The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi all, I's me, Lee Ann. I've been gone for several months. Not gone, just not here -- in the rooms. Not sure why.. just let my life take over and slowly meetings and readings have slipped and so have I. Oh, I've been holding it together... ever feel like that "Incredibles" Elasta-Girl mother?... pulled and stretched in so many different directions at the same time? 'cept with me, I haven't bounced back as nice and neatly as she does.
I know I must be stressed because my hair is falling out. I've had bouts of alopecia areata in times of great stress... and right now, I have 4 bald spots. I've just discovered them in the last few days... which means they came up fast. My autoimmune system isn't working so great in response to the stress I've been carrying.
What amazed me today (as I explained in a previous post about PMS), was that a slogan such as "Easy Does It" pulled me away from a stressful day with my husband. In actuality, since we agreed out loud to take it easy this week, this huge weight lifted off my shoulders. We actually laughed out loud in Walmart; while buying stuff for our beach vacation, I pulled 3 boxes of Insta-Slim in to the cart full of Twinkies and Rice Krsipy Treats (yeah, those are for the kids!). We also played with the kids in the back yard -- throwing water balloons and firing water guns at each other and the kids. We all laughed... no one got mad because the hose was constantly running or the new grass was getting walked on or the dinner dishes were still on the table or that it was 9 before our 2 year old got in bed. Gosh, it was such a wonderful feeling to feel good!!! And it all came from the moment we said, "Easy Does it."
It hasn't been an easy year. I won't go into details... too many to recall... but this experience today reminded me that I NEED these tools and slogans for living. And even though I can handle things, I could handle them better with the tools of al-anon. And handling things with the help of this program and God would be alot easier than handling things my own way. The al-anon steps, traditions, slogans, etc. help me, they help my AH, and they help my family in the long run.
So, thanks, once again, al-anon friends, for being here and sharing your E,S,H... I feel like I have an oxygen mask on after reading some of your posts. warm hugs, Lee Ann
It can be such a relief to let go of the uncontrollables in life. When I start feeling stressed, I pray, meditate, and call someone in the program who is able to pull me back to center myself. Sometimes I will watch funny videos on utube, paint, or focus on something that really requires my attention. This gets the focus off the problem. I love using my God box. When I have a problem, I write it on a piece of paper and place it in a box and tell God that it's too much for me too handle. I let it go. Sometimes I forget to use all of these methods until someone reminds me.
So glad you shared your experience with your family with us. I find the slogans very helpful too. I don't always remember to use them as quickly as I'd like but once I do it just gives me that extra insight and push I need to keep going. Sounds like you guys had a great night together. Keep posting to us.
Peace, Twinmom~
"The people who don't mind matter and the people who mind, don't matter". (Dr. Seuss)
What a touching post!!! It brought tears to my eyes, envisioning the happiness you and your family were feeling! I don't even know you, and I was so happy for you! What an amazing feeling - what got me the most was when you said "dishes still on the table"... when I was young, that was NOT allowed! So just having that sense of "who cares" did it for me. I was actually envisioning my own family throwing water balloons in our back yard! Thanks for the great inspiration - beautiful!!!
Thank you so much for your post. "Easy Does It!" I will have to remember that one. I get so wrapped in my stresses that I forget to have a good time w/my kids. I watch the clock to carefully....everything has to stay on schedule, can't be late for anything. I reckon I just need to learn to sit back and relax.
We are fixin to go to the beach too...middle of July....Myrtle Beach. I cannot wait. It was a gift from my boss for my 10 year anniversary w/the company. I fully plan on taking your slogan with me and repeatingly hourly on my vacation. Thanks for the tip. :)
Thanks for the reminder and good for you on having fun! What an inspiration you are. Laughter is always so good. Glad you were able to dip in and take some for yourself. Keep on coming back and "easy does it!" :) Twinkie
I hope to be able to go to the beach with my dogs over the July 4th holiday. Thanks for reminding me I need to take it easy. I would push myself over the edge....