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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My mother called today. That probably tells you everything but that let me elaborate. I am stressed to the max. Work schedual was cut which means not as much money. Ex REFUSES to pay support as he thinks I am rich. LOL! Oh that was just has to make a girl giggle. I am supporting me and 3 kids on 240 a week. Gosh, that's a good one! Rich! Meanwhile, he is living 3 blocks away, bought the new GF a beautiful (from what I hear) engagement ring (after he gave me mine back anonomously). With no kids to think of, according to him NO mental illness, and a WHOLE YEAR of soberity, what could possibly be the excuse for NOT supporting his kids? HHMMMM? Because I won't let him take them? Oh I see. Makes perfect sense. Stupid puke he is.
I hear that the guy that auctioned my dad's stuff isn't going to pay and will probably go bankrupt so we have no recourse there. Which means I will end up having to pay my cousin payments towards what she was supposed to get as the excutrix.
OK, in the grand spectrum of life, what does it all matter? I can't leave my house because everything I see is a trigger. I have panic attacts, I have no one here to help me. I am mad and sad and like I said about ready to lose it. None of this is fair or right.
My mother calls. I have called her 4 times this week but no return call. No big deal, I would like to phase her out of our lives anyway. I was trying to be pretty quick. Let her know that I didn't need her tonight for the kids while I go to my meeting, see how her puppy is, yup kids are ok. She asks me "what went on with that lawyer stuff?" Oh she means me going to court to face my ex and his new GF and admitt that he sexually assulted me on 4 different occassions since last sept.? With no support from anyone? To keep myself and my kids protected from a very dangerous sick man? I guess that is what she means by "that lawyer stuff." I said " it was court." She said something else about money and I explain to her that I can't pay for anything and the situation with the auction guy, and the cousin. She, ofcourse says "Well, we warned you that auction guy is a crook. Who's idea was it anyway to use him?" I say " Look, it really doesn't matter who's idea it was, what matters is today and that I have to figure out this mess." She WILL NOT let it go and insists that she HAS to know who's idea it was to use this guy. I explain again that it doesn't matter. What matters is this guy is a criminal and all I can do is my best to hold him accountable for what he has done (unlike her and how she has never pursued the credit card stuff with my ex because it is so hard, or she has to work or what if,,,,,)She at this point is screaming at me that she HAS to know who's idea it was to use this guy. The thing is, it woulod be of no use to tell her, SHe will not help with anything. It's not like her knowing who's idea it was will magically make her able to do something about the situation. I finally ask her is she is drunk or something (she doesn't drink but Gosh if she isn't an A I don't know who is) At which point she hangs up still muttering about how awful I am and no wonder bad things happen to me......I had a minor meltdown only because I was alone (kids at school) and I could. I am still seething and have a small desire to call her back and engage again. I won't. But honestly, I can't take it anymore. Not from anyone. I am about to snap.
Yesterday, it occured to me that anything that is happening with the ex and all that is minimal. I have my kids, they are alive and here with me. My best friend doesn't have her baby. Would she trade places with me in my situation? I bet in a heartbeat. Would I trade places with her? No. That was yesterday when i didn't have to leave the house. I have to walk thru this village and feel the stares and hatered ( real or imagined ). I have to hold my head up and act as if. Knowing I have no family support and worse that I have been abused and hurt by those that were sworn to care for me and protect me. They didn't and there is nothing I can do to change that. All I can do is get thru and learn and NOT repeat the abuse or the cycle.
Remember, you've got your MIP family, if no one else. You will get through it - one day, one hour, one minute at a time. Hold our head up, because YOU have nothing to be ashamed of. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Serendipity, how is it that you see or feel hatred when you walk through your town? Just curious . . . I live in a "village" too, albeit calling it a village is like calling Charlie Brown's christmas tree a rainforest :D .
I just wonder b/c that is such a harsh feeling to have, that people "hate" you. Why would they? Have you poisoned the water supply? Released baby alligators into the sewer?? Or left an abusive, cruel addict who found himself a chippy and has made time to come over and abuse you again and again??
Where's this hatred coming from anyway?? It's hard to imagine anyone hating you hon, you haven't done anything wrong! If your ex did a smear campaign on you, who's to say he's being believed?
One thing I did DELIBERATELY was to be extremely polite, personable, concerned and otherwise just very normal in my interactions with townsfolk. Just going to the store for soda or to fill my gas tank. I refuse to duck my head and "not talk to people" because of what's happened to me. I've done NOTHING wrong, but give a real jerk of a guy too many chances because I loved him and hoped he'd change.
I hate to see you feeling miserable for no reason . . . and frankly I can't see why unless someone is leaving you nasty notes or egging your car.
Sometimes we hate OURSELVES for putting up the the crap as long as we did . . . I know I did, and as long as I did, I kept my head down and avoided EVERYONE. It was easy to think then that I was the object of pity (which I HATE) or hatred. When I began to forgive myself, to understand myself and work on myself, those thoughts went away.
Yes, its hard to see how anyone could hate you, I think you are great and I know what you mean about phasing people out, I had to do that with my father and step mom or I would have gone nuts, way too complicated for me. Keep your head up, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
(((Serendipity))) Your Subject reminded me of a post I made not too long ago entitled "How much are you willing to take?". Here it is.
