesterday i finally got myself a i guess i am making some progress
but things are still hard
i've been painting a little and playing my guitar and i have been writing so much...journal writing..step work..evrerything and anything that comes to mind...using my higher power as much as i can...
...and just wrote a cleaning house list...sort of like cleaning out the closet of my life
get rid of her
clean my apartment..
find a job
etc etc etc
i think it is time..or very very very close to it
i am a sucker for this girl but i really truly do not feel like being a sucker anymore...feeling like a fool..getting punched..kicked..harrassed...swindled for money..etc etc etc
iand i don't want to lay my hands on anyone else
as a matter of fact i really do not want to be in a relationship right now...maybe some dating here and there but i really need to find my confidence..get my in order
that seems to be the deal for the near out my own house
i think it is time
god grant me the serenity wisdom and courage to follow your will for me
Sounds like you are you've hit bottom...sound like. I remember being there, doing that, saying that, redoing it again and saying it again and then the thought of merry-go-round music and all that barfy confusion made me just as sick as you are describing. I had to separate from everything alcoholic in my life and that included my ex-alcoholic-wife. I ended up going into physical withdrawals just as if I were a heroin addict. I detached from her and attached, like you are starting to do with everything program; different; the opposite of what I was doing. "Do the opposite of what you have been doing and you get the opposite consequence" is what my sponsor told me and he was right. In stead of all the negative consequences I started to realize positive ones. Did I relapse on it...yes I did and like any willing and honest alcoholic or addict I got back "into (deeply) the program" of recovery.
I have been sponsoring a fellow member in this program who carried on riding the merry-go-round and riding all those big waves for seven years. He finally hit bottom or below and got into working the program as best he could...listening, not talking, taking suggestions and actually putting them into practice and working the steps and slogans. Today he is working on new dreams, starting a new life, no alcoholic/addict in sight except for an occasional visit in court or the other services that come to play when this disease starts to branch out into the community at large. He had to loose it all in order to get it and now he is going beyond the resentments and blaming and anger and is practicing the gratitude we all learn to experience when the miracles start to arrive into our lives. He lost it all and now has more than he could ever imagine. He is a good man...a very good man who is by nature a care taker. Today he focuses that caretaking on the right people, places and things with a new awareness. It's caregiving without expectations or taking over. He is taking care of himself and his 5 children and works in a position as a care giver also. He is learning how to do be responsible while letting others also be responsible for their parts.
It works when you work it. It has the room to work when you learn how to say that two letter sentence to the disease of addiction, "no". It is a complete sentence. You can use the long form if you wish, "I will no longer participate" and simple is best for me. I like "no" when it is appropriate and I like the 3 to 4 seconds that come before saying it that allows me to think about what I have learned in the program and know about myself today and what happened when the program wasn't in me.
Keep coming back. (((((hugs)))))
ps. He also use to talk the judge and court out of giving his ex her consequences. He "saved" her lots of times. I wrote his TROs and sat with him in court as he called the restraint off and then he was running with his addiction again until there was absolutely nothing left; mind...body...spirit...or emotions. The only way out left to him was up. He's glad he chose it. He hasn't called off a TRO since.
Charles, Something that took me a bit of time to learn was that I could still love my "A" and not be with him. And Love is not enough.....that was a big one for me to.
Keep the focus on you....what you need to do.....where you need to be getting to...
Work your program go to meetings.
Just keep your eyes on you.
Yours in recovery, Mandy
"We are not punished for our unforgiveness, we are punished by it" Jim Stovall
I don't know that we can just get rid of the ex. Its not like they disappear off the face of the earth. I think we can move ourselves out of the relationship.
Sometimes a list has to be pretty simple. One day at a time, we stop being addicted to them, one day at a time I no longer speak to the EX. I don't go beyond that. right now its been months since I spoke to him. I hae no desie to , no need and no want in that respect. I go out of my way not to see him. I do not speak to mutual friends and keep that up. Can you see yourself doing any of that. Sometimes it has to be baby steps to get there! Maresie.