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Wrote this before the sad came. Reading it again almost made me realize things will be out I go to unload another two yards of shavings....come on over, I have lotsa good food!! nice place to camp...bring your kids and dogs and whoever.....(c:
Well a friend got me a pair of Frizzles! And also 6 Columbian Silkies. (These are small cute chickens)
Frizzles are so cute, black and white. silkies are white with black. Got their area all fenced yesterday. It was a hoot. The silly half grown silkies kept running really fast with these little puffy hats on their heads, then tumbling into a sumersault. Was so funny.
Gads they are cute. Doodle black silkie says he is NOT one of those foofoo birds and does NOT want to be in an area with the likes of "them!" So he hopped out...
Dottie, the small horse is going to a home with a 12 year old. She has been starved before and I have no way to feed her alone. She even kicks at the chickens. I will not have that. It is too bad as other than that she is so good. There is NO way it will work here.
Everyone else big just steps over the occasional goat or pot bellied fig. I have been calling them sweet figs lately. not sure why.
The pots are so spoiled and I love each and every one. I put down 4 yards of shavings so far in my "landscaped" areas surrounded by big rocks. Looks so tidy, such nice potted pig beds...The bright fir shavings all wonderfully lined with black rocks with mounds of blackbeautiful bodies. lol
They love to lay in it in the sun. It actually is not real tidy yet. Seems I start a new project and the rest goes to H. I am moving a fence way back and making it so no one can get to the area in front of the barn they trashed from the mud. No sense in having them their calve deep for me in mud in winter.
Going to throw flower seeds and do my best to make my garden. If I can afford it, going to get my garden mix in. It would be the best soil. With the clayish dirt under be so nice. I want tons of corn for these guys.
I HATED trying to walk in it. I have this irrational fear of getting stuck in mud and drowning in it. weird eh? Musta had someone in my lineage die from mud... Like on Popeye, come in come in or you will catch yer death of mud.
Elgin and Glaesir are in the south pasture munching up a storm. The neighbor rrr the sorta crabby couple, he keeps opening the gate a mile down the row. rrrr let them out yesterday. So I have a lock and it is going on.
He does not realize I am always using it. He will now. Cannot have my beasties walking around tasting everyones flowers, thank goodness it was only HIS irises., oops They sure looked pretty, two monster horses in a bed of purple irises...
Benny the cockatiel is saying baby bird now. gads he is so fat now.I am so so glad he made it. Farnworth is a pig in an angora rabbit suit. What fluff. He lovessss corn.
I wish I could put him with the silkies but was told he can get coccidiosis from them????
Got a pair of Doves. Mom always wanted me to. I did not know they were so friendly. Naturally tame. I have a nice cage I have saved for many years. She is on eggs.thdy seem to be very much in love.
It is soso soothing to hear them coo. Of course she has a bent wing. But can fly. Remind me I said this when their constant coo drives me nuts.
Ratface is getting so feeble but no cancer that I can see. He still eats what I do. mmm spinach linguini with olives, mushrooms, soy sour cream,spegetti sauce and clam sauce...ewwwwww yummers. onion and garlic too.
He loves mozz cheese, lemon cake, apples, grapes, corn.
I tell ya if I did not have ac I could not live in here except at night! tin roofs are HOT. Usually thought the fans are ok. We stay out a long time then come in about 4:30 as we cannot miss AMC. lol then we all fall asleep.
I love it in here, so much. Mac is coming out sunday. I hope that means he will help me work on the addition. I have it all cleared off and ready. He may be able to get the bathroom done at least. or a chunk of it.
Getting tired of the home made bathroom in my barn walkway. Its a bit of a drag when the farm piggies Estersue and Fannie pull my curtain down.... i shower and have my porti podi in there.
I cannot think of anything much cuter than my bunny looking up at me with his mouth a going eating his corn...Farnsworth is my grey Angora house bunny. uses his box perfect but has now gotten a taste for wires so time to put them in pvc....more to do....Not into fried bunny.
OH Benny just wolf whistled!!
He is so fun to have on you. he messes with you and puts his head down for you to groom him. He is a fancy one. all yellowish white with greyish spots and orange cheeks. He is so PROUD of himself now he is wolf whistling up a storm.
lol lol sooo cute.
I was just thinking how it makes me sad that Fannie gets so sad because she wants to be with me on my side. So I was thinking I better put a gate so she can be in the one fourth acre in front with the pottedpigs once in awhile.
If she gets up here by my bunkhouse... she would do so much damage....she will lay her face on the cattle panel with her mouth thru it holding the wire. ole snouty sticking out. So tomorrow I will do that. She pushes the g. pig house over for their food, busts in the chicken area, climbs on everything including my gliders... shoulda named her havoc.
Farm pigs seem to need so much more attention. I do feel they appreciate me more. Or are more into me than food, new hay... lol
My pots are all getting hair again. They all blew their coats and looked like they had mange. I felt like putting up a sign, NO they are not sick or abused, they are blowing their coats!!
I am either in too much pain to type or am outside working until I cannot stand it anymore. Worked till exaustion yesterday. started up back to sit, and thought how I wanted to do this and wanted to do that.....but the bod, no way.
Have yet another load of shavings to empty. they tidy things up so nice. Plus they soften the clay so you can plant in it. I should put some blueberries in....
