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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
The summer is always such a worl'wind for me. Kids out of school and going back and forth from mom to me... at work, playing with friends... whew, I love having them around and playing, but what a break when they go back to school!
I haven't posted much, cause things have been just beyond hectic. But I have popped in and read as much as I can to try and keep up.
Many things have happened over the summer... if you saw my last post, I spent the past several months with my hp and coming to grips with the fact that my marriage is not going to be the white picket fence affair I was brainwashing myself into believing, and that I wanted more from life.
I am a planner, and a worrier, and a "what if'er" and for the big decissions, I have to be totally on one side of the fence before I can force myself to announce the decission that I have come to. Not at all sure why I am that way, but I always have been... and I accept that.
So... what is the good news you ask?
My wife has reached out to someone close to our family who is in recovery... and is going to meetings. If she is drinking today... I would be supprised, as she sounds so much better. I have prayed for years (literally 6 years or more) that her HP would show her she had the courage in her to do that...
I could not be more happy for her... as even if this is not a long term thing, it is a HUGE step towards saving her life. I believe with all my heart that if she didn't get help, she would die.
So how can there possibly be bad news right..... well...
Remember that little speach about how totally commited I have to be to make those really tough decissions... I am completely sure I still want to divorce. We have hardly spoken while she has been getting help, and I think that has been helpful to her recovery.
Somebody told me once to "... get out of the way and let HP at her" I see the magic of that today. The few times we spoke of more than just the kids and getting ready for school... we went directly to the blame game... all the things I have done to make it impossible for her to stay sober... her slinging "... since you didn't call me before 9:00 I should just go to the store and by some beer"...
I am not in any way saying that anyone should get divorced so their spouse will get sober... Everyone is different.... and this just seemed to have come together this way.
There is that slogan... Make plans, just don't plan the outcome. Works to stave off resentment and to live in the day... I am just supprised I don't feel this sense of relief... that sense of, it's about time now we can get our lives back on track. I just don't feel that at all.
I feel incredible responsability to not screw up her program. Guilt about doing what I have decided is right for me. I can't help it... I still feel it is the right thing for me... and she aware of that.
As you can imagine my emotions are all over the place right now. I have no earthy idea if I am asking any questions here... I guess just writing it down to help me think.
I hope you are doing well and know you are all in my prayers each day.
Take care of you!
"Good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement" - unknown
Boy do I understand your confusion . Should I proceed with the big D word ? Just remember that nothing u say or do will cause her to drink again ,any more than you were responsible for her drinking in the first place . now that she has reached out it will be a choice that she makes . WE have talked often and you always talk about how much u love her , perhaps a little more time before filing will work , keep doing what your doing for yourself leave her to God and AA . I didn't think my husb and I had a hope in hell of repairing the mess we made here , but 19 yrs later I am wrong again . Sobriety is not easy your going to need your program even more now cause we just can't h elp but let that fantacy into our brain , this could be the answer , maybe not . I often hear I jsut want my old spouse back === and I scream inside NO YOU DON"T. for me it had to be diff or it just wasn't going to BE at all . I was not the same and sober he became more than i could imagine or hoped for . So one more time step aside and allow AA to heal her if you can . Only you know what you can live with ,these are just my thoughts . thinking of you Louise
I'm in the confusion penalty box with you two. I'm at the point I don't know what I want for so many different reasons. Can you hear the confusion? So I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I hope I hear that happiness in your voice again soon rtexas. Stay strong. ^i^
I know of what you speak... for me, it took (re)finding my own hopes and dreams. It is MY life that I live... not my wife's, or "our" life... mine, and only mine. Happiness must come from within.
Hang in there, brother, with love, cj
time to stop going to the hardware store to buy bread.
