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As sincere as AH seems to be abt wanting to change, and knowing his alcoholic behavior IS a disease - I still feel many times that I'm being "groomed" or bribed for sex. He will tell me how sorry he, hug me, how much he wants to get better...etc. With the way things have been - I'm so tired of being a yo-yo. I don't want sex anymore - I enjoy it when it's happening, but could care less if I went months without it at this point. I have contemplated not having sex for awhile - the back and forth is driving me nuts. As so many know - it's not just an animal instinct for a woman most of the time - my heart gets pulled in only to be flushed back out as soon as he pulls another stunt. I don't want it, I feel like I need to stop, for me, but at the same time I'm afraid it would be bad for our relationship - I'm not sure what I should do. Any thoughts or advice? =)
This is such a HUGE issue for me w/my AH. I completely understand how you are feeling and what you are going through. I feel like I am whoring myself out to my AH most of the time. It is a horrible feeling. I used to feel a lot worse about it than I do now. I know my AH and I know that if we go any longer than a week w/out doing it, he gets really irritable. He claims it is a stress releaser for him. He doesn't understand that his stress release is an anxiety builder for me. Just knowing that I have to perform just to keep peace in the house is enough to drive me over the edge sometimes. It has become a chore.
Most of the time, I have to set my daughter up w/a movie and a snack in order for us to run off to bedroom for a little bit. She has gotten better about just watching her movie and leaving us alone but she used to knock on the door, cry at the door and just do anything she could to get us out of there. She is a HUGE mommy's girl and couldn't understand why she was locked out. So that added more stress to it....making it an even bigger chore. Geez just do it, get it over with so I can tend to my daughter.....that is what was always going through my head. Now if my kids were already asleep, then the thoughts were to hurry up and get it over w/so I could go to sleep myself.
Other times I used to wonder the whole time who he had been with while he was gone. And even now, when we kiss, I just can't get into it b/c I keep thinking about what he has done to the inside of his mouth when smoking crack. I think about the layers of funk that build up while he does think that he would have to scrape it off w/a toothpick. I only know this b/c of the time a year ago he went to the ER b/c he thought he got a broken toothpick caught in his throat that he was using to do this scraping. It is disgusting. He wants me to get into the kissing....and I just can't .... it really just groses me out now...and I never used to feel that way. He asks me what is wrong sometimes and I just can't bring myself to tell him.
I can tell you that when I cut the sex off completely, it was NOT good for the relationship. Even when I had kicked him out and we were separated, he still came over and acted all sweet to me and the kids and EXPECTED to get sex before he went home. When I refused it, it made him so mad. He HAD to have it is what he would tell me. Like something I used to hear back in highschool from teenage boys.....they NEED it, they will DIE w/out it. BUNK.
I finally had to make a decision.....if he was going to be living w/me and work on staying clean & sober and work on being a good husband, then I had to work on being a good wife and that meant sex. And not just when he initiated it either.....I have to initiate it sometimes just to make him feel like I AM putting forth effort. Of course I find I still think of it as a last week....on Tuesday, I didn't have karate so I figured "go ahead and do it, get it out of the way" that is what I did. Initiated it on Tues. Of course w/my AH it is like giving an inch and him taking a mile....he wanted it Wed night too and I was tired from karate...thinking this is the reason I gave it to him the night before and now he wants it 2 nights in a row. BLAH.
I think this is something that you have decide what is right for you and your relationship. And I don't exactly believe in talking to my AH about how I am feeling either. I don't figure my feelings would be received very well at all. I know I have touched on them w/him and from just the surface talk, he definately would like the whole gammet of info.
Good luck to you in finding the best solution that will offer you peace of mind, body & soul.
I am so confused when it comes to sex. My ex Ah is a sex addict. Didn't know that till he went to rehab (after 10 years together) and his counslor told me. My attitudes about sex have always been off. I see it and am trying to understand what having a healthy relationship means, including the sex part. So, I don't have any great insight, but I was totally where you are. It's not a joke, or something to be taken lightly.Or swept under the rug. After being with someone else I realized just how incredibly selfish my ex was in the sex department. It was never about me, loving me, expressing our love, or making me feel. It was about his release, his feeling good, his control, his lack of self esteem, his little "ego" LOL! The someone else I was with gave freely of himself without expectation, wanted me to feel safe, loved and good. It was such a foregin experience to me! I had NO clue there was supposed to be a natural give and take. Frankly, it scared me. So, I will keep working on me until I get to a place where I am comfortable with me and I will be able to be comfortable with sex.
this my post from a thread a few weeks ago -- if you go back and read the thread Intamacy issues", perhaps you could find some helpful ESH. I would also like to say that - it is okay to feel these feelings, yet I would encourage you to share them with your A. (if there is ability to communicate) Open and honest communication never hurt anyone, and usually makes for understanding.
with love, cj
RE: Intimacy issues I was thinking I didn't want to participate in this conversation, but I thought a guy's perspective might be helpful, also.
