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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I thought I'd share with you a story about how great an al-anon friend can be. Last week I had to go to the doctor b/c of back pain--my sober ah wanted me to go on Tues., but I didn't want to overreact, but by Thurs. I could stand it no more--he told me all week, just stay home don't go to work, I kept thinking, no plenty of other people go to work when they don't feel good, etc., so Thurs. I find out I have a kidney infection and have also probably pulled something in my back too--so I'm loaded up with all kinds of meds (which of course I am thinking about where to store them so they don't pose a temptation to sober ah)---anyway so I take the fast-acting pain medication (which I am supposed to take every 6 hours), well 8 1/2 hours later I am itching all over and still very dizzy--I am having an allergic reaction to the medication. I talk to my al-anon friend who is a nurse, she tells me to go ahead and take the anti-inflammatory I have and just go to bed, it should be fine. Well by 11:30 that night--I'm having a little trouble breathing--mind you not terrible time, but then this little wheeze came along too. Well I live out in the middle of nowhere and it takes about 30-40 minutes to get to the hospital--so I was getting worried, that maybe I should go in, in case it got worse. I ask my SOBER ah if he could take me, he answers with if that's what you want--to be stuck in the ER all night (which of course it's not what I want, but I'm a little concerned about what might happen if I don't) so I call my mom-to see if she can come sleep at my house with the kids (we live on the back of their property), my dad doesn't want her to he wants me to wake up my kids and bring them over there, then noone really believes I am having an allergic reaction--my folks keep calling me back to tell me to do things they ask me if it is getting worse--I say "no, it's getting better, I only wanted to stay up all night in a chair or on an uncomfortable ER bed for the fun of it (I was so grown-up about it) all my ah keeps saying is no it's been almost 12 hours, that's all in your head, your just upset b/c you took some pills I've seen a lot of people take a whole lot more than that and they didn't die--to which I respond--I'm not saying I overdosed I am having an allergic reaction--Anyway eventaully after telling my folks who kept making things difficult and my sober ah who kept complaining b/c he had to go to work the next day I told him never mind I would take myself, he says no b/c he would look like the sorriest husband, I said well if you go you'll still look like the sorriest husband b/c you'll be complaining the whole time and trying to make me feel studpid and bad, my husband calls up my friend (his sponsor's wife) and tells her she needs to calm me down I am overreacting--so he hands me the phone, by this time I am crying b/c no one in my family will help me and they wouldn't let me take myself to the hospital so I get on the phone she asks me what's happening, I tell her and at midnight she goes to the store and buys me Benadryl (which I did not have at home, but vow to keep from now on!!) and brings it to me--she lives about 20 min. away from me, then she stayed with me for 1/2 hour, until I was feeling better and the symptoms had gone away, then she came to my house the next day on her lunch break (30 mins. one way for her) to check on me and bring me some new medication the doctor prescribed. So the next day I tried to make my family feel bad for not believing me and helping me, My mom says they want to get her a gift certificate to her favorite place to eat--I tell them--Do you know who she's going to take with her---ME, B/C she loves me unlike some other people! Of course my parents laughed, my sister was rolling the next day when I told the story.
My friend said that my ah would be remorseful in the morning--guess what his prayer was--"Thank you God for not making me get out last night and take her to the hospital b/c she thought she couldn't breathe. Amen." (Oh he was dripping with remorse!!!!)
My wonderful al-anon friend reminded, drugs and alcohol stunt their maturity growth and just remember he is the age of when he first started using.
So to all of my al-anon friends--thank-you!!! It's nice to know you are out there and we can look out for and help each other!!!!!!
So glad that your friend brought the Benadryl. My Mother had some of these same symptoms many yrs ago - went into Anaphylactic (sp??) shock - due to allergic reaction to anti inflamatory medication. She spent several days in ICU. She has to wear a medic alert bracelet & keep a list of her allergies & Benadryl with her at all times. You were right to take this situation seriously. We know our bodies & we know when something isn't right. Good job listening to your body.
Please take care of yourself & hope that your back heals soon.
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -
It is good you have a sense of humor about this. I was in a situation where I had to ask my A b/f to take me to the hospital when pregnant with his child. He gave me such a hard time that I drove myself. I ended up getting put on morphin for a pinched nerve. I was so worried about the baby I never even gave him hell for that. Just another one of those incident's that is sadly burned into my memory.
I hope you are on the mend from your back and kidney problem and am so glad you had an alanon friend close by last night.
I hope you have a speedy recovery. I would have packed up my own babies and taken you. Glad someone took your concerns seriously. Yes, benedryl (liquid) is kept in stock year round in this household. I am allergic to bee stings. When I get stung I am to take a double dose and head to the er. It sure has saved a lot of time IN the hospital. I am so grateful it helped you.