What would you do if you knew that there was a Force in the Universe bigger than you are, and bigger than the A's, that ALWAYS equals out any injustice, that ALWAYS balances out the books, that ALWAYS creates what other people bring out and bring upon themselves?
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about "making it right" and that it's all gonna work out all by itself?
By KNOWing that there is an Infinite Equalizer, it takes all of this out of our hands, allows us to not take it personally. You can KNOW, you can Let Go and quit taking it on.
We "take exception", "have had all we can take", "take a dislike", "been taken", "take on other's responsibilities . To "take" is a willfull act.
TAKE 1. To get into one's possession by force, skill, or artifice, especially: To capture physically; seize To seize with authority; confiscate. To kill, snare, or trap To assume for oneself To impose upon oneself
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Hey hun, I know it's a hard time but your mom is just another drop in the bucket. The thing is you can't take other people's ignorance, self absorption, personally! I think just saying I have to go and hanging up is perfectly fine! You don't HAVE to engage in the conversation when you see it going downhill. As for the auction, how is that YOUR responsibility? The executrix is the one responsible for doling out the payments and if the money was lost as a result of someone else's actions I don't know why you would be the one responsible?
As for the evil stares, you have a few choices there. Ignore them, move to a different place and start over, confront them and that's about it. If you don't feel comfortable there, moving might be an option. As for your A and his happy little life just remember he has slept with you how many times since he's been with her? And what kind of wonderful life do you think she has in store with him? The ring isn't the important part, it's the person and love that come with it and when you let go and wish them all the best sincerely you will be relieved! Why? Because you know how that will really turn out and they will both be miserable unless something seriously changes which is unlikely. You don't have to be miserable. You lightened your load and got rid of a HUGE burden! You and your kids are great and healthy and have a good future ahead!
This is the time when you say I have to be the grown up, I have to do what I have to do to take care of them and screw everything and everyone else. You can do anything you set your mind to! I know this great little coastal town in NC that could use a dance studio! I'm sure there are other places all over the US that could! You have to let go of the past and be totally focused on the now and the future in order to move on. Make plans and start putting out the actions to see them through. Even small things. Take a class, look into getting a small business loan, check out other places on the internet, go to school activities for the kids, you can do whatever you choose because you are free now, not only from the A but your mom, you have no serious ties. Your life (which you only get once as far as I know) is what you make it and you can make it great but the first step is letting all that anger and resentment and frustration go!
I remember feeling like this, so full of resentment all alone and scared but it WILL pass! I promise it will.
I can relate very very much. This morning I was just thinking my huge credit card crunch is because for four months this year I made maybe $800 in the month. I had to stand on my head to survive. Then I got a job that paid better in May but didn't get paid for it unitl June. Needless to say the A came back into my life in May and siphoned off lots of money then helping him.
I have had to really work on detaching from what the A does and who he is with. I had a huge fantasy that other people were getting what I did not get. I am sure your A's ring is bought on credit we know where that goes.
I am sorry your mother is not supportive. I had a tremendously diffiuclt time when my mother died. Her estwte was a nightmare. I do understand the frustration.
Well good for you for coming here and being clear about what you are dealing with. We have all our own real real frustrations. I try to break stuff down as best I can into what can I do and then keep taking actions.
Please keep coming back and sharing what's going on. This is such a hugely great place to vent.
One thing I can understand from your post is your mother. My mother is just like her. I had to laugh when you asked her if she had been drinking. I say off the wall things to my mother like that too just to get her goat. My mother can only see the most negative things in life. She was the first person I called when I got my nosed pierced...why??? Because I knew she would hate it. I find it funny at this point and just laugh. I know my mother hates that I am doing well, its like she wants to see me fail just so she has something to talk to her friends about. The one thing I can tell you is to LIVE WELL, nothing will piss your ex off like that, even if you have to fake it till ya make it. All you can do with your ex is fight him for more child support, if you can't afford an attorney call the domestic violence for woman. I think it's ACT. It should be in your phone book. Also, if he's abusing you like you say he is then you need to get a RO, not sure if you already have one. If so, then call the police on him if he comes around.
You KNOW that this new woman will not cut it either with him because he's a "puke" like you say. Give it time, it will crumble too. The sad thing is she will probably hold on to him through bad times just in spite of you. Let's hope she's not that stupid.
You can be happy with just you and those kids. I do it everyday. They are the world to me and all that I need. I know what purpose my ah played in my life and that's giving me these beautiful babies. So he had a purpose and now his purpose is over.
You'll be ok, seek out your HP and grab ahold of him and don't let go until the waters are calm. Trust me on that. You still have us....we are your village too and you don't have to hang your head here. ;) mwah
((((((((((((((((((((Serendipity)))))))))))))))))))), There are no words to take away the walk you are going through right now. Just know we love and support you. Keep venting, we are here to listen and offer the ESH from those who have it and hugs of support.
Yours in recovery, Mandy aka Dolphin123
"We are not punished for our unforgiveness, we are punished by it" Jim Stovall