My perspective is --- nearly the same as yours. My Awife was always "MORE" horny when she was drinking -- at least, while she could still walk. I very much enjoy sex, but making love to what smelled like a nice mix of stale beer and stomach acid did not give me that warm, fuzzy. Through all the chaos and destruction the disease has caused, I began to assimilate all of those bad times to the times when she was sober, friendly, and willing. I sometimes did and sometimes didn't make love. as a thirty-ish man, i struggled with those needs. i found myself fantasizing more often, and actually got, ah-hmm, "caught" in the act, by myself, by my wife....(wow, i'm turning red... deja vous from 13yr old land, ehh)... SOOO, yep, it hurt her that i would masterbate. i didn't have the tools to talk to her about why and honestly confront the reasons. "You repulse me" never brought a positive outcome to our day, but living with an active alcoholic rarely had positive outcomes, anyway... so let go, let God - and perhaps laugh at yourself a year or two later!
humbly, yours cj
time to stop going to the hardware store to buy bread.
Whoo! I am so confused! In my relationship with my AH, we are suffering from anger issues (his against me, for something that happened due to my reaction 3 YEARS AGO, stemming from his attitude while drinking). So, to punish me, I guess, he is witholding sex. And all I get is usually a "granny kiss." Well, I may be 53, (he is 50) but, I ain't dead yet. The rejection is killing me. Never been in this position before, always it was me who wanted away from the guys! In my view, if a person witholds from their spouse, it is torture. At least for me. I miss my husband. I have never cheated on him, and hope I never will, but it sure makes it difficult. Hope you find the ESH you are looking for, I just realized I'm not the one to answer, and I should maybe just delete this post, but what the heck. I'm just being honest. Love in Recovery, Becky1
I have talked to him about it, he seems to get it, but expects me to feel "back to normal" in a day or so. I might should mention that twice, when he's been drunk, he's tried to force me [nearly impossible due to his malfunctions that occur when he drinks/ (or uses?) too much] and when I'd tried to talk him out of it he'd end up very angry, then hit me. Now this is not a problem now, bc I won't allow him here drunk anymore (I am able enforce this one - w/ my parents backing me up). But I know it's a big reason I feel this way - and though I know it won't happen again, I still don't know how to get past it.
This is always an important subject in regard to the disease and recovery. I am a male and the postings and feedback from females on this subject have always been so very informative for me, increasing my awareness, changing my attitudes and behaviors. I have learned among many things and again from these posts, that love is not sex alone or the most important part of love. Reading how the women here have expressed their thoughts, feelings and reactions makes me sad for all the old attitudes, thoughts and behaviors I have used in regard to sex. Many of the things that were taught to me that my HP allowed to support change initially made me angry just as angry as your mates get when their thoughts and attitudes and behaviors are challenged by your honest input. I was very angry and I was in recovery so that I had to confront those things that I was doing that I thought were working for me and were hurtful, disrespectful and dishonoring to the women in my life.
Some of the responses to your post from the other women widen the picture for me in that others suffer the consequences of my choices sometimes willingly, often times unwillingly and mostly with much concern for their own health and safety.
I actively sought a new definition for love from members of this Family Group and almost always from the women and with that new awareness I have changed some...for the better. Love is not the feeling I get from sexual release. Often times love is releasing my spouse from my sexual needs and attitudes and putting her peace of mind and serenity before my need with grateful acceptance rather than self pity, anger, grumpiness and all the other power and control tricks I used to make them feel guilty, shameful, less-than, anxious and fearful.
I am grateful for the women in Al-Anon and their courage, openess, honesty and willingness to seek justice. Some of the many new philosophies I have learned here from woman are still current in my recovery. " the complete and total acceptance of any other person for exactly who they are"; "Love...cannot exist without some dimension of justice"; "I love you, I like having you with me...but I don't need you." That last one put me in a rage because to me sex was about MY need and it turned my belief upside down. It came from a woman as all the others did. It has arrived at this for me today. Loving is a characteristic of being that happens regardless of what other else is going on between me and others even if that happens to be sexual contact (with my spouse). I learned to love every other human being equally and that sex is a mutual benefit of my commitment to my wife. She agrees and I agree and I love, honor and respect and have consideration for her before, during and after.
Sex is about nerve is about HP's will.
I will continue to apologize as a male for my selfish and self-centered needs and demands before I came into the Al-Anon Family Groups. They caused deep wounds and for that I am most sorry.
Thanks Jerry, I really hope that some day he'll gain some of the perspective you have. I feel so conflicted on this. I feel on the one hand if I do continue the sexual relationship as is, that I am disrespecting myself but that if I don't I'm not being a good wife...grrr this is so frustrating. Detaching, not detaching, detaching, not detaching. I'm a friggin YO-YO
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to CJ and Jerry F for sharing. Mostly women comment on this issue and it is such a pleasure to receive a man' perspective that isn't being said just b/c he is trying to guilt his spouse into sex. I wish all men could gain your perspective. Thank you again for posting. Sincerely, QOD