The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I found this site a few days ago - I was in a really tough place and desperately needed someone to talk to. Yesterday I went into the chat room - I was tearful and over-emotional after a very rough night. Thank you to everyone that was around and just listened to me. I know I left abruptly - I'm so sorry about that - but I had to clear my thoughts.
So, a little about me and where I'm at, if that's okay? If not, please tell me.
First and foremost, I'm a lebsian. That's not all that I am, but I wanted to be upfront about that because it's a big part of my identity. I also suffer with an eating disorder - EDNOS. I display characteristics from both anorexia and bulimia - no-one would know to look at me, I'm a little overweight, but my behaviour and attitudes around food are far from normal. I'm seeing a counsellor at the moment, she's helping me with the eating stuff, and also helping me to come to terms with a very dysfunctional relationship with my mum, and childhood abuse. So I'm recovering. I have good days and bad days.
Now, my A (I think that's the term you use, please correct me if I get any of this wrong). We met last year, and fell pretty much instantly in love. It was sudden, intense and made more complicated by the fact that I live in the UK and she is now in the US. I spent time with her over there and we were making plans for regular trips back and forth, and eventually for us to be together. She's an amazing, intelligent, beautiful person. Back in January of this year though, she ended things between us - basically she said was scared of the distance (and let me be honest, I'm scared of it too). But I guess things only ended between us in name only - we still continued to talk on the phone for hours every day - and we both freely admitted how much we loved each other. She told me to move on though, to get on with my life and find someone to make me happy. I tried to date, have made a bit of a mess of that (that's a whole other story). She has tried to rekindle things with an ex, and that didn't work out for her either.
At the start of February she admitted she was an alcoholic. I knew anyway, the signs were there. She's a self-medicator - doesn't drink to get drunk, instead she drinks to numb her emotions. She admitted that her drinking was the real reason she had called things off between us. After a couple of weeks of trying to get sober alone, she finally started AA meetings and on Friday of last week she got her 30 days sober. I am so proud of her and I do tell her this. She has a great sponsor and is working her steps.
And she loves me.
A couple of weeks ago she asked if she could fly out to see me for a few days. No promises between us, no committments, just a visit to someone that she loves and wants to spend some time with. I said yes, because I love her, because I want to spend some time with her. When we are together, even when we just talk, things are so much easier for both of us, things seem so much more manageable. She said she was coming, gave me the dates so that I could organise my schedule.
Then, last Monday, she hit a really black spell. She was depressed, lying in bed all day, not eating, crying a lot. It affected me really badly. Thankfully she was still going to her meetings and she was still talking to her sponsor, and she stayed sober. But it affected me really badly - I put my needs right behind hers and ended up in a really vulnerable place. I started starving myself, I wasn't sleeping - everything I did was punctuated by anxiety about her. I know this wasn't healthy.
On Friday she got her 30 days. It affected her badly. She said that instead of feeling pride, she felt ashamed. Not ashamed of her sobriety, but ashamed of the fact that for her, sobriety was highlighted rather than something that she could take for granted. She was resentful of people that could have a drink without even thinking about it and without having a problem and angry with herself for feeling that way. She spoke to her sponsor, arranged to spend some time with her that evening.
When she got back she called me and told me that her sponsor was concerned about our relationship taking the focus of her sobriety and that she had to rethink her trip out here. Can I just emphasise that I completely understand that for her, her sobriety HAS to be the absolute priority. I've never questioned that for a second. And I understand her sponsors concerns and I understand that she has to listen to her sponsor. But it plunged me into a horrible space. I felt rejected, and so very hurt. I cried and cried. I didn't try to change her mind, I didn't beg her to come here anyway - I would never do that. Friday night was awful. We talked and cried pretty much all night - I'd only had an hours sleep and I know I wasn't in a very rational place. She was actually incredibly rational. She reassured me of her love for me - in fact she says that with every day that she stays sober she becomes even more clear of just how much she loves me, and how much she wants me in her life - but that can only happen when she is fully sober and can be her sober self. One of the really positive things that we have between us is an ability to really communicate with honesty - especially since she has been working her programme.
So now, two days later. We didn't speak for a lot of yesterday - both of us having external commitments. But we spoke for 6 hours last night about whether or not a trip out here would be good for either of us. She wanted to book a flight, but had told herself that she needed the full weekend to think about it and that she was really going to take the full weekend to think about it. And that she was going to talk to her sponsor some more about it - her sponsor doesn't really know much about our relationship. I really want her to come, but I'm trying really really hard not to get my hopes raised. That's difficult, I'm struggling to tell myself that she really might not come. I know very clearly though that even if she does come, it is just as friends and not as lovers. That's okay with me. We are both hoping that when we're both recovered more, that we might be able to be lovers, even partners, once again - but that's a way off in the future.
