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...the pain I am experiencing in my recovery journey needs to be looked at in much the same way as post surgical pain. One has surgery and there is pain afterwards, but one knows that that pain will stop as healing takes place. Okay, so that is what I have to do now, instead of fighting against the pain of recovery, accept it as part of the recovery.
That wonderful clique 'Inch by inch it's a cinche, yard by yard it's far too hard has really sunk in. I think this will be a healthier approach to apply when working my programme?
Endurance and patience have somehow been lost from my vocabulary, but I realise now that I have to add them and practice them, accept the pain and realise that it is going to take time.
Instead, 'I want it now' seems to have become my battle cry and I am just learning that that is not going to get me the serenity and recovery that I so yearn for.
So, as from today I am going to wipe out 'I want it now', and return to the tried and tested addage; Inch by inch it's a cinch, yard by yard it's far too hard. And, instead of fighting against the pain of recovery I am going to think of it with patience;
Put All Thought Into Enduring New Challenges Effectively
- that way I feel I am more likely to attain my goal.
Why is it that sometimes we cannot see the wood for the trees?
"The highest form of wisdom is kindness." The Talmund
Thanks for your share. I think we can't see the woods for the trees is because of a fear of the unknown. The what ifs start to pop up in my head and then the sabotaging starts for me. The calm before the storm feeling that was very familiar to me being in an alcoholic home, so I am always on the lookout for some catastrophe. If it doesn't happen, then I will get so full of anxiety I will get the ball rolling on the drama. Thank HP for this program. It is allowing me to break free of the need for drama. I remember reading a verse in a book not long ago that went something like this--"You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen.Do not even listen,simply wait,be quiet,still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked,it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet."
Hey HB :) Pain is the touchstone of all spiritual progress. I learned to like pain or misfortune because I knew there was something good in growing to the other side. I look at pain two ways. Its either means I have a chance to learn something or a chance to demonstrate God working in my life to others. It comes though by itself doesn't it. I had to learn not to go looking for it.
I liked your new enduring challenges effectively slogan. It reminded me a bit of something I read about fear tonight. it said that if we would concentrate on what role God would have us play that we would at once commence to outgrow fear. The idea of me having a role God would have me play is new to me. I have to think about that a bit???????
Great post!! My spiritual sponsor also use to say that people are not willing to find the joy of healing because they fear the pain of surgery. I'm with you on this one. The pain passes and not to far after we forget what it was like while we are enjoying wellness. The spiritual surgery of cutting out those things of our lives that keep us in sickness is no less like a physical surgery with the acception of the anesthesia. I am glad that there was no anesthesia because the memory of the process is much more vivid and reuseable. Additionally the gratitude is greater. Pain doesn't kill you. It reminds you that you are still very much alive.
I have found that when things are most painful, and then the healing comes I am stronger for the journey through the pain. Much as a skin of a scar is always stonger than the surrounding skin.
I will pray that though the journey is hard that you will emerge stonger. You are always in my prayers.
A person's a person no matter how small --Dr Suess
I have heard that pain is inevedible but suffering is an option . stay with it be patient with yourself and u will find your miracle . Face it walk thru and find the freedom your looking for. I believe that if God brought u to it , He will walk u thru it . Louise