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Would really appreciate what you all think of this.
My A husband has always had migraines. When he was in recovery he refused to even take an aspirin.
After the brain surgery, the headaches were horribly worse. There was no question he had them as I saw him miserable in his sleep, plus he would change and get pasty white.
He got med for awhile but then we could not find a doctor and he became obstinate about contacting the surgeon/ his doctor at OHSU.
He got pain med from his mother. But when he did not have any he would hunt mine down. I swear he could get into my purse with me looking at him. so sneaky the A.
I had to hide my meds. I rarely took them, as I hate them.I like being aware and not groggy. Lots to do.
He knew since I was a kid that I never finished my meds ever. Even threw them away.
Anyway he would get some, be fine and all happy, and pain free.
In fact many times, just hearing he was getting some, he acted real strange and happy.
Like a hungry dog when you are mixing their food up.
So I decided to experiment. I gave him a handful of pills, he never would expect me to give him narcotics. I would give him a handful of what he got in the hospital. Later, how do you feel, not better...gads
I was sure he was in pain. all the signs. ok so then he gets some from his mom,oh he is all better. hmmmm
So I do it again, same thing. no does not feel better.
What does it mean, heck if i know. I know our minds can do amazing things as far as making placebos work.....but this is the opposite, real stuff that he thinks is not, not working.
What do you guys think? OR do you. lol
It does not really matter. I mean there are so many important posts on our board. Just last night I remembered it,still find it strange.
So we can talk our bodies OUT of narcotics working???
So let me get this straight, you gave him a handful of perfectly good meds, just said "here, no more sneaking", and that didn't work for him. But the pills from his mother were A OK? And we're sure they were the same pills? I know from experience that often times it's alot more fun to acquire the substance than to use the subtance. Pian meds suck, my AH has had a long torrid romantic affair with them.
I'm like a pinch of tea...put me in hot water and see how strong I can be.
An addict is an addict is an addict. No use trying to think the way they think. It's like banging your head against a brick wall! Talk about a headache. OUCH!
Love and blessings to you and all your family at Eden. (yes, that includes the froggies as well!)
Live strong, Karilynn & Pipers Kitty
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
While I worked in the drug rehab, we'd preface giving meds by telling the patient "These will really help you with your withdrawl symptoms", and most of the time they did. The "sensation" the addict is seeking is probably more a product of their expectations than the chemical rx in their brain.
I remember the first few times I drank alcohol wondering what all the hullaballoo was about, especially the next day . . . but once I zero'd in on alcohol getting rid of my unbearable feelings of stress, that's what alcohol did for me! I didn't even have hangovers.
I get relief from stress in other, healthier ways now :) thank God, I can get a real rush of endorphins from getting a project done and the house cleaned up! Never would have happened before. The mind is a powerful determinator of how the body reacts and feels, for sure.
I agree with Karilynn... and addict, is an addict, etc. My children and I have been through an awful lot with my EX A husband becoming addicted to perscription meds (of course in addition to as much alcohol as he could get by with sneaking). So, naturally the thought of an alcoholic having access to pain meds scares me for you. Please keep in mind that I am just describing my own experience here. He could NEVER get enough and he was sooooo good at obtaining it, even when it meant hurting his own wife to get it! He was VERY sneaky and good at it. I was recovering from multiple surgeries and he was eating my pain meds - taking almost all of them - leaving me with next to nothing to control the pain. I did a lot of suffering because of him. It was a nightmare (that's why we are ex's now, unfortunately). It got way out of control. My Ex had been sober for at least 12 years and it was my RX pain meds that got him back off the wagon after all that time. It's been probably about 8 years since all this started. We've been apart now for 4 years. He's been in and out of rehab since we split up and he has lost EVERYTHING (we all lost a lot). He has ruined his life with this problem. So, that's my 2 cents worth about pain medications and addicts. It's bad news! I'm hoping your husband can find an alternative (non-narcotic) method to control his headaches. There are some pretty good ones out there. Best wishes and good luck! I hope it all works out okay.