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I get up every morning at 6am to get my 13 year old daughter out of bed and then go back to sleep and get everyone else up at 7. She doesn't listen...shocker I know...and stays up till midnight, sometimes later. Then when I wake her up she goes back to sleep after I have gone away and misses the bus. Then I end up late to work, spending my gas money driving her to school. SOOOOOO
Yesterday, she has a big project due at school that procrastinated till the last minute and was up till midnight the night before getting it ready. I wake her up at 6 yesterday and she pops out of bed all peppy saying I'm up... 7am I get up and she's still there, already missed the bus. I am PISSED! Not only am I late, her brother and sister are late (because she needs some last minute stuff for her project) and they might miss breakfast at school and there's no time for it at home. So I'm explaining all this to her how they might miss breakfast, and I'm going to be late and I have to pay MY money to drive her to school. And she says.....
I'm sure you can imagine my rage... So I spend about 2 minutes trying to tell her how she's wrong and talking about how the world doesn't owe her anything... and after her argument I say THAT'S IT!!! I'm done! This is the VERY last time I will EVER give you a ride to school. I don't HAVE to do this I'm doing it to be nice. I am buying you an alarm clock today and you are going to be responsible for setting it, getting up and getting on the bus. If you miss the bus I'm NOT taking you, I don't care if it's 8th grade prom day, if it's final exams, eog testing, you won't go and if you have to do the 8th grade again then SO BE IT!!!
On my way home from work yesterday I spent $10 on an alarm clock and it will definitely be worth the extra hour of sleep every morning and giving her the accountability she needs.
She was up past midnight last night and she DID manage to get herself up this morning and off to school.
My youngest had some very strict guidelines/rules after she came home from foster care. She was still being overseen by the state. If she missed school, back to foster care she went.
Kids need to learn there are consequences for everything, both good and bad, depending on their decisions.
Just stand firm with your boundaries. (((hugs)))
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." - Woodrow Wilson
Good for you! It took me till I was all grown up to understand that if I do not get the proper amount of sleep, I am a raving lunatic. No one ever explained that to me. Infact, my mother would wake me up, I'd go back to sleep, she would come back in with her "time to get up...." I would tell her "I'm up" and this would go on and on for about 45 minutes. Then I would be all stressed because I was going to be late (she never cared about being late, she is never on time) and I would be a huge snot to her. I wonder if the entire situation might have been avoided if I had been give the opportunity to do it myself. But I was never allowed to. I was never told that I was responsible enough. In fact, she has always made it a point to tell me how incapable I am.
So, good for you and your solution. I wake the kids up once, and I go back and lay down and they get all ready and come kiss me before they leave. There is a part of me that would love to be the kind of mom who gets up cheery and makes a big, healthy breakfast.....but I'm not. If I had to do that I would still be a miserable witch. My body clock is set to later nights later mornings (from working theatre all my life). I don't rage like I did when I was a kid because I know I need a good amount of sleep. But I am not pleasent until maybe 10am.
I think getting her an alarm clock is a great way to show her that she CAN take care of herself.
She is old enough to take responsibility of her own actions and it will be hard to stick to your guns, but it is imperative that you do. Not once do you slip back and release her of the consequences of her actions.
Way to go. Sending you (((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) CG.
"The highest form of wisdom is kindness." The Talmund
For me structure would have really helped me as a child. I would have loved to have a mother who showed some interest in me at all. I got one who didn't, she was on overwhelm her entire lifetime. She never did get to really any level beyond the most minimal self care. I know that I set me up to absolutely crave caring from others and the A could plug into that like a lamp. I was an open book on "need".
I don't know that I would have responded to the maxim of boundaries as a teenager, I knew three levers, rebel, fantasy and shut down. By then I was pretty much lost to the fantasy too. I never really got enough interest, structure, counseling, feedback, modeling of self care. I find it pretty hard these days to be accountable to myself let alone anyone else.
I think that's why I so often feel absolutley lost in the world these days. I also think for me as there was no structure beyond chaos when I was a child I saw no red flags when I met the A.
My first thought was "why is a 13 yo allowed to stay up til midnight?" Sorry, just being honest. I just don't understand why she doesn't have a bed time. I do understand that your family isn't mine. You will find what works for you. Just something to think about.
I almost didn't put that out to you, but then realised that you are a strong woman and I respect you greatly. You deserve honesty.
One other thing, I remember always having a bedtime and still having trouble getting up just like your dd and Serendipity. I think the alarm clock would have helped me, too. No way I wanted to miss school and stay home. So the bedtime is important, but maybe not that related to the morning power struggle. Taking yourself out of the equation sounds like a good step in the right direction.
Love in recovery,
"When you come to the edge of all you know you must believe in one of two things... there will be earth on which to stand or you will be given wings." ~Unknown
I'm glad you told her about her having to repeat the 8th grade again. THAT seemed to be the cincher. It would certainly have been it for ME! As a child, I never EVER wanted to be held back a grade, so I really did do my best in school because of that.
I'd say you have some dire consequences waiting for her, too, if she misses the bus. That'll mean she's home all day, and you certainly should ensure that's not a "fun" thing for her. Have chores and other various expectations ready to go if she misses that bus.
That was great for you, though, and a great learning experience for her in understanding that the choices she makes in her life are her responsibility. She can't hold other people accountable for her own bad decisions.
Trying to remember when I got my kids their own alarm clocks - around age 12 I think.
I always got up early, made breakfast for my kids, even up until last year, when they were 17 and 15. Tolerated NO going back to sleep on their part - mostly because they were really quite small when I went back to work and they had to get themselves off to school because I left for work before they had to leave. We got in the habit then of them being up, dressed, backpacks packed, breakfast eaten, by the time I left for work. They then had 45 minutes to read or watch TV, and then had to put the dog out, give him water, lock up, turn off the lights, and walk to school. The little one was only 6 when that started - they did pretty well, all told.
Now that there is just the 16 year old here, I don't even see her until she gets home from school - I suspect she gets up five minutes before the school bell rings. None of my concern - they lock them out of the classroom if they are late, so she knows she has to make it on time.
One reason I always made them breakfast every morning, and packed their lunches, was that when I was a kid, my mom never got up. I started getting up with an alarm when I was 7, woke up my brother, made my own breakfast, and went off to school, all before mom got up - dad was already long gone to work before any of the rest of us woke up. She didn't start getting up in the morning until my little sister started school, when I was 14. Looking back - why was it my job to get my brother up, when he was 6 years older than I was? Boy, some of the seeds were planted way back, weren't they?
OMG GIRL!!!!! I go through this w/my 14yo son EVERY morning. I wake up @ 5:50 AM and take my shower. Then I wake him up @ 6:10. For the next 30 min, I have to dilly dally in the kitchen and yell for him to wake up every few min. I tell him I will NOT drive him to school if he misses the bus. I cannot & will not do that to myself or his little sister. He is failing the 9th grade and doesn't care. I refuse to allow him to stay home for anything though. He has his own alarm clock but doesn't use it unless he has something important going on that he wants to make sure he is up for.
I find w/my teenager, everything is supposed to revolve around HIM!! Yesterday morning he woke up and had a bad crick in his neck from doing too many ab crunches the night before. He seriously thought I was going to let him lay out of school for that. He goofed around for a little while until I looked at him and screamed "What the hell are you doing? Get dressed. You ARE going to school!" On his way out the door, he shot me a hateful look and said, "You are just mean! You are so wicked!!" I just looked back at him w/a look of amusement on my face and said "Have a great day! Love you." He was perfectly fine by the time I got home from work that afternoon.
Teenagers!!! That is all I have to say about that. LOL