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Hi everyone. I am new to this sight and new to Al-Anon. My boyfriend is going through cocaine rehab and I don't know what to do to support him. I don't know what to expect. He is through withdraw here at the house and I don't know what to expect. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.
Hi Sportz, I'm new to this group as well, but not to Al-Anon. Have you been to any ftf meetings? This online group is wonderful but my ftf meetings saved my life ~ literally. My program teaches me to keep the focus on myself, because we tend to forget what WE need while we're tending to others. I'm sure people with more experience than me will be along soon. Take care of you ~sonja
golly i just hope it all comes together perfect for you n urs dear one. I am ony able to come here for mtgs and I am grateful for the site.. Welcome aboard! Regards, getoverit
When my brother was going through this the guys at AA told my mom to let him suffer through it because he needs to know what the sickness feels like so that will help him to not want to go back, it makes perfect sense. Make sure he drinks water and eats some soup if he can. Does he have NA (narcotics anon) people that may come over and speak with him? He needs some support from others who have been through it. Good luck. I hope he can make it through. This kind of detox takes months to get it out of your system to not crave so bad. So even if he's clean one month doesn't mean he won't still have that want and need or that taste in his mouth. It's a strong urge. He's in my prayers. Good luck hun.
Welcome to MIP! It's normal to not know what to do for them . . . that's an honest place to start. I would suggest learning all you can about addiction, and a good place to start is in Alanon. Alanon welcomes loved ones of alcoholics and addicts alike. We believe alcoholism and addiction are a disease, both of mind and body. It is a disease that only gets worse over time, unless the addict stops it him/herself and enters a program of recovery.
First for us we need to understand we did not CAUSE the addiction (no matter how often they tell us it's our fault), we cannot CONTROL the using/drinking no matter what (pouring out booze, flushing pills or whatever) and we don't have it in ourselves to CURE it.
What you can do for him is get yourself back on track. I know he's the one with the addiction, but the best support FOR HIM is that you are in a supportive program like Alanon, where you learn about the disease, how to best handle the ups and downs of living with an alcoholic or addict, and in the meantime live with more peace and joy in your life. I know I'm living proof that it works. I couldn't have survived my A on my own.
A good book I'm reading right now (even though my addict and I no longer live together) is "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drew. I wish I had read this book long ago, so easy to read and so practical for all people who suffer along with the alcoholic or addict. I got it for less than a buck on
You're in the right place, don't hesitate to ask questions or get out your feelings here, that's why we're here :) Take care! Kim
my own ESH is that I helped everyone best by dealing with what is up for me. Dealing with someone in rehab is a lot. How are you taking care of you? Where are you putting out your emotions. How are you coping. I think there are many many tools one can learn how to cope better.
The few years I have been here have been immeasurable for me. I have learned to take care of myself. I have also spent a lot of time putiting out how I feel and in that way containing it.
I am so happy to see you "Here"... that you have found the message board! This is a super great tool, wonderful reading and the best es&h ( experience, strength and hope ) can be found. face to face meetings are so helpful for me. I cherish them. I always learn new ways to work the program. And the ppl are wonderful. I am so happy to see you in the online meetings. Hope to see you again there. Just remember the people at the face to face meetings are ...well.... they are "US!" (everyone here) lol.
I also love that Alanon related books are great for anyone living with or having to care for a loved one with any kind of addiction be it alcohol or drugs.
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