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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have been thinking a lot lately about the past few months. All I have been through and still going through.I can think back even further and think of all the things that have gone on continuously lately.I am not one to handle stress well. Sometimes when I feel fear or something big is happening in my life. My mood is a lot worse and I yell at my children.This may sound strange, however, I still get surprised when my mind wonders to a memory from the past.I sometimes look at my life and say did I really go through that? I feel crazy sometimes for that reason not sure why.I feel like I live on another planet and takes me a while to realize something, or I know what im doing wrong and I continue to do it anyway. Then I also procrastinate often. I dont think I live in denial then again if I did I wouldnt know it yet would I? Lol :p
Got me thinking to my children. They have been beginning to act out lately and it has been awhile but we are basically back to where we were, yelling and disrespectful. WE just moved back here in November then xmas came. My kids have had it rough. I see people judge me because its not to often I am hard on my children. This is extremely hard for me to admit cause its my fault that my kids misbehave however its something I always knew. . Even when my kids talk back to me or say no to me, which they often do, I give them a consequence but then I am not consistent the next day or I forgive them easily. People keep telling me how I let my children walk all over me and they dont know whos boss ect I dont think this way and I dont understand why everyone I know in person does!I am mostly talking about the people who live in this building who have known me since I was 8 years old. And a few others and of course family.
I know how to teach my kids how to stop yelling ive done it before. I tend to get lost when big things happen in my daily life with family I am a true caretaker and again I rushed into that mode and my children suffered, more than once, their faults? Not to me.
I know what I do also, I think I can be completely honest and say this, its the first time I admit it so openly so bear with me, ive shared before I yelled at my children nothing much more than that though. Ive screamed a little to much at them, I have called them brats when they told me they hated me, and I have never done well in anger always have reacted. My kids have always been in a house that has had arguments since they were babies because of my family wasnt a calm one either nor was my ex. Knowing all I know and all they went through. My children watched my mother bedridden and dying. When she was home. I never saw that as a child.
Im to teach them respect, to respect me when I dont even speak to them in a healthy manner feels hypocritical to me. I always say sorry to my kids when I do wrong because the action or my words are already done. I always explain to them that I am not perfect and I am sorry that I hurt them and then I tell them I love them, I also know that even though I explain and I think I have done the job, they still think things in their own minds. Friends have heard me do this at certain times. I do dicipline them when they are out of line, I tell them its not nice and not to do that. These kids do listen to me though they are in bed every night at 8pm with complaining, they do their homework ( complaining) they have never been kids to cross me. I do over spoil my children I will admit it at times especially if I feel guilty for taking them out of their comfort zone to tend to my family.
They have been through so very much. Kids dont get to choose what comes to them
WE can come home if we want to unwind listen to music take a bath. Some people drink, or do drugs or anything else to relax. WE can reach out for support like I am doing here right now. Talk to a friend. Children do not have these choices. They have no choice but to go through what comes to them and what we bring to them. WE dont always have the time to explain everything to them when we are in our own crises so children tend to guess. Children go through life on lifes terms, After all my kids have been through I still see them laughing with me and we dance, I see them laughing in the pool and in the park and when we go out. Oldest one is at the top of her class, for the first year. Other daughter over came her shyness and is reading properly. I didnt do such a bad job up to now, considering..They cant do what we do I find them truly amazing people. So in my eyes it means they accept what is happening and they move on. I often hear a lot of adults say children adjust or kids are resilient, of course they are because they dont have another choice. A lot of adults complain especially the ones that live here in this building. About their kids not listening ect. Many times the children are overlooked when our own lives are not that great.Then wonder whats wrong with them???? I know what I do to them and what I brought to them. They are only lashing out the way I have with their stress. So I never feel guilty for not being that strict with them.
