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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am new to alanon although not new to alcoholism. My boyfriend is an alcoholic. Last weekend he was given a DUI and spent the night in jail. MUCH to his credit he has not drank since. He is really trying to stop drinking. He has been to two AA meetings and has an appointment with his therapist on Thursday. I grew up around alcoholics...not my parents but all four of my mother's brothers and sisters as well as both of her parents were and are still alcoholics. One of the siblings is now six years sober as for the rest of them...both grandparents died from the disease and the others still drink. I am giving my support and love and am trying to do the right thing...just wondering if I should or should not do certain things.
Go to face to face meetings, if you don't like it go again and again. Then if you still don't like it find another group they are all over the place. I've only been to two different groups but someone had told me they are all very different in the climate or feel but the benifits of the program are very much the same and I agree. Anyway face to face meetings - a must do!
Thanks for the reply. We have meetings scheduled for tomorrow. There are Alanon and AA meetings at the same church in different rooms. I am feeling very greatfull for his openess now. He has been helping me find groups and sending me emails with sites for support. Up untill this weekend we lived three hours apart, I picked up and moved down with him to be here for hm and to help give him support and whatever else I cn do. I am self employed so I have the flexibility to do that. I have been very aware of his alcohol abuse and have tried to find a way (of course unsuccessful) to get him to get it back under control. He was sober for a year. At this point I am actually glad he was put in jail, I think maybe that is what he needed to bring him back.
If there's anything you should be doing, it's getting to meetings!
You're going to learn so much about yourself, your boyfriend, and the family disease of alcoholism.
I attend three meetings a week now, plus post here, plus keep in contact with various friends who are in Al-anon, or who, while they're not in Al-anon, sure do seem to live the Al-anon principles in their lives without their knowing it.
Each meeting I learn something different. Each meeting, I just leave there thinking to myself "WOW!".
One of the meetings I'm liking a lot, but also having the hardest time with "connecting the dots" is the Adult Children of Alcoholics meeting.
My mom is an alcoholic - BUT, she's been sober since I was a baby. She attended AA meetings, Al-anon meetings, and OA meetings all through my life as a kid. I did not grow up in a home with an active alcoholic - so why, then, am I still so screwed up with how I think and try to solve problems and the like? I hear all these stories of other members in the ACOA meetings and thank my lucky stars I didn't have active alcoholic parents in my life as a child and I didn't go through all their crazy-making.
But STILL, the disease made its way to me, even though my mom remained sober my entire childhood. My father is not an Al-anon member. He drinks - but it's a rare occasion if he ever does, and I never saw negative things come from him as a result of his drinking. He's one of those rare gems who can control himself with alcohol. He can have a beer, and then not want another one for months.
So again... WHY? Why if I had a pretty stable childhood with parents who undoubtedly love me and made sure I knew they love me - WHY am I the way I am? Where'd I learn to think the way I do about certain things?
It really, REALLY confuses me. My mental fingers keep pointing at my mom. And it's not in a hateful, how dare she, accusing way - it's just a "Man, she grew up with a HORRIBLE alcoholic father. She's lucky to be alive. He really screwed her up, and unfortunately, that awful childhood worked its way into how my mom raised my brother and I."
So. It's just mind-boggling. I'm really working hard on fitting that puzzle together. If I learn more about how my mom raised me and where I learned to think the way I do, I'll be better able to handle myself with things.
So... yeah. Get yourself to meetings. Find meetings, especially, that really "speak" to you. I think really good meetings, too, are ones that work the steps and traditions. It gives you a starting place, at least. And once you're attending meetings regularly, keep your eyes peeled for that one member who just blows you away with how calm and collected they are in their life. They seem to have it all together - but at the same time, are quick to admit they have challenges. Once you find that person, ask them if they could be a sponsor for you.
I'm still looking for my own sponsor... but in the meantime the meetings, the literature, the friends I have... this web site... all have been key in my recovery.
I'd also just like to say - yes, it's great to want to support him. Alanon can teach you that -it's mostly about staying out of his way. Myself, I found that I came for him, and stayed for me.
I came to realize that it was no accident that I married the man I did. He chose me, and I chose him, because there was something in his sickness that called to something in mine. I saw his red flags, and chose to ignore them - and finding out why I did that, and growing into a person who does not do that again, is a big part of why I am here.
Well I am one year out from a long term relationship with an A. I would do incredible things for the A too to "support him". I must say when I read you post about moving I saw a huge red flag. I moved heaven and earth to help the A. I really eventually came to see that was a huge issue for me. I supported him to my own detriment. I would so encourage you to keep your life as separate from him as possible. Whenever I "rescued" the A he would give me a great deal of attention for a while, it would be "honeymoon"for quite a while. Then eventually I would get tired of it being "all" about him.
If you do go to meetings try to create space for you to meet people. You can meet lots of people here. Carve as much time for you as possible. Your whole life does not have to be about helping him.
