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"Critism is often the sincerest form of flattery. We are all subject to it at times if we do anything at all. When criticism does arise, and before you build up a first rate resentment, think first--who is it that criticizes? What is the motive behind it? Is it constructive or just plain antagonistic? Is it prompted by jelousy or ignorance? Would you do the same thing over again if you had to do it over? What does your conscience say about it?" "No great man escaped having enemies; all the old masters had critics; their adversaries and the early diciples of all new religions were persecuted, stoned and crucified." "If you are criticized, you may possibly be right, but if you are ignored, you know you are wrong."
Oh to think of all the times I craved approval and got criticized! To think of all the times I spent at empty wells seeking love, affection, and acceptance.! To think, quite frankly, that what was really at stake was something that Jim Henson proposed in his writings, summized by his daughter in the post mortem memoir "It's Not Easy Being Green:" Those of us who are at peace with our souls will inherently make uncomfortable those who are not comfortable with theirs, and will recieve derision for it. For those in the process of becoming comfortable with their souls, we will become teachers. For those who already are comfortable with their souls, we will become friends. For those that we cannot help, we will simply have to learn from, as they have so much to teach us in who we are at a deeper level. And Henson believed that his puppets--aka The Muppets--taught HIM this. Not visa versa. This reading is interesting because it co incides directly with where I'm at on my recovery journey. It's also fitting because today is my birthday. My mother called me to sing happy birthday--the day after she wrote a rather scathing email telling me exactly what she thought of me. And for the first time I realized what you all have been re assuring me all along. It's not all about me. It is, however, about growing up. Thank you, all for helping me be able to see that there is great truth in this reading--that criticism, and sometimes imitation, is the most sincerest form of flattery.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIGER!!!!! Hope you a have a great year..
I enjoyed your post and do agree, however I also think that many people that have lived with alcoholism and other abuse tend to take things personally and see criticism where there is none. It's very common. It takes plenty of work to see it.
Take care Christy
-- Edited by Christy at 13:58, 2007-02-23
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Happy Birthday!! This is a very thought provoking post. I agree that those people I've been around that are most comfortable in their own skin baffled me. I admired them and strove to become comfortable in my own skin. I'm not there yet. I think the more life lessons we live through and grow from causes us to become more "salty" on this earth. That salt in our spirit will inevitably be a thorn in someone's side at times, but that is how the learning is passed down. The hardest things for me to hear about myself has been the hardest for me to accept, but if I am to eventually "heal" and grow up to one day be a mature person I have to sit in this uncomfortable place.
You have a great day, Hope you do something nice for you today to celebrate life.
Peace, Twinmom~
"The people who don't mind matter and the people who mind, don't matter". (Dr. Seuss)
Hi, Happy birthday! I am glad you are feeling your outlook is better : ) Here is a fortune cookie fortune I got this year, that I think might relate to what you said: "Wise men learn more from fools than fools from wise men."