People tell me it doesnt matter they should be disciplined anyway, however, they are, just not as much as others think it should be and I hold no guilt for it. When I hear often enough how wrong I am and how I do this or that wrong how I am going to have bad bad teens, I have to come here to the ones that have always accepted me, no matter what, for a reality check and without judgment, feels good to do a long post like this again its been a while coming to get this off my chest. I dont feel so crazy anymore now that all these words are in front of me and I understand why I do what I do. The most important thing for me is, I remember the thoughts I had as a child laying in bed wondering what my parents were doing, or why they were fighting, ect. I remember coming to my own conclusions, I remember being very afraid most of the time because my parents never admitted anything I heard or saw, I was dreaming or nuts. I honestly thought I was for many years. So I dont tell my kids to shhhhhhh dont say anything, or I dont tell them it never happened or I meant to say this instead you heard this I say yes I said that im sorry. If people dont like that. Its their problem. I deal with the consequences of my own actions always have. So the whole point of this post??? I honestly think that children are the most amazing and strongest people I have ever met in my life. I will make sure my children know that. Its funny, all I have to do is tell my children the things I wanted to hear and didnt at that age and every age after. I remember them. I try to teach them not to feel guilty for the things they say or do to just work on their anger or talk to me. I know we need to get re settled again and work the best way we know how. I will do my best to make sure they understand all they want to know about their own childhoods when the time comes and it will come. Hopefully god willing they wont be so lost as I was as an adult.Thanks for listening Love yas
-- Edited by kerry5 at 11:03, 2008-01-25
Life can only be understood backwards, But it must be lived forwards
I feel like a wierd bird sometimes when it comes to raising our kids but glad to know I am not alone in this. I can relate to your post in many ways especially getting the critism from AH's parents and my sister or anyone who doesn't like to mind their own business. (: Each family has it's own rhythm and no one else can know the ebb & flow.
Most of my kids don't need me to come down hard on them because they are their own worse critic. I believe having a childhood and priviliges just comes with being a kid - when they mis behave, they might lose some privileges but they don't walk into my world needing to earn the privilege first. I trust my kids to begin with but they can prove me wrong and have to re earn that status.
Also, I listen & talk to my kids so I know if they have had a stressful day and everything is going wrong in their eyes so I might look easy on them if they break something or are snippy - I just understand them. Others can't possibly know what is going on in that kid's head or world..... even their own siblings. So yah, I can look inconsistant but the complaining sibling who's saying "not fair" gets it when I understand their acting out because I understand what is going on in their world.
This also allows me to say I am sorry when I yell too much because it is really about being angry with myself or other things going on in my life and it came out on the kid for being the straw that broke the camel's back.
Dad travels, extended family is out of state and some don't even try to stay in touch or talk to my kids when we visit them, so yeah, I spoil them sometimes but I tell them I am. No one else does but they can't expect it from me all the time so that can look inconsistant too.
When my world is up side down, I am not emotionally available or consistant or mess things up like forgetting to sign papers or late to pick them up - for the most part I do a fine job but I make plenty of mistakes. I am human and it helps my kids learn tolerance which amazes me, and these kids make me more resilent. There are many days that it is the kids that keep me going and the greatest joy & blessing of my life. Makes all the other stuff fade into the background.
Teens are tough but I tell them early that it is my job to drive them crazy so they want to move out and it is their job to drive me crazy, so I will let them. Some days I tell the young teens they are suppose to argue and I forgot, so then I tell them they are doing great at it!!! And my big one is I stop bad behavior but I talk to them later about it. What person, adult or child, likes to get yelled at in front of others? I find if we step away, we can talk rather than yell, this when I am in a good mode, ya know.
I like the honesty in your post and it makes me think. You are a great mom - if you don't believe me, ask your kids. They might give us some places to improve which can be valid or invalid, like give us more candy. It can be a fun family topic.
hugs, ddub, a wierd bird
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
ps- forgot to mention that yeah, I heard fights from my bedroom as a kid and came to my own conclusions that weren't very accurate. I too ask questions like 'do you have any concerns about this or that?' I answer their questions without dumping on them but let them know the facts so they don't make up wrong ones like thinking it was something they did. Parenting for me isn't about controlling kids to be just like me, it's about understanding and civilizing them but letting them be who they are. I am a better person because I have been pushed and pulled into things as a parent that I would have never experienced on my own.
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
Next time someone is making a comment over the way you raise your kids say to them "Never judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes." Only person you have to answer to is yourself and sounds to me like you are being a great Mum. Luv Leo xx