The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
...I get to go at my own pace. There are times I really surge ahead and there are times I need to take a step (or 20!!) backwards. This is Ok and this program acknowledges this. HP loves me regardless. Nothing is set in stone- everything is in guidelines. You do not have to do anything if you do not want to- its all our own individual choice and action/inaction. We can take our own time, our own path and spend time in whatever groups and around what ever program people we want to. We can also avoid certain groups and people if we want to! Dang, I love this about this program- we all get to go at our own pace and do it the way that works out best for us. This year, I may not have a sponsor- you know what?! its not the end of the world. Maybe I will have one next year. Maybe not. Maybe I will find one next week! I know that in order to work my program, I need one but if there is not one around that I can detect that is HP's will for me today and that works for me.
No one is better or worse at working this program. There is no authority except our HP's authority. Sure, some people have more years but that doesn't mean that they have better/more recovery. No one is in any better or worse place than anyone else. We are all working on it to the best of our ability. Some of us are "slow cookers" or late bloomers. Some of us make massive strides. Some of us change speeds at different times and take twisted paths. its all good, we are all figuring it out ONE DAY AT A TIME.
There is no wrong answer. We are all precisely where we need to be right now. J.
Right on. It has given me structure. I was out of control. When I go to a meeting I know exactly what is expected of me for one hour. And for one hour at least I am in the grace of my HP.
well said Jean! and it is making me like change a little more as these are good changes of growth in positive directions..... eventually.
and right now while I can't figgure out how to say anything nice while learning to detach, I have nothing to say or bite my tongue so I love that I can talk at f2f meetings and write all my thoughts out here.
....... and I love meeting folks like all of you who talk about things in a discussion that makes me think and grow.
hugs, ddub
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
How true, Jean. I think we get out of the program what we put into it, in general. But some days I feel like I'm sinking into a hole (probably because I'm standing still in a bad place!) I do love the fact that we work this program at our own pace. I also LOVE the fact that many times we get the nudge (okay, kick!) we need to move forward when we're stuck. There is such hope here - and hearing how other people found life on the other side of misery, is so amazing. It makes me want to work the program even more. I've grown so much since I've been here - and it feels good. I'm very grateful.
I can just see it now. Jean sitting back on her relaxer with a good book, glass of ice tea and a smile on her face. Such a picture of health. AAAAAhhhhhhh.
Thanks for the reminder, Jean! I've been guilty of picking up the big stick lately and flogging myself, thinking I 'should' be further along than I am.
I think I'll just stick with accepting where I am at today thanks to your share :)
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." - Woodrow Wilson