Have an emergency coming in tomorrow. A pot who has been fed farm pig food, and on pasture with goats and sheep and horses I guess. They said they knew nothing about pots. duh. Her name is piganose. lol she really is cute. but they are renovating their barn and do not have "room" for her. off to auction or me. rrrrrr no room???? gads.
the neighbors just left her. sigh. I tried to explain but they want her gone. We all know how hard it is to have ONE pot, they take up so much ROOM,especially when they are outside.
Anyhooo tis ok. They are a couple hours away. So at least she is not going to be dead.
Ok OK MOM do not look at me now....I did a no no, well it is part of my "volunteer" for Basset Rescue. I look at the shelters etc, if I see one I let tamie the rescue gal know, she goes and breaks them out.
Welllll sigh will send a pic. He does not have a name yet. Saw him sooo sad in the "pound." I put a hold on him if no one else adopted or claimed him. Beautiful ginger and white long eared big footed Basset. Looks to be about 7 or eight. They called him old. My last sweetheart was 16 when I lost her.(Ended up calling him Herbert Hoover after my Gpa. He is the typical stinky, stubborn, slobbering Basset)
Not ONE person called for him. He has major lineage. No question. I know Bassets and this guy is pretty. Also way to long nails, I bet never trimmed for years. hot spots, eye infection. clean ears, bite abcess on face. Pound did NOTHING. Even told me he was in tact. Idiots. I get him home and he is neutered.
so no big deal. flushed his owee on face, cleaned eyes and med. cruex for hot spots.
Just did his nails. OMG typical Basset tried to kill me. lol I put them on their side. put a pillow over their neck. They get so peeee oooooed. BUT they cannot bite me. I clipped them, all turned sideways so long. After he got lemon cake and mozz. cheese. Was all loving too. they are so weird.
I believe they have NO memory. Home? home? what is that, my nose says here and here and there and go there and wander over there.....ah she is on me, she is cutting my toes off, bite it bite it the nasy hand, struggle kick, wal la oh no pressure, lemon cake??? cheese??? what just happened???
duh. lol now he is snoring on his blankets....He loves to wander all around the place, follows me everywhere I LOVE it. the others don't follow me. Sauv and Tav are busy wrestling, tedi is on his back squiggling back and forth grinding mud and dirt into his coat, Gretta is happy mopping all over barking at about anything.
i looked over at sauvy (Great Pyr) and tav and tav is under sauvy and sauvy looks up at me with Tavish's whole ear in his mouth. And a Bassets ear is LOTs.
Feefee is always on her eggs. always. Barlow is busy barlowing out his sounds. The turkeys are so cool. So big but so sweet.
I looked out today, there is Fee standing in the pigs water pan....I have food and water in her nest, a big drawer full of hay and a sheet...I see chickens standing in pans too when it is hot.
She is soo white now too. Still on my dryer, still in the way...(c:
What would life be with out a milkwhite turkey in a drawer on your dryer, a fat old stinky basset in your leather chair, another Basset in your bed keeping it warm, A great pyr taking up the whole room, a rug dog... being a rug... a mop dog under your bed forever scratching up her blanket until it is perfect, a cockatile named benny learning a bunch of new words, parrot who is now alway yelling at Gretta, calling for Lori and demanding to sit on the Cockatiels cage with her butt over your head?
Pigs who sleep in your were going to be flower beds, cats sleeping in your clean cloths, climbing into the warm folded up tarp, big pink farm pigs who always seem to have their mouths open, people coming over laughing and pointing at the animals, goats on your chairs, goats sleeping on your gliders, goats eating the beet pulp you are soaking, llamas too, llamas on your additon floor, llamas looking into your front door, llamas now sleeping on the pig bed shavings too.
Horses whinneeing at ya to feeeed me,every time they see ya, needing to be brushed, wanting to be hugged and rubbed, teeth needing floated,.......
shavings on your newly mopped floor, shavings in your carpet. bunny chewing your mouse cord, bunnies hopping on your clean cloths too,
someone bringing apples and carrots, someones sending donations, sponsoring these wonderful babies...
sigh, I may be alone mate wise, but these guys sure fill a big part of the hole in my heart.
Wow, Debilyn! That just sounds so very cool. What an incredible person you are running that place on your own. The way you write about all of your "babies" is so full of love. I've read your posts and know you've been living thru the pain of this disease but you keep going. I look at my 2 kitties and look forward to having my 2 stinky mutts back and get nervous about how they will all get along. I don't want them to get mad and leave me!!!LOL!!! And there you are taking care of all of them and apperciating all of them individually! You rock, lady! Love your Eden stories....
I've been dying to hear about your animals! All five thousand of them! Thanks so much for posting this, such a joy to read. . .
Animals (and birdies) are so *pure* hearted. Not in a fancy human way, but they live entirely in the moment. They spend their days eating or looking for something to eat, and then they mate and go to bed (well, the chickens do). What an example for us humans. Nourish yourself, keep busy nourishing yourself, mate, and get some rest.
What kind of goaties do you have?? Five of my does have kidded, and now I have NINE adorable itty bitties leaping and hopping and playing. I sit out with them all and lose hours watching Goat TV. Five are bottle babies and I haven't had anything love me like a goat baby, or maybe a gosling.
I'd love to have silkies and frizzle chickens but it's so darn cold here nine months of the year, they don't have enough feathers for our climate. So I have big ole buff orpingtons and rhode island reds, you can't kill 'em with cold.
Don't get me started! I'll forget I'm on an Alanon forum and not a livestock one :D .