The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Went for a ride on my Bicycle Today. Wonderful Ride. i will be feeling it tomorrow. lol. I DO want to say tooo ... i have enjoyed every burn I felt in my muscles and every bit of its been a joy. Ladies bike no speed dials..... just a set of good peddle brakes. nothing fancy. Definitely meet my needs. Doing something for Me. A Good Thing.
It was very nice Today, weather beautiful. sun bright.
After the ride.... I parked my bike in the garage and came inside headed for the kitchen, as i was standing at the fridge to put a bit of ice in my cup something caught me out of the corner of my eye... i looked towards my left and then behind me.. i saw iT ...Oh!. and then a calm. A Beautiful Sight.
It was a Monarch. This beautiful (adult) beautifullll Butterfly that was evidently watching our big ol mutt of a dog who was bout to wag his tail off (knew the water dish was going to get refilled too ... so had followed my into the kitchen.)
I stood there a second thinkin this is funny., what are the odds? SHE was staying right where she was.
This beautiful Butterfly sat on my Shoulder.
.....realsoft andlow,I says.,""what are you doing on my shoulder lil' beauty?"... turned and sat my glass on the cabinet. Looked down and told the dog...,"SHEs got her eyes on You." caught myself gigglin' at the thought of myself thinkin' it could matter.
A butterfuly and a dog.
As i turned to face the door... I said., " I'll take ya back outside..." ..... walked to the sidedoor and out into the backyard.
First thing I noticed (heard) was the birds singing ...more than one song (too) was going on here. lol. ( and saw) butterflies flyin... round in the air. watched these three in a row fluttering madly one behind the other...were they playin follow the leader? so was all yellow,one all white and... last onecould of been a monarch. :)
Anyway, that lil' "Beauty," stayed on my shoulder a good five minutes, it seemd.
I walked around the yard....every lil' bit stopping.
Still there.
Looked at the sky... there were some dark clouds along with the white ones and sun was still bright. may get some rain.. may burn off i thought. turned and
walked a lil' bit more. watched my neighbors mowing their yard.... looking back up over my shoulder... ever so often to see her...(him?., haha.)
Still there. lol.
i stopped and stood still by this ol wood fence. just stood still ... listenin.., as some windchimes were sounding off soft tones...not much wind, just enough. they sang; ding ann eee ann dong ding annnn
I turned I saw., SHE'D moved down onto my arm where i could see her. she was in focus for me. (these ol' eyes of mine. lol.)
Her intense dark black eyes moved lookn' left and right her head cocked up that moment i really felt this Beeeuuutiful Butterfly.. was sayin' "thanks... for the walk. (asspecialamomentinthetimeof mylife) and goodbye" that instant. a moment. i felt it. as a breathe. she turned flew up through the panels and away..... ...
was nice moment.
i felt life rush thru me once i let myself stop and just feelthe moment. i let myself realize that. and stood with it .... feeling the moment.
what a lovely surprise, just for me. i love those moments. (((HP)))....may there be many more, amen.:)
i wanted to share that.
thankyou for loving me and remindin me to walk it to work it and it IS OK to Let Go and Let God.
BEAUTIFUL SPRING its' HERE! Turnin It Over & Gettin' Busy. "good things."
What a beautiful and special time you had with "your" butterfly. It sounds like a wonderful gift from your HP........something to just plain bring you joy. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I loved hearing all about it and felt like I was right there with you in that moment and it felt good. Keep taking such good care of you!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful day with us. I couldn't sleep tonite, so got up to get online, and read your wonderful post. I'm glad I couldn't sleep...
I got my long walk in this morning, and it was sooo nice being outside with HP's amazing beauty. This afternoon, I bought some tomato plants, basil and some other herb seeds to put in the pots tomorrow. I can't wait to eat some fresh-off-the-vine tomatoes and fresh picked herbs! I already have some lemon balm and chives, which came up from last year's plantings (I didn't know some herbs were perennial...), so they are ready to use! Big amounts of each have just popped up. Funny thing is...I left the pots outside my back door all winter long and they made it through the frigid freeze a few weeks back! My rosemary hasn't come back, so I guess I'm going to have to get some more to plant.
Isn't spring just wonderful? The thoughts of summer veggies, fruits and herbs almost makes living with an A (sober) tolerable!
Oh yea, I also got some watermelon seeds to plant...can't wait to eat them in the heat of summer!
I am glad you got another HP moment(s) that told you, "You are special and deserve a miracle from time to time outside of the usual miracles you normally enjoy".
That reminded me of how the butterflies that visit my yard remind me to be fully grateful for all the small very important events in my life and that HP is behind each and every one of them including myself. We are butterflies to newcomers also don't you know.
You reminded me that as fragile as a butterfly is it can still fly thru some pretty strong winds to get where it needs to go. You reminded me of the butterfly poem I heard when I first came into this program and was hurtfully dealing with letting go of and detaching from my alcoholic. Murderous emotions that squeezed my heart so strongly and I needed faith to go ahead wtih the steps and suggestions that would lead to setting her free to have the dignity to decide how she would live her life. Here is what I was given, "If you love something, let it go. If it never comes back it wasn't meant to be. If it does come it forever."
It doesn't take much strength to carry a butterfly and yet a butterfly can carry the weight of the world off of my shoulders.
Thanks for your most wonderful share. My imagination has been happily satisfied.