The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm working out of town this week, so had the opportunity last night to attend "cake night" at the Treatment Center where my ex-A-wife got sober five years ago.... I hadn't been back there for years, but 'cake night' is a celebration of sobriety, where people come up front and receive their sobriety chips for 3mos, 6mos, 9mos, 1yr, and any full year thereafter. Saw lots of relatively newly sober people, and saw some with many years of sobriety. Their stories are stunningly similar, but it really IS a positive experience, filled with hope and excitement about the future. Right outside the door of the main building (on purpose), there is also a wall plaque, naming patients from this facility who have died as a result of their addictions. That board never ceases to catch my full attention.
The brotherhood and support that the addicts have for each other is quite phemomenal.... Many who come back for their chip, after all these years of sobreity, do so with the sole intention of sharing their stories and hope with the newbies..... The looks on some of the new people, currently residing in the facility, can be downright scary, as most of them are scared out of their wits - equally scared of relapsing AND of sobriety.
What a cool way to spend an evening out of town..... I feel refreshed, and my spirit has been lifted & inspired.
If anyone is interested at looking at their website, this particular "House of Miracles" is called Edgewood, and their web address is This is the facility where I went to the week long "Insite" program as well, and it was like a one week long intensive group therapy session..... It's a private facility, and therefore quite expensive to attend (I was fortunate enough for my work to pay for my ex's treatment stay - over $12,000 at the time) - but their results are quite phenomenal.
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
How fascinating. The A I am involved with is in serious health issues. Some of them are addiction related. there is no question he's not going to make it to 80. At the same time I have my own health issues which are seriously seriously out there because I have not had the time or space to deal with them. I think there are boards for those of us who are codependent too. I just think it is not as clear cut as the A's totally self destructive lifestyle.
In the UK, the Alcoholic gets a birthday party for every year of sobriety. I don't think they do the "chip" thing.. I think it's a nice idea....Lets them see the support that is constantly there for them. Also, as this is an Illness, why not treat someone special when they have achieved something of great importance..
My opinion only..
We don't do anything like that in Al-anon, no party's or anything.... We're just glad to still be
I wish they had a place that beautiful that we could go to get better. i think I could really use a 30 day inpatient codependency center today!! Thank you for sharing - what a special evening you had.
Thank you for sharing this. The website is impressive. The quote from the child on the website's first page, really got to me. What a blessing recovery can be...especially for our children.