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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Found out a few days ago that my husband has pancreatic cancer. I am trying to stay optimistic until we have seen the oncologist (next week) and started some treatment, but the chances are pretty good that he is dying. This is a famously bad cancer, and it has already spread.
I'm finding that there are several things that I am having trouble with right now - I am feeling more than a little overwhelmed.
Although he is sober now, and has been for 4 years, I lived with his active drinking and drugging for nearly 20 years. Even after sobriety, things were not always good - we've had a pretty rocky time of it. I've gotten rid of a lot of resentment, but I'd be a liar if I said it was all gone. And, he is even now not always an easy man to live with - I find I have to use my alanon skills to stay happy and loving. So, we've been going on in this way for a while now, I've been kinda waiting for the kids to be grown and out of the house and then do some thinking about whether I really want to work this hard to stay married. Most of the time we are pretty good, but the deep love I felt for him when we got married has certainly taken some hits. Now this. One good thing about it is that it has clarified my feelings - I find that I really do love him deeply, after all. So now the near future is full of difficult things - helping him get better, if that is possible, and helping him die the best death he can, if it is not.
My husband - the hard part here will be twofold, I think. First, seeing and sharing his pain, grief and fear. Second, the physical realities of sickness - logistics of nursing him, getting him to treatment (we live a long way from tha big hospital) managing the day to day challenges.
My son - he is finishing his last year of high school, and is getting ready to go off to the city to university in the fall. He's been focusing hard on school, on his marks, on scholarships, earning money - he's already been working as hard as he can . He's not the kind of boy to share his feelings, I really worry about helping him through this.
My daughter - much more emotional, much more volatile. My husband's parents both died last fall, and the kids were very close to their grandmother. There has been a lot of unpleasantness about the wills, and this has led to estrangement from my husband's sister - the only aunt on that side that they know well, and her son, the only cousin anywhere near my kids' age. My own father is very elderly, and has gone downhill badly in the last year - my kids are also very close to him, but 'he' is hardly there anymore. My daughter is just recently realizing that her brother, the closest person in the world to her, will be leaving home in 6 months. And now she is facing the loss of her father. She's 15, and her family is disappearing. Her circle of friends has been going through some major changes this last year or so too, and she does not have the rock solid support there that she could have counted on a few years ago.
A dog and a cat. both of whom have various illnesses that mean they can't go into a kennel, but need someone around to give them their shots and pills twice a day.
A job, full of friends and people I care about, where I am really the only person who knows how to do my job. If I need to take large chunks of time off, I will leave them seriously in the lurch.
And way down at the bottom of the list, there's me. Full of wildly conflicted feelings - wild with grief and rage one minute, thinking "well, once he's gone I can..." or "I won't have to..." the next. Everybody looking to me to help them through this.
On the positive side, I have a support system now, better than ever before in my life. My family, my friends, my program. Everyone in our home is more emotionally and spiritually healthy, thanks to alanon and AA, than we have ever been in our lives. Money should not be a problem (thank you, Tommy Douglas - Canadians will understand this reference). My husband has his support sytem too - I will not be expected to be all in all to him. If I can just take it one day at a time, and remember to take care of myself too, I think it is going to be all right. Not good, but all right.
((((Lin)))) I don't really feel like I have many words to offer, but I wanted to thank you for your kindness to me and let you know that I am praying for you and for your family. HP will help you all find a way through this.
I'm so sorry for what you are about to endure. One thing I'd like to ask of you? Please remove yourself from the bottom of your list and put yourself on top. If you attempt to solve everyone elses problems and be everyones caretaker you will wear yourself down to a frazzled nut case. Trust me, I've been there. I was blindsided when my husband was on deaths door. I gotta tell ya it was rough. Perhaps now is a good time to recruit some help for home, train some people at work etc. It's inevitable that you will need time off. Whittle away at what you can to make life easier in the coming month/years. You can't fix or save your daughter for what is coming, but you can talk to her openly and help her prepare. Twice within a month, I had to tell my son (he was 16) that his father may not be alive the next day. Ya know what he said? He hugged me and said "I'm so sorry Mom". Kids are alot stronger then we think. Don't do other peoples worrying for them. It's useless. Unfortunately they will have to find their own way, with your support of course.
Take care of YOU FIRST ok?.
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Oh Lin . . . I need to sit with your post for a while. I'm sorry, for all of you, and I will keep you in daily thoughts and prayers. I wish solace for you and your family. However this turns out remember who is carrying you . . .
Oh sweet one...what a load you have on your plate right now. I'm so sorry to hear this news. You and your family are in my prayers.
On reading your post,before I read any replies,my first reaction was one of " Oh my God" and wanting to reach out and hug you. Nearing the end of the post,I wanted to say " No,NO,sweet one,DON'T put yourself at the bottom of the list.!!"
You MUST be at the TOP of the list to get through this Lin. It's a tough call and you will need a lot of back-up,support,etc.Please don't try and take on everyone else's reactions to this awful news. It's going be hard enough dealing with your own sweet one.
Please,please take care of whatever it takes to make sure YOUR needs are being met. You are an amazingly strong woman ((((Lin)))) and I often look to you and others like you to keep me focused on what I need to be doing. Don't lose the focus on YOU dear,sweet ((Lin))
My prayers and (((((((((BIG HIGS)))))))))))) are on their way.
(((lin))) i agree with placing your name at the top of your list. You have to care for yourself. first. It is not selfish. To take time to keep your own body mind and loving spirit in a healthy place (even if its just breathing and meditation for a few minutes a day) can save your life. help keep your sanity. and definitely help you keep up your health. please make a point to take the time. you will be more able (and more tolerable) to care for others, for your AH. Good one to keep in mind is the word HALT. if your are Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired. iwould take care of those things when i recognized them. i would make appoint to recoginze them. Let us help you to remember to take care of yourself. hehe. [We]
caretaking is very trying. i am so grateful for the help i received from the visiting nurses association. wonderful loving people. very supportive and very needed the last few months of my moms life. with this assistance i was able to find time to rest, eat a good meal, be away from it, take better care of my head~my thoughts~ my inner person.... and i wont forget to mentioin taking care of my responsibilities within my own disfunctional family. lol. i can relate to your being scared andnot knowing what the future is to bring. your a strong lady. an inspiration to me to work my program. i pray you have relief and that HP takes from you those things that are not yours to take on.
"Work your Program. " (lol) Your Worth IT!
your in my prayers that this too shall pass for you very soon. that your AH is better soon too.