The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Secretary was absent from meeting.Minutes from June business meeting were presented by the chair and were accepted as written by a majority vote of those present.
Next on Agenda was Treasury report:
Current treasurer was not present at meeting so no report was given.Chair said she would email OP-Present and ask him for a report at the next business meeting.
Current OP Schedule was posted and updated as follows:
Tues -Aunitedway/no alt
Wed - Iona/no alt
Thurs -angel123/ no alt
Fri - Aunitedway/no alt
Sat - no chair/no alt
Sun - Doxie/no alt
Mon - Joanie/Roxie345
Tues - Danz/no alt
Wed - Norwood/Mandy
Thurs -Ednaxray/Haximon
Fri - Roxie/no alt
Sat 9PM-BeginnersDoxie
Sun - Mandy/Norwood
Next on agenda:Old Business
Posting minutes on the board vs. Mass email of minutes to all registered members.
Chair reminded the group that in May OP-Present mentioned that posting the meeting minutes on the board for anyone to see was something we should not be doing.
He suggested that we do a mass email of the minutes to all registered members of MIP.
Another member brought up that originally the minutes were sent to OPs and all members who were at the meeting but that as a group we voted to have the meeting minutes posted on the board.
Chair also passed on some information to us from a member who was unable to attend regarding this topic.Group was reminded that just a little over a year ago the group decided at a business meeting to post them to board w/out names to protect anonymity.This was done in the interest of disclosure so people would understand what we do at business meetings and have decisions based on group conscience and that there are service positions and that we rotate them 6 months as is suggested, and also that sometimes people cannot make a meeting and then they would not be privy to the minutes.
A member present brought up the fact that the secretary had not been shown how to do the mass email and therefore changing from posting on the board would not be prudent at this time.
After much discussion by those present a motion was made and seconded to continue posting the meeting minutes on the groups bulletin board.The motion was voted on and passed with a vote of:
15 For
0 Against
2 Abstentions.
New Business:
Open Discussion
A member proposed to add a special meeting for gay/lesbian al-anon members to the MIP Al-Anon Group meeting schedule.Member offered to chair the meeting if it were created.
Members present discussed the pro's and con's of having a separate meeting for a specific group.
A motion was made and seconded to table discussion of this Item until next months business meeting to allow time for members to consider this proposition.
A vote was taken of the members present and the motion failed to pass by a vote of:
12 Against
2 Abstentions
Item will not be carried forward to next months meeting.