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~*Service Worker*~

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Sorry, I just gave birth to a


I felt a bit misunderstood but moreso kind of frustrated in a recent post. As I mulled it over I thought my frustration might be because I couldn't find the words I needed. I think what the book, "Happier Than God"  has to say in terms of our choosing our personal truths has much merit and can be a real boost in recovery.

I've mentioned before that having "choices was one of my greatest "Aha! moments." Alanon gave me that gift. For some reason before Alanon I assumed that I just had to deal with what life was dishing out and there was little I could do about it. I guess it was because that was what I had been taught since childhood. "Life isn't a bed of roses, deal with it as best you can, cuz that's just how it is".
I'm still truly amazed that not until Alanon did I understand that I didn't have to play the victim role I was stuck in. I was one of those people that showed a lot of strength outside but I hated how my marriage had turned out and how my life ended up. Lots and lots of resentments. I believed everyone else was at fault because of their actions and I was totally a victim of circumstance.

So, I did as Alanon suggested and began to keep myself busy, doing things that I found pleasure in. Previous to that, when my husband would spend nights and weekends at the bar I would sit home alone feeling sure I had no other options but to feel sad, alone and deserted. Well... I knew I did have options but if I sought happiness I couldn't be on the pity pot, playing martyr where I was most comfortable.
Getting busy did help tremendously but I still had the sh*tty committee going on in my head. If I was busy I wasn't thinking of everything else, yet the everything else still remained in the background, not resolved.
Forward a year or so in Alanon to 2006 ..

I have a cousin that I have always been very close to, to the point of (dare I say?) telepathy. One day I felt an urgency to call her and I had a feeling something was very wrong. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine she had just been told by law officials that her husband of 15 yrs. committed suicide in a local motel.
I left for Kansas City to be with her that day. What I found was not a terrified widowed mother of 3 in total breakdown mode as I expected, but a calm and grounded spiritually evolved soul. She very much believes in the way of American Indians in that HP is a spiritial energy of love that permiates every living thing and everything that has life is part of that same single energy, making all of us ONE with everything and eachother. There's also new age belief although she was far ahead of recent books and movies, (ie: The Secret and Law of Attraction). She is very much a spiritual teacher/leader by action, word and deed.
Though she was very saddened by the death of her husband she found solace in her belief that no one ever dies. Energy cannot die, only change form. It continues to be part of all ONEness. I watched her deal with what I would consider big problems. To her, they were only problems if she saw them that way.
I stayed with her for a week, through the funeral, held on her 22 acres of land with rolling hills. Every evening we were outside appreciating the beautiful sunsets (something I didn't really appreciate unless they were spectacular) and the way the hawks and eagles circled her house.
Her husband had an eagle tatoo and had shared that he loved them because of what they stood for. My cousin was sure he had sent them to make her smile and give a sign that all is well.
We'd sit outside for hours discussing the meaning of life, karma, how the Law of Attraction works, great spiritual teachers etc. We'd discuss life changing books, mainly Conversations With God (she'd read it 6 yrs. earlier) and how because of that series of books she saw things from a totally different perspective and explained them to me as best she could.
Once I read it, I was also changed forever. I believe there is a universal shift in spiritual consciousness happening, (this is where I lose some an awakening of sorts.. You can see it everywhere, if you are aware. Many, many books on the subject, Movies, even Oprah. In fact my favorite church is called The Soul Esteem Center. That's not a church you'd hear of even 10 yrs ago. I still have a Higher Power, mine just doesn't sit on a throne and label who and what is a sin and condemn them for eternity. Nuff said about that without getting in trouble :)
There's no possible way to simplify or explain what I have come to believe in the last few years. It's something that each individual will persue if and when they feel "the shift".
Anyway, this is a small part of where I'm at. Alanon was a key stepping stone in opening up my mind.
I do conceive the notion that some just won't "get" my meaning or intent, but ALWAYS my intent is to help in some way. Even if you don't understand a word I say...LOL!

Below are some statements and a little explanation of things that are true for me and everyone else if they so choose... (as always, take what you like, leave the rest):

The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.
Only I determine what meaning to give to a happening, a statement or someone's actions. I have many choices and I will choose my best possible meaning for the highest good.

I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.
Only I can have my experience. "I" choose how I see it, not what anyone else thinks I should see, learned, taken or become because of a particular experience.

