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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I feel like I am screaming inside... This past weekend was so emotional. My son graduated and I was so proud. I went nearly 2 weeks without seeing my husband and only speaking with him a couple of times only brief conversations. Then BAM- the graduation and he sat right next to me. I cried and cried more !! Then we ended up texting each other until 3am Sunday morning. We both declared our love and how we missed each other. He lives about 15 minutes from our home and it feels like a 1000 miles away. Then Sunday and he came for the party. He was really good, he helped with the party setting up and taking the tables down when it was over. Again, we ended up texting each other how much we love each other and missed each other. Then Monday after my meeting he called and ask me to come by. I had an excuse I had graduation pictures so I went. Well, I gave him the pictures and we ended up in each others arms. Then before I knew it .... Now, I am even more confused than before. I was doing so good... I was sure that I was doing the right thing. I was convinced then he touched me and now I am right back where I started from. I am confused, angry and literally obsessed with what he is doing and who he is with.:( I am so mad at myself.. I cant believe I did this to myself AGAIN !!
I spoke to him today and he is going to a meeting... Then who knows where... ??? I dont know how to do this, I really dont...
Hello Tammy, I read your posting and WOW. I have been there very recently. In January of this year my husband walked out on my children and I with no warning. He had gone back to his using and old ways, gotten with another woman and all I did was cry. I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't function! Then , after a month went by I filed for divorce because he wasn't leaving her for me and we had been together 18 years. The day we went to court for the temporary support, he wouldn't even look at me. ( later I found out from him it was the guilt inside of him ). But, another month went by and the woman went back to her husband still using, my husband lost his company and he ended up back here at home for 3 days before going into an in-patient rehab center. We talked and it was enlightening. But, I was still confused. I felt like second choice and no better than I did the day he walked out on me, us. But I found that going with my instinct is better than winging it or listening to others. I couldn't give up no matter what. I firmly believe God talks to our hearts. If there is still love you feel then follow and trust. That's all we can do. I know the fear of the hurt holds us back, but God can see us through. God Bless you. _jackie_
That flipping of emotions and doubting my decission is my specialty. ;)
I would never say having feelings for your husband is wrong. I would think missing him makes you sane.
One of my defects is to think with my heart. I have a perfectly good head, and I forget to use it sometimes.
I am trying to give myself some time to let the emotions settle... then create a list of pros and cons, or needs vs desires, or whatever will help to give me a black and white picture of facts. Then see if I have enough to decide. If I don't... I decide to wait. Then try it again later.
Sounds like I have it all figured out, huh? I am doing that about 50% of the time now. But Hey, it was like 10%. So I am getting better. LOL
What ever you decide ... we are right there with you!
Take care of you!
"Good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement" - unknown
It is sad knowing you feel so bad. But you know it sounds like ya feel, guity? What makes you feel guilty for wanting to and being close to the person you love?
It is not like he is a serial killer and likes it. He has a horrible disease, he is sick, he is hurting. What person wouldn't want to be with person they loved for so many years?
Maybe it is the fact that you know, yes it feels good now, know so well the disease. Soon it will shock you, yet again and stomp on your heart and your stomach.
I remember it feeling so good, for weeks even, before that for months. then all of a sudden Ya hear, "this f ing house is a dump, I put all my f ing money into it." he was not even there is the dang disease who raises its ugly head again and my heart just breaks. The man I had been loving is gone again.
or being intimate and loving, then nothing. no nothing. no holding hands, no being touched in the kitchen, no nice words.
Pain, pain, pain.
For me, I finally got the most horrible pain i can remember in my life. He was in jail all last summer. i did not plan to see him. I had to have him sign poa for me. He thought they were divorce papers. i must have scared him to death. He asked me to come back. so I did a few times. Each time he was cleaner. He was back on program, I can tell by the talk and action. I felt myself holding back. I had just gotten me ok from him leaving for the last time.
Then I let go, I gave him my trust again, I allowed myself to believe, from his assurance and love letters, that we could make it. Said we had been thru worse and gotten thru.
He felt strong in his program, he was going straight to AA again.
I felt sooo good. had not seen my real husband for years. Felt loved, did not feel alone, was really wonderful.
He got out, did not call, found him in this old sluts apt. him opening the door and saying,"what are you doing here?"
It was not my husband. It was the evil disease walking. I won't go into anymore detail but it almost let me kill myself.
I do not know how i got back home thirty min. away.
In a week or so, I met up with him at his PO. Still the evil disease. tore me up again.
SO when the pain was so bad, so dealing death to me, and pain and horror and reality, now when I think about going to him or seeing him or talking to him, my stomach hurts. I BELIEVE it is too painful to have anything to do with him.
I finally learned that to know something is a step to believing it.
People know smoking is bad,no question, they will cont. to smoke until they believe it is bad.
I know drinking is bad, until they believe it, they won't get help.
I know seeing him is bad for me, now I BELIEVE IT.
HUGS take what you want, leave the rest...much love,debilyn
Scream away if you need to girl - but please no "Tammy Bashing" -
Like the program talks about "One Day at a Time" - I try to take the time that I spend with the A's in my life as this Today, I can enjoy your company, today you aren't drinking/using - today I can enjoy the "you" that I love. Today is a "good" day. I will allow myself the enjoyment of this day.
Now, if tomorrow, the disease calls any of my A's back to their addiction or unhealthy behaviors, I Will be sad, but I will try to remember I enjoyed yesterday, but I also LOVE MYSELF enough to step back away from the active part of the disease. I know that I can distance myself from the insanity - Let Go & Let God - and continually remind myself - it's not about me - it's about their disease.
At this point in time in my life, I am ok doing this - I know there is a good possibility that I may change my mind. I may realize that the back and forth doesn't work for me anymore. When or if it does, then I will trust that my HP will give me the tools to do what I need to do. I try really hard to not beat myself up about - even if others don't agree with my choices. It's not their choice - It's MINE. If I'm ok with it today, good - if not then I'll start looking for the path to change it. No "Rita Bashing" - I've been bashed enough in my life.
Just what is working for me, Tammy - Hope you are able to find a peace about this for you.
Just for Today, Rita
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -