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I need to bring some thing up and hope I do not offend anyone here. I just have noticed that it seems that many folks here are into rescuing animals and wonder what the connection is (if any) between rescuing animals and wanting to be rescued...just a thought- don't go ballistic on me please!! Hugs, J.
Well, I have to confess, I rescued a cat last year, he was so pretty, and responded to me by licking my hand and pretending to be nice. That was when he was in the cage. When I got him home, I named him Nikko, he was very Moody, he would wait till you pet him , sitting there batting his eyes and then bite your thumb off. My daughter nick named him Puss (from Shrek) At the time, my husband and I were separated . Every day this cat grew meaner and meaner, Did I draw this out of him,I thought to myself what the did you do to yourself, you missed the A that much, you had to replace him. Needless to say, he became an outside cat and a friend of mine, a very courageous one , took him to his house to keep his cat paycheck company, but they never bonded. My friend says Nikko is a gang banger and hangs out with all the bad cats. This is a true story. I will never rescue again, Human or Animal. respectfully, Bettina
Compassion and empathy? maybe? on the rescuing side. Doing unto others as you would like them to do unto you on the rescued side? Wasn't prepared for the test as you can see but I always raise my hand.
No offense taken here. I must confess, though, I am a rescuer.
I rescued a cat from an abusive home 15 years ago (still have her). They told us she was mean and had bitten people. I never found it to be so, as she is very sweet natured. I also rescued a baby sparrow and nursed her back to health 5 years ago (still have her too). This one has a personality all her own. Don't piss her off or you are in for a squawking you will never forget.
My latest rescue is a little Yorkie. We were told that the previous owner got mad at her for messing on the rug, and threw her against a wall. It took a long time before she would trust humans. My AH seems to have adopted her as his own.
Why do I rescue? I think it's because I need to feel needed, for whatever reason. Don't know if this answers your query but thats my take on it for whatever it's worth.
A person's a person no matter how small --Dr Suess
There is a big difference in being an enabler/co-dependant than being a nurse,doctor, teacher, or anyone in social services.
In my experience doing animal rescue,knowing many,many people who do, they are the people who are cleaning up the messes that other irresponsible humans make.
Animals cannot get their own help as humans can.
I have always loved quotes.One that always stuck in my mind is this one.
"I would not enter on my list of friends (though graced with polished manners and fine sense yet wanting sensibility) The man who needlessly sets food upon a worm." William Cowper
And you know, I never rescued any animal that did not give me more back than I could ever have imagined.I cannot imagine, being a person who would not help any animal who was in need. Or person for that matter.
I am completely repulsed by someone who would. It is better to take it to a shelter or wildlife refuge than to leave it there to die or starve or worse.
love,debilyn loving slave to Potter's Eden Animal Sanctuary.
Claudia, that need to be needed part is what I was aiming for, I guess. Do not get me wrong, I love animals and would take in anyone who needed it, too, just know that I felt this way about the A, too- I so needed to be needed then when we met and I guess this is the single most thing that it feels has changed about me- I really have lost my taste for this...and it has pretty much disappeared from my life, too- super needy people! Havent run into any super needy animals either, I must admit.
My beloved Pipers is a rescue kitty. I confess I probably would bring home every stray if I could. Then somebody would have to rescue me! For me, it's just about loving the animal. They give back so much and ask so little. There's a part that says it's nice to be needed without an alterior motive. They are God's creatures and I can't abide by anyone not being a responsible pet owner. (Okay I'm off my soapbox.) Seeing as I can't rescue every animal, I donate my time and money to shelters. I rarely, if ever feed the strays. I am not into "rescuing" people. That's a whole other ballgame. I think it's love and compassion as human beings and it makes me whole to know that I can change a life or two in the oh so big, yet very small planet we live on. Good question. Love and blessings to you and your family.
Live strong, Karilynn & Pipers Kitty
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
I have rescued a few animals, most recently a cat who decided to show up very soon after our last pet of many years had died and my AH and I were petless. I did it because I love animals and I was going nuts not having an animal in the house. A pet seems to take the pressure off, a good go between between myself and the AH. Something else in the house that needs attention besides us and the elephant in the room!