So in the meantime, I'm recognising that I need to learn how to protect myself and continue to work on my recovery rather than throw all my energy at her. I need to do that for me. So, I've found this place and tonight I'm going to my first Al-Anon meeting. I'm scared. But it feels like the right thing to do, and I need to do it.
I feel, in many ways, like I'm a fraud and have no right to be here, or to be at the Al-Anon meetings. I don't live with her and we're not lovers or partners. But she is perhaps one of the most significant people in my life and she would say that the same about me. So her drinking affected me - when she drank she broke my heart. And her sobriety - along with all the emotions that evokes in her - affects me too. I can't put my recovery behind hers. Does that mean it's okay for me to be here? For me to come here for support? I hope so, I really do.
This is a journey - for me and for her. Right now, we're journeying side by side. Hopefully, in the future we might be together again, we both really want that but we both know that it has to be taken so slowly. But we might not be together again either.
I guess all I can really do is take each day at a time, and focus on me - that's what I'm trying so hard to do. I hope it's okay that I'm here while I learn to do that.
I think you are in the right place. Alanon is for friends and family of alcoholics. The love you expressed in your post for "your A" was incredible. So many of us lose that love in the throws of this disease. The other great thing about this program is it is for us. For us to heal, and live and find our own serenity no matter what the A decides to do. Keep comming, posting, going to meetings. This program is the best thing I ever did for me. It will help you with your life. Keep comming back!
Yes, englishrose, you are in the right place. If the addiction of another person adversely affects your life, AlAnon can help. After reading and rereading your post, it looks to me like you have mired yourself into a situation that almost promises to have a negative outcome. There is something about your description of your relationship that makes me think, "toxic."
Perhaps in the future you can be partners, but in the meantime...with the whole of the Atlantic Ocean between you, things look a bit grim. Not impossible, mind you. My own A is British; a Yorkshireman precisely, and came to America to marry me. He holds dual citizenship now, so it can happen. But immigration is not easy on either side. Now if you paddle up to Miami in a rickety boat, you are welcomed with open arms. *rolling eyes* But, I digress. That's another story...
Attend your meetings, and glean everything you can from them. Be very, very careful, and please do not toss aside everything in an attempt to make this work. There is so much out there waiting for you. Life should be joyous, and if it is not, something is wrong.
I send you my positive thoughts, energy, and prayers. Take care of yourself, and remember who comes first.
With sincere caring,
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata
Aloha Englishrose!! Welcome to the AFG. This is a very caring family with many awesome recovering members who have the love for you and willingness to share their experience strength and hope (ESH) with you because we care deeply that you survive and learn to love yourself the way we already love you. Most of us who have been around for a while know where you are at and where you have been and lesbian or not we knew what we did and how it affected us and others including the alcoholics in our lives.
Learn to love and nurture yourself the way you do the alcoholic and others and then you will come to understand what being loved by you feels like. If you care more for others than you do for yourself you are out of balance. If loving others causes you to do unhealthy things with's not love, it's probably addiction.
Plan on getting to as many open Al-Anon meetings as you can over the next 90 days. Sit, listen, learn and practice often is what I learned and I found that that was also what the winners in this program did and passed on to others.
You didn't get to your present situation overnight and you will not survive it and reach any solid spiritual recovery overnight either.
So let me offer just a bit of what helped save my soul. Be patient with yourself and don't rush the process. Keep your mind open often and listen to others even the ones who seem less than others. They too have their story and ESH. Be humble and if you don't like that word? it also means teachable. Get a sponsor when you need guideance and mentoring and don't wait too long otherwise you will be trying to do this all by yourself sort of a crazy person trying to lead another crazy person to sanity. Get a Higher Power and ask others for definitions of their HP if you have a problem with it. Read and consider the steps, traditions, slogans and always get as much Al-Anon literature as you can get your hands on. Read that also often. AAAAAnd keep coming back to this family. Every meeting has a chair just for you. Take your seat. Come Home.
You will receive a zillion ((((hugs)))). When you get one? Give three away to other family members.
There's much time to learn many things. Good start!! Your miracle is happening.
You have no right to be here ?? of course u do , you love an alcoholic . That is the only requirment for membership in our wonderful program . WELCOME And don't worry about your sexuality that is no ones business but your own , if any one has a problem with it at f2f meetings suggest that they speak to thier sponsor about it and walk away. I love one linners and I found one here that says== YOUR opinion of me is none of MY business. works for me !!!! good luck and please find meetings for yourself , sobriety is not the answer to all of lifes problems , but it helps . If you plan on a relationship with the alcoholic in your life drinking or not your going to need a program of your own . good luck Louise