The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My parakeet, who is very sick, is seeming to be doing better. She is eating and drinking and pooping on her own. For a few days, I had to give her water by hand, and she would eat her treats on my little table beside my computer. But she has this giant hernia behind her butt, and I could tell she wasn't pooping--nothing on paper, and some "divine intervention" just told me what to do. Her hernia was very hard and filled with feces and urine, and several times a day, I had to hold her over the and squeeze the hernia---tons would come out. sorry to be so graphic, but this is my journal and I am writing what I am feeling and what is going on..
I have a very nice neighbor girlfriend, who called her vet for advice and found a speciallist in the area who can do the surgery to remove her hernia, but the exam is $50 and the surgery is discounted to $100.00. The doc wants a good part of that money upfront but I have asked my parents and they cannot or will not help me. I have no money, and even with my checks coming tomorrow, I still have my bills to keep my apt going with rent, phone, elec, water, gas, long distance, etc, plus food and stuff.
In the middle of all this, I have been invited by the same girl (neighbor) to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next week. It seems like everything is coming at me at once, yet I feel the peace of God and His angels surrounding me and my little family.
Regarding the surgery for my birdie, I called my ex-fiancee, who is still my friend, and visits me on occasion, usually when not drunk.
But I have an interferance--his girlfriend, who was a total to me after Charlie said he would do his best to help because he loves the bird. He has seen her hernia and was over a couple of days ago earlier in the week and saw the hernia and said she looks bad. He and I both love Angel--my parakeet, as well as my kitty, Jodie.
His girlfriend called me the other night at midnight, and me out (when I was on the phone with Charlie earlier that evening, I heard her in the background talking about kicking my ). This woman is very troubled, two-faced and very sad. She said in one breath she wanted to be my friend, but hated the fact that she believes I am going behind her back to Charlie for help. In another breath (big one) she said she would come beat me till I didn't have one hair left on my head! She now says I have to go thru her to get to charlie. I say . My phone was getting ready to die cuz it needed to be recharged, and I told her this, but she continued on about this and that.
Needless to say I got very little sleep that night, despite, when my phone thankfully finally died for the night, and I put it back on the charger, I immediately said a prayer for both of them.
Now I don't even want to call over there. A good friend of mine told me to her threats. Another friend--same one I am in her wedding suggested that I report it to the . Part of me would love to see her locked up.
There is a part of me that would love the challenge of her showing up and me "defending myself", and calling cops.
I had told this girlfriend of Charlie's that if she came over here she would be in for a "Major surprise". Left me sooo confused.
Now, today, I am writing about this because I need to get it out.
By the way, she also mentioned I wouldn't get a dime from Charlie unless I gave her the vets name so she can call and verify. She thinks I am lying, and that I want to use the money for "other purposes"--you all probably know what I mean....
In the background of this conversation I heard Charlie saying get off the phone and stop this . I agreed with him. He did come on the phone and say he wants us to resolve this and act our age. I was acting my age. One thing I did do was stoop a little to much to her level by continuing the conversation, when I should have hung up.
I have heard before that we are better off not "shoulding" on ourselves, lol.
Anyway, today I have swept and mopped the house, got cleaned up, and sitting here with my heating pad on my back.
Have dishes to do.
God I just wish I would find some way for the money to come so my poor Angel can have her surgery. I know she is suffering. I hate this.
I wish I knew someone who could help me.
I prayed to God that if he wills her to have the surgery, then I know the money will come from somewhere, and if he wills her to come to him in heaven, then let it be. I left it at that.
I haven't called Charlie's number since that conversation, so I don't know....
I have to go to the docs office to pick up some samples of Rozeram--sleeping med that my ins. wont pay for. My doc helps me out so much by doing this for me.
Anyway, that is all for now
This is HippieTrippieChick Signing Off
Be blessed and have a wonderful day.
Remember God loves you.
One thing that comes to my mind right off here is that you don't have to keep talking to someone who threatens you. You don't have to wait for your phone to die, just hang up.
If Charlie wants to help you he will, you can give HIM the name of the vet. If he doesn't, then he doesn't. She is not in this, at least from your end - she is HIS girlfriend, and he can deal with her.
I personally wouldn't be talking to an ex and especially be asking for money. I would have to agree with the girlfriend. It's not a child, it's a bird. I know your bird means alot to you but he should be left alone if he is in another relationship. I agree with Lin. Find your own way to pay for your birdie and leave those two alone. :) Good luck.