For me there was absolutely no limit of what I would do to help him, thousands of dollars, homeless and fed up years later I realised I had to have limits. Do you have limits, you breeze through that you can move and have great flexibility. What about your friends where you were living before. Are you keeping in contact with them. Is your move a temporary one? Did you take care of yourself around moving.
I made many many many impulsive, seemingly in good faith actions to help the A. They all ended up nearly killing me, the more I helped him the worse I got. Eventually I got hugely resentful. I also totally merged with him. For me as someone who was desperately lonely and lost that did not necessarily feel bad at the time.
I would really urge you to keep as much of your life separate from him as possible. Are you thinking about limits, who is going to pay his fine. Right now where I live its $10K if you have a DUI. I paid so many tickets for the A it was ridiculous. He never felt the pain of having messed up until I left him.
I was always there to help. Eventually I just became a total doormat.
There are many many signs along the way. One for me was giving up my entire life for him.
Face to face meetings do help but this board can really help you. You can come here and put it out what you are feeling. Don't let him have access to this board. Keep this separate from him. Then you will have a space carved out for you.
(((Maresie)) I just want to remind you (I'm sure you know) your ex boyfriend did not take advantage of you because he wanted to hurt you or did not value or respect you. He took advantage of you because he is sick and all he is able to think about first is where his next drink is comeing from, how to excape the problems caused by his drinking so he can have his next drink, how to set up a system to sustain his drinking etc.- he may or may not even be aware of doing it doesn't matter I bet he just can not stop it. Think for a moment- pretend he did not drink and you had no issues surrounding that?? Would your hurts still be there-if not maybe that is evidence he didn't hurt you Alcoholism did? Just wondering if this is true-seems like it might be and seems like if you could get that to your heart it would help you feel better? Or I may be wrong ?? I'm still a newbie just seems like it sounds that way. Love and Care to you!
i think I have to accept the reality that alcoholism destroyed the relationship and he's progressed so that there is no way he can be trusted anymore. Nevertheless along the way I did hugely self destructive things like rescue him from his problems. I would never do that again. Alcoholism is cunning baffling and powerful.
Welcome to Alanon. It has helped me alot. I was clueless. I don't think any of us know that we will end up in Alanon. We would rather be out there living life on what we think are our terms. What we learn is that it is a family disease. As for my family it manifests itself in many sneaky ways. Keep coming back.
(((qhgirl))) Welcome. I'm somewhat new to the and on for about 6-7 months now..mostly off...I started posting here last week and the people here have helped me so much and have made me feel so loved, understood, and welcomed...I also go to face to face meetings...more off than on lately...the best thing I can tell you is this: be honest with yourself, take care of YOU, and stick with being here and stick with the face to face meetings....I have a tendency to isolate, as most of us do, and that is something I'm overcoming being here. I'm in contact with my sponsor more this week that I have been since I asked her to be my sponsor! this board helps, meetings defintely help, and feeling understood when you thought you were the "only one" out there like this absolutely helps. Keep coming back for YOU blessings Jennifer
Welcome to MIP. Sounds like you are getting off to a good start by finding a meeting. This is a great place to come to vent and share. We are a family here.
Keep coming back
A person's a person no matter how small --Dr Suess
I echo the "get to meetings" suggestion cause that is what worked for me. "Get to as many meetings as you can in the next 90 days and if you find that Al-Anon is not for you, you can try any other thing and we will gladly refund your miseries." I never got my miseries back...LOL I wonder where they put em. don't care...don't want em back. EVER!!
Welcome, I hope that you can get involved in going to local meetings. I wanted to say that I lived with an a/addict who was a binger. He would be sober for six months or a year and then disappear for a week and spend thousands of dollars. It has gotten progressively worse since about 2 months before I left which was 18 months ago. I don't know your situation but I know MY A went to rehab and treatment at least 3 or 4 different times and he is still active as far as I know. I know you want to be supportive but really there's nothing YOU can do to get him better, he has to do it all himself.
Thank you all for your responses. I think the hardest lesson for me will be that I cannot cure it. I know that I didn't cause it and all that, but it is in my nature to fix things. I've trained horses for years for other people and every time I picked a horse to buy for was the misfit in the barn that needed to be rehabilitated. I never know if the urge to fix it is something you're born with or if it's learned. If it's learned then I have no idea where I got it from. My mother wasn't what you would call a stellar mother and my father just stayed out of her way. Even though neither one of them drank...the way my family was, you would think that they were both alcoholics...disfunctional!!! At this point, at least for me, I just don't want to be an enabler. I have found one thing to be true with myself and that is that I want to be here right now and that if all I can do is give my love freely, then that is what I will do. I just don't want to be hurting the situation while all along I would be thinking I was helping. I don't know if that all makes sense. Hoping the meetings can offer some answers to my questions.
Just wanted to welcome you to the MIP family. You've gotten lots of good responses here. All I can add is that you will be surprised how much you use the Alanon tools outside of dealing with an addict. I use it at work all the time. I wish you and your boyfriend lots of luck in your recoveries. Love and blessings to you and your family.
Live strong, Karilynn & Pipers Kitty <-- the cat
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.