"If you think that what you are experiencing during times of difficulty is real, you will quite literally make it real in terms of the effect that it has in your life."
We can "choose" how we feel and deal, it is not a "must" to feel a certain way. Life does not dictate to us what is happening, we dictate what is happening by how we choose to percieve it...whew!!!!). I feel I need to explain this one better...
We can see a situation however we choose to see it.
Here's an example in my life: As some of you know I lost a daughter due to tragic circumstances. Many times people have said to me "I could NEVER have survived that." I wondered if they thought their pain would be greater then mine if it happened to them. I could never quite figure out what that comment was intended to mean. I always thought to myself "What were my options?"
I guess they may have been as follows:

(A) I could let that event dictate who I am and how I forever looked at the world. I could carry the hurt with me and keep a tight grip on it, be hateful, bitter, angry, think life was unfair, make misery my mantra, try to figure out why, blame...on and on.
(B) (this is after much evolution on my part) I could see the event for what it was, a tragic period in my life, that just was. I have the rest of my life to live without my child. I had to ask myself "how do I "choose" to live it?" I chose to live without option A and did my best to move forward and not let that instance define who I am.
This is what is meant by "the illusion". One option was not cut in stone and dictated to me by life. I was not under life's control unless I chose it to be so. My option remained an illusion, hanging in the air until I chose what was going to be my reality.
I could have chosen either one, but until I chose my option , my truth didn't exist.

"What you resist persists, and what you look at disappears."
This one is easy. It's akin to 4th step thinking. You can't run or ignore the things you don't like about yourself or anything else because it will follow you. Not until you face it can you look at it and choose to change it.

"You decide, and you alone decide, what something means to you, and how you are going to respond to it."

"stay in the moment, don't futurize and don't past-eurize"
To me this means don't hang on to old stuff and drag it in to the present and don't carve a nitch in your shoulder to carry it in to the future. For instance, there are those of us that have been abused in one form or another, but again, it's not necessary to allow it to define who we are. You are not the sum of someone elses violent act...unless you choose that option, then it certainly will be true for you.

That's all I got. My brain hurts from attempting to make myself clear and being certain I'm I'm sure there will be those that read this (if they even made it this far) that will wonder what the heck that whacko was trying to convey. Others will "click" with what I'm sharing and have an "Aha moment" as I did and start absorbing more info..
Luckily Alanon taught me "what others think of me is none of my business"
I always understood that, I couldn't always hold on to it though. Now, I feel a bit sad for those people because no matter what they say or think of me it is theirs to keep and digest somehow...unless I choose to take it on and worry about it... and that's just not gonna happen :)


-- Edited by Christy at 23:30, 2008-03-06


If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them.  And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1917

Christy, I love your post. Thank you for it. I am totally on the same page (as you know). There are some incredible things that augment my al-anon and so many al-anon ideas in many other spiritual pathways, teachings, books, etc.- certainly they pre-date al-anon! I love that al-anon is a spiritual program and that it opens us up a teensy bit so we can get ready to open further as you (and others) have. Its really beautiful and I am deeply inspired right now. Thank you for your post, its really helped me and what I needed right now. I am printing it out for my journal. Hugs, J.


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Beautiful, eye-opening, and well written. Thanks, Christy!


~*Service Worker*~

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You may be a "whacko" to some, but that doesn't mean your post doesn't make sense.  I'm right there with you on these things.   I especially like the idea of letting go of the past.  A has a hard time with this as his mother was brutal to him.  But I try and remind him, now that she's gone she can no longer hurt him.  I don't dwell in the past.  It is what it is, and I can't change.  But I can change how I react to it.   Thanks for the wonderful post.  Love and blessings to you and your family.

Live strong,
Karilynn & Pipers Kitty smile

-- Edited by Karilynn at 07:22, 2008-03-07

It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.

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Wonderful, and if you are misunderstood, it is through no fault of yours.

The risk one takes in opening up oneself is always just that. Either one is understood, or one is misunderstood.

I for one, feel you are a beautiful, caring, thoughtful person. I can only take you in as I perceive you by the grace of my God [He is my HP and not judgmental, He is in my mind a loving gracious God...enough said on that one, without inviting censure].

I listen with open mind, heart and soul to everyone's truth.

Thank you for that, if this is the birth of your book I hope you will keep on writing.


-- Edited by Heartbroken at 10:01, 2008-03-07

"The highest form of wisdom is kindness." The Talmund

~*Service Worker*~

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I'm also right there with you, gonna have to check out those books you mentioned... It's when I started thinking about things in this way that things got better for me! Life is good now. I also have no idea what you are referring to about a post you made, I'll have to go back and dig that one up.


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~*Service Worker*~

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LOve you CHristy.  (((Christy))))  Thanks for this post.


"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata

~*Service Worker*~

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 you put what I had been thinking into words!!! I am going to look at these books. I was so turned off to "out of the box(?)" thinking by my inlaws and all of their "phoney spirtiual-ness and mystical thinking" I have been carrying that resentment around and allowing that to stop my healing. But, despite myself, I have heard what you are saying and actually felt it! It feels good! Thank you for sharing this.