Wow, that is great news. I know what you mean about making the decision and sticking to it. I am now certain that I want to divorce (if only I had the money...) and I have come to the place where I just hope he gets it and survives this. I used to think I would be resentful for all the sticking around I did if he did get sober but now I just hope the best for him and know that we are better apart than together. That was a hard place to come to but in my mind I will never be convinced that he wont use again and I deserve more peace and stability than that. I can't live waiting for the other shoe to drop anymore. Right now he's in prison so hopefully he's clean until he gets out but I realized after being on my own this past year that he is not the person I want to be with. Not that there is one I do LOL but I'm not scared to be alone anymore. I'm not angry or bitter I just enjoy the peace and serenity I have now and I can't be with someone who is controlling and manipulative anymore. I believe that even if he were to clean up for a long run the personality traits, insecurities, paranoid thinking, etc. that I despise would still be there and I know I am a different person now and would not tolerate it anymore.
My you have been busy! I am also very happy for your AW that she reached out for help and is going to meetings. I'll keep her in prayer that she will continue to grow in the program. When I first came into this program I had no idea how things in my life would turn out, I still don't know, but I'm o.k. with that. What I do know is that today is a good day, its not perfect, we still have our issues and still working on them. It has taken me a long time to get off the fence and come to huge realizations about myself,my AH, and my life. I have a much better grasp of what I want and what I don't want.
You have spent a great deal of time being patient with your AW dealing with her disease in ways she was not able to. Grieving is part of loss and sounds like you are grieving for what has been lost and happy for what she has gained and what you have gained. Bittersweet isn't it? I'm happy my AH is sober today, but there is still so many unpleasant aspects about his personality that I don't care for. It's funny because I probably saw those unpleasantries when we were first dating but I turned a blind eye to it, in my codependent mind thinking I could change him. Ha Ha fooled again. So today I'm living with those unpleasantries but not allowing them to steal my joy and peace.
You have done so much work and growing in this program that today you know what you want and what you don't want. I wish you lots of peace and joy.
Hugs, Twinmom~
"The people who don't mind matter and the people who mind, don't matter". (Dr. Seuss)
I have to remember when the "what if's" and "if only's" attack the thoughts of our minds - something that was told to me that I'll share with you - any decision that I make, action that I take or step that I do, doesn't have the power to mess up my HP's plan.
Take comfort in knowing whatever you do, your HP will use it to work out what is best for you in your life.
Wishing you Serenity & Joy, Rita
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -
You know even though we may know the right answer sometimes that decision is so hard to get really comfortable with. When I divorced my husband (not because of he was an alcoholic) I knew I didn't really have a choice, I knew it was the right thing, Hp really gave me a peace about that, but I still felt like I had failed, like I was/should do something else. I would just go back and forth certain that I was doing the right thing, but still feeling a loss. A loss of what I wanted, even though I had never had it--a great loving, give and take, respecting, cherishing marriage. I think we grieve for what we lost and for our loss of a "dream".
Keep plugging away. I am glad your wife is getting help. I hope you find some peace.
I've posted this poem several times over the years and I love it. Hope you do too.
Comes the Dawn
After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats With your head held up and your eyes open, With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child
And you learn to build all your roads On today because tomorrow's ground Is too uncertain for plans, and futures have A way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine Burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate Your own soul, instead of waiting For someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure....
That you really are strong That you really have worth. And you learn and learn.... With every goodbye you learn. by Kara DiGiovanna
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Oh, I know, I so know those feelings of confusion (am i doing the right thing?), the guilt, the emotions all over the place. Had many discussions with alanon friends during that time of indecision and confusion. Never, ever thought I'd divorce mine. I was dealing just fine. Had serenity for the most part. And on those "bad" days I had my alanon family to help me get through and see that "this too shall pass" and tomorrow will be better...and it always was. But on the other hand, what I didn't see was all the things I lacked that actually were important to me. I had made them unimportant. Someone shared in a meeting "why stop at serenity when you can have joyful". That sentence hit me like a ton of bricks. I asked my friends "am I joyful?" (I knew the answer, but wanted to hear it from others.) One told me she'd seen me that way in the alanon chat rooms, and a few times when we were together, but for the most part..the answer was no. Serene, yes... joyful? no. I had thought I could accept my life the way it was... then that veil was ripped from my eyes.
