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I found scripts in my AH's bible the other day. One was a reciept so it had already been filled. Another was a written script not filled. All narcotic pain pill scripts. He is a narcotic addict, MICA. They had been prescribed by Dr's at a pain clinic. I don't know if his Primary Dr knows of them. Would you tell his primary Dr?
I would tell the primary Dr. But that's just me and at the moment I am not in the healthiest spot. I don't even have a good justifciation as to why I would tell. It just would as it would be the "right" thing to do. I regret very little in my life. Maybe too little. Maybe all of my regrets will hit me at once and kill me, I don't know. But I would be mad and I would be hurt and I would want someone to know, to help if at all possible. Take what you like and leave the rest and I know the healthier mindset will be right behind me. But you did ask what would "I" do. Good luck!
First, I'd have to ask myself what my motive is and why... Stop him, save him? Protect him from himself? What is it you expect his primary to do?
As with any addiction, it finds a way to feed itself. It's like trying to plug a leaky damn. Stop one leak and another will start. With alcoholics, throw away the bottles of booze, they buy/find more With addicts, find another prescriber or buy them off the street.
If you tell his primary, does that stop him from filling/taking the script? Can primary do anything about it? Even if primary knows is the A likely to listen to him? What's in in for you?
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Pray a lot. I did not do enough of that in my time with the A. I think I would also sit with myself for a long time. I reacted, reacted reacted around the A. Constructive action did not come till much much later on. Then I said No a lot too.
In my own case, with my husband it's alcohol. I have found that it's a waste of time to pour it out. This only infuriates my AH, and it ends with a big blowup. Then he goes out and buys more, and drinks twice as much as he would have if I had said and done nothing.
If you were to destroy the Rxs or call his primary care Physician this would probably have the same result as my pouring out my AH's booze. First of all, as Christy said, calling the other MD wouldn't stop him from filling the other Rxs, and destroying the Rxs wouldn't stop him from getting more either. (on the street or whatever)
I have learned that nothing I do or don't do will have any affect on my AH's drinking. He either will or won't drink. Nothing I do can change it. I can only change me. I can only continue to get better myself by working my program regardless of what my AH does. When I do this, I am the happiest I can be because I am relying on my HP to give me guidance.
I will pray that your HP will show you what you should do in your own situation.
Love and Blessings,
A person's a person no matter how small --Dr Suess
Thankyou for your honest answers. I did leave a message at the Dr. office. I did it because I felt it was the right thing to do. This Dr. had taken him off narcotic pain pills over a yr ago, after seeing him in withdrawl after detox. This Dr. isn't in denial of what they have done to my AH. What can he do about it? Probably nothing as many of you have said, but having that kind of info, I felt he should know. He has been my AH Dr. for many years.
Thankfully I was in the parking lot of an Alanon meeting at the time I found out. It saddened and disappointed me once again to know he really isn't and hasn't been serious about getting off of them, and he is in recovery programs.
When confronted on the phone with him today, he lied to me about what "meds" he's on. He has supervised visits w/ son, but I'm too upset to do the visits any more.
Lying is one of the things that addicts do. Hoping he won't is just setting yourself up for disappointment and resentment.
I like to compare it to climate. If you live in Seattle and hate the rain, you have the choice of learning to appreciate the good things about rain, or buying yourself a good umbrella and rubber boots and learning to live with it, or moving to Arizona. These are all options to improve your life. Hoping it won't rain and being sad and hurt when it does is not an option thougn - at least, not a useful one.