~*Service Worker*~

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You guys rock!!!!! (((((really big hugs)))))

I'm so happy y'all get it. I know the "illusion thing" can be difficult to wrap your mind around. It's simply because, as I said, we were taught differently from childhood. The thought process really hasn't been any different for me then when I came to Alanon. I had to change my stinkin thinkin then too.
The bad news? This is only one

You have NO idea how much angst I had writing this. It was an all day job, going back to it several times during the day, rewording and rewriting. Sheesh! It drove me nuts..
Finally I just hit the damn "POST" button and pushed my chair back..ROFL!!

I wondered if I should even write it at all since I didn't mention any Alanon books. Thankfully Alanon is a spiritual program that allows me to share and name books that have been instrumental in my journey of recovery.

I can't explain why it was so important to me to get this illusion/choice message out ( an HP thing perhaps). Initially my first thought was "Pfffft! I give up."
But then my own beliefs took over. What meaning do I want to give to my percieved misunderstanding? I want to mold it to my highest good. The only way I saw was to share what understanding I do have with others.
I knew there were AHA's!! in this way of thought because I had them myself. If in the midst of turmoil that living with a alcoholic presents, anyone would stop and think "Hey! I have the power to see this illusion as I choose. What is the meaning I want to give it (if any at all) that will be for my highest good?"

Many, many times when I read these books I wonder if the author has been in or exposed to a 12 step program because of the snippets of "program speak." Especially Neale Donald Walsch. He was homeless, jobless and lost his family previous to writing "Conversations With God."
This would be "THE" books I would suggest if anyone wanted to persue this genre of thought. It's actually a trilogy, volumes 1,2 and 3. The first time I read them I read the individual books but since then 3 in one have been published. I 've loaned out the single books so many times I don't know where they are so I recently bought the one big one (found on Amazon).

If anyone would like a list of books I'll be more then happy to share. Just shoot me a P.M.


-- Edited by Christy at 13:14, 2008-03-07


If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them.  And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.

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Wow, this is weird! Just yesterday I got some books from the library (none that you mention,altho they will be on my list) and some of the things I have read so far are taking me exactly in this direction.I REALLY get this,something is leading me.

Yesterday I was discussing with my AHsober a problem I am dealing with and he said ...'just go with the flow, let it play itself out'.Then in one of the books I was reading I read the same thing...go with it..see where it takes you,stop resisting. I love these little(huge) messages from the Divine.Love it!

AM sensing a shift in my life,but naturally I thought it was just me! lol.

I always get so much from your posts because I like the way you think.

BIG HUG.......Dru


~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha Christy...That was courageous!  The God as I underestand God has always been a "itchy subject" because it is a core belief of so many of the multitude and some of that multitude are master scholars on the subject.  I had to let go of much to arrive at where I am today with the God of my understanding and where I am at is more being God directed than man or person directed.  For sure there a many people that my HP has used as instruments of God will for me as I am sure I have been used at times...sooo I have moved away from smarties on the subject and kept my mind, body, spirit and emotions open to just God who was God before man, people, humans or whomever decided to try an identification. 

I listen to the indigenous peoples.  The elders and ancients who were closer in awareness and relationship with God without books, scholars, pride or ego.  They have known before the written word and they know still without variation. Much of what is around today is variation and variation is away from the truth and center.  I also have read some very outstanding literature in the past that came to me from recovering people and from within their journey in recovery.  Alot of it was non-specific sharing by the author regarding spiritual awakening and new awareness.  I read these in light of my own awakening and awareness and acknowledged that there is a multitude of people awakening to the belief and truth that they are not the creator and master of their own lives but that they are creations meant to be instruments to help others understand the very same thing so that they also can pass on that message.

For me the indigenous peoples have never lost contact and have never been abandoned.  They know that the creator is present in everything at all times for their benefit and that all that is created is for their free use and to care for including other peoples.   One thing I learned from my sponsor "Mac" (bless you Mac and thanks for your guidance) is that I could never out-distance HP or be in a place HP didn't have access to.  To day that is a truth for me as my understanding increases in "God is with me". 

Thank you for your courage...I always need mentoring on that.



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From the queen "whacko", I loved your post, love this way of thinking and I am glad you spent all day agonizing over it instead of me. rofl.gif


Two things:
1. Recovery is a process, not an event.....and....
2. You only get to go around once. Leave em laughing and make it worth your while

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3131

Christy thank you for taking the time to share this. Sure is food for the heart.



"If wishes were wings,piggys would fly."


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Wow Christy,

Thank you for the wonderful post!


~*Service Worker*~

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I am with you on all of this too.  I have come to understand many things about the universe, global or group consciousness, the Secret, quantum physics, energy and now al anon.  So many connections from so many sources that go together and I have wanted to bring them together to share too.  But I never could figgure out how to put it into words.  Thank you for this post.  It is all very exciting.  hugs, ddub

"Choices are the hinges of destiny."  Pythagoras         You can't change the past, but you can change the future.

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 894

Christy, Lovely and interesting post. I believe about the eagle sign as I experienced something similar a few years ago. It was real to me .

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