Hubby made the choice to move out during this time, and he also made the choice to seek sobriety. And he has stuck with that. Still sober. He wanted to try and work things out... and what I realized was that, even though he now is doing all I'd ever hoped for, getting sober ya know... I have changed. I have changed a lot. I saw what I hadn't had, what I need in my life to be joyful.. and he can't give that to me. It wasn't just all the "issues" we had, the "behaviorisms", ... there was a real lack of real intimacy. Intimacy... into me u see. Those used to be just words to me... now they are not. Now I know the real meaning and feeling of that. And we all deserve to have that in our life. To have a real and true partner. "why stop at serenity when you can have joyful"
lin0606 had a great reply in the post "lies, lies, lies". Good questions she asked there. Really good ones.
Our new Al-Anon book "Opening our Hearts Transforming our Losses" is also really awesome. I've been reading thru that... get your hands on a copy. It's awesome I tell ya! (Did I mention its awesome? LOL)
Despite the pain and heartache, the grief and grieving, of going through the big divorce question... the good side is that you really have the opportunity to get to know yourself. And the more I see of me, the better I like my life, the freer I feel, the happier I am ... my daughter's boyfriend said to his mom "mom, she's so happy its almost scary!" (haha!) His mom replied "honey, thats how its supposed to be." (Smart lady).
I also want to reiterate... we all deserve to be joyful. I could have made the choice of staying in the marriage and been serene... but would that have been fair to either of us? I would know that I didn't love him as much as I could, as much as maybe someone else might be able to. And I would be denying myself of the joyfulness I knew I could have with someone more compatible, someone who I had real intimacy with. In my case, I know I've made the right choice. I played that song "Shine" from Collective Soul while I was searching for my seemed appropriate... heaven shine your light down on me, give me a sign... good lyrics. I threw the question of "what to do" out there to HP and the universe... and I got my answers. I listened to a friend who said "don't just do something...stand there!"... and I "stood there" until I was sure. It's okay to say "I don't know" until you do know.
It is not our job in life to make anyone else happy at the expense of our own happiness. Happiness is an inside job. (Knowing this helped me with my guilt feelings.) Hubby certainly wasn't concerned with my inner happiness, so why was I so concerned about his? Well actually, ya know, I was concerned, but I based my decision on what was best for both of us and I knew I wasn't the source of his inner happiness or he mine. And he'll see that in time too.
I chose to have serenity and joyfullness in my life. I deserve it. We all do. Some can have that with their A... some can't. Individual choices. And if you Know that you can't... it's okay... I wish you enough.
Love, Kis
Let your light shine in the darkness. "I can't just bring my mind to meetings...I must also bring my heart."
Not much I can add to these good posts (especially Louise's), but I can send you all the love, blessings and prayers I can muster. Enjoy the rest of the summer with the kids. By the way answers come when we are most ready to receive them. You'll know what's right when it's right.
Live strong, Karilynn & Pipers Kitty
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
I, too, had told my A I was going for a divorce a few months ago. But soon after I said it, I found myself doubting myself about the whole thing and just couldn't take the first steps. I had been told once before 'when in doubt, do nothing' . So I put the whole thing on the shelf for now. He just relapsed for the second time this year this past week-end though he'd been going to AA for some time (he's been going sporadically for many years). It was quite upsetting for me and I slipped myself as far as using A Anon tools goes but proceeding with a divorce did not come back into play. I still can't start it. I guess part of me wants his whole to disappear forever but the other part of me is wondering if I can live with him again knowing there's always the possibility he could slip even if he were to stay sober for umpty ump years. So it's really on me to